Switching between handgun platforms

I can drive most anything as long as you don't throw me way off with crap that works backward like making me shift with my left or safetys that go up to fire.
James K in post #7 said it well.

Going back into the mist of time, meaning my youth, John Bianchi of holster making fame had also been an LA LEO.

He advised in his excellent Blue Steel and Gunleather that people who carry guns for a living (he meant LEOs but today we have concealed carry for nearly everyone) to stick with one "platform." If you carry a Model 19 all day, he said, then for off duty carry a similar revolver even if it be a J frame.

Nothing wrong with some varying with handguns while playing at the range but truly you should stick with and train, train, train with your carry gun and DON'T vary their "platform," i.e. going from Glock to revolver to 1911 to a squeeze cocker.

Ideally, just let your "platform" for variety be just among 1911 models, or Glocks (striker fired models) or revolvers.
full size single stack .45's and N frame smiths do the trick for me. I'm only 28 but those have been my "go to" platforms ever since I got my ccl.