
Itsa Bughunt

New member
I learned a new word on these forums today, Tacticool.

Is it intended to be a derogatory term? While I tend toward non-hunting practical arms, I generally shy away from dressing a gun up to look bad-ass. I did however choose a CA39 AK with Magpul furniture just so it didn't look so AK-ish. My intent is mostly to blend in without unnecessarily militarizing the appearance. My CC piece is a snub nose .38 because I can shoot well with it and because it's more politically correct in case I need to use it. I have an M&P .40, but it's a pain to carry and I don't have a lot of practice time with it. In addition, I have a "deer rifle", not a high power sniper rifle. the only difference is in the appearance.
I tend to think of it meaning/intent is based upon how it is used. It could be joking, derogatory, and/or pleasing. I guess the same could be applied to the term BBQ Rig. I like it when they are used as fun terms. They are both better terms than Mall Ninja in my opinion. LOL
It is more used to describe the crowd that spends a ton of money on putting every new accessory possible on their firearm, but doesn't put a dime towards training. When you run your rifle or carbine through a very in depth, intensive training package you start to realize what exactly it is you need on it and what you don't, same goes for the gear on your body.
Once read in an article that the authors definition of Tacticool is a descriptive word for a piece of tactical equipment that has been so overloaded with extra equipment that while it looks cool has lost all of it's original tactical utility and has become functionless in a tactical situation. Personally i tend to agree based on some of the stuff I've seen, but thats just my opinion.
Useless combinations of accessories/equipment is how I look at taticool, simple example, a thousand yard optic and flashlight.
I thought it also applied to the dress/garb of people trying to look 'tacticool'. You know, the military garb or camo with all the molle stuff going on with the tacticool sun glasses, shooting gloves and, of course, their tacticool AR.
I learned a new word on these forums today, Tacticool.

Is it intended to be a derogatory term?

IMHO, it's a lot like the term "redneck". In some context it can be considered derogatory, while some folks brag about being one.

From the Urban Dictionary....

Derived from the word "Tactical".

1. Descriptive word for equipment or clothing that does not have any tactical purpose; but looks cool.
2. A person who is a city dweller; but wishes to look like an warrior or as if they are/were in the armed forces.
3. Appearance that mimics military or martial arts.

Example: Hummer H2 is a very tacticool SUV.
I too have heard it used both ways (a derogatory term and a compliment)... however, I think it tends to have a more negative connotation in general.
I was under the impression that, "tacticool" was a term to describe people who like to play solider, wear digital camo but have little to no real gun skill or even any knowledge of gun safety.
It looks like three magazines - BUT I don't see his shotgun in the photo - only the shotgun shells in the bandoleer (one of two spellings.) :rolleyes:
Tacticool is something which looks cool masquerading as something which is actually useful (tactical).

See a guy at the local range with an AR pistol, tactical chest rig, single point sling, red dot, flash light, and laser who is currently occupied with dumping all of his magazines as quickly as possible into a 10 yard silhouette target? Tacticool. SKS dropped into a Tapco stock with a 40 round detachable magazine and a scope rail which is currently shooting 2 and a half feet high because the owner can no longer see the iron sights through the optics rail? Tacticool. A custom Glock with stippling, extended slide release, slide mounted red dot sight, pic rail mounted laser and 33-round magazine which the user is having trouble keeping on a pie plate at 15 yards? Tacticool.

Tacticool doesn't have to be derogatory. Sometimes you can own it because you just want a gun that's tacticool looking for your own enjoyment. Boyd's even has a stock called the Tacticool stock.
By slapping the "tacticool" label on something, people can easily justify their decision not to buy it. Or not to take it seriously if they do buy it. They often use this label to justify a refusal to get good, professional training in how to use their firearms. This doesn't matter for those who own firearms only as collectibles, or for hunting. But for those who intend to bet their lives on their ability to use the firearm in a moment of life-threatening danger, it's a little silly not to learn how to do that as well and as practically as possible.

Still, people don't like to feel silly. So sometimes they defend their choice not to study and learn by making fun of those who do.


A lot of what looks "tacticool" to the naive shooter is actually just good and practical knowledge that translates well to normal life once it has been learned. Of course, a person has to get a good baseline of knowledge before they can really tell what's practical vs what's just for show.

Amusingly, a lot of "tacticool" fashion choices are practical responses to normal needs in an unfamiliar environment.

Example? Sure! An instructor shows up to teach a class wearing head-to-toe desert tan clothing, including 5.11 Tactical pants with a million pockets. Easy to think that's a 'tacticool', wannabe warrior choice. But you're looking at a guy who pretty much lives on the outdoor range during all his working hours. He needs tough outdoor gear that breathes with the weather. The pockets mean he can just teach the class without running back and forth to the bench all day, while keeping all his spare magazines and other equipment easily to hand. And the color choice? 1) Limited selection from companies that make good, durable outdoor clothes, and 2) Tan colors hide dirt well, which makes it a good choice for anyone who might need to kneel or go prone to shoot during the day and then go out to dinner with students after class.

Me, I teach classes while wearing blue jeans. But I don't fault anyone else for making the practical choice to dress for the range.

Even if it looks tacticool.
