SURVEY: Home Defense Arsenal


New member
Hi Guys,

I was talking with a very good friend of mine on the telephone and the subject of home defensse equipment came up. So I asked him what he kept to defend his homestead, wife, and three young boys. His bedside arsenal consisted of:

Colt AR-15 submachine gun in 9mm Parabellum
Three spare 32-shot magazines for the Colt
Remington 870 with a 12 1/2 inch barrel and pistol grip
Spare shells for the shotgun
Browning Hi-Power in 9mm with spare mags

As he lives in the sticks of Nebraska I was rather surprised he would keep two class III weapons and a handgun for home defense. Not that I'm being critical...I was just a bit surprised.

Many authorities advocate keeping a wide range of equipment next to the bed. Massad Ayoob even recommends using a police utility belt to keep everything together.

So what do you, the TFL members, have in your home defense kits?

Perhaps we can learn a trick or two from one another, eh?

- Anthony
-Colt Python .357 magnum w/3 speedloaders
-Springfield 1911 - 4 8 round MagPac magazines
-Remington 870 Police model with 7 round tube
-Glock 19 w/2 15round and 1 17 round magazine
-Winchester 94 30-30
-Remington 700 PSS .308
2 P.A.C.A. Level IIIa body armor with Spectra shield Trauma Plates
1 3 D Cell Mag-Lite Flashlight
1 Surefire 6Z Flashlight
I believe it is not just important to have a good home defense equipment, but where you have it. For instance, in the Master Bedroom is my main equipment
High Powered Flash Light
Ka-Bar Knife
Butt end of a Cue Stick
Cellular Phone
Colt 38 Special (above my head)
S&W 625-4, 45 ACP Revolver
Ruger 44 Mag
Remington Shot Gun
A safe with other firearms

Next to my computer where I spend a lot of time
S&W Model 410 S&W 40 Cal
Buck Knife
Flash Light

In the bathroom
a flash light
38 Special

In the living Room
Flash Light
Colt 45 ACP 1911 A1

Next to Reloading Bench
Flash Light
45 ACP
Colt 45 ACP Series 80
Case Knife

Society is safer when the criminal does not know who is armed
i fully trust the police to take care of me should the need arrive. i have no self-defense weapons...

what me worry?
Bedroom: 45 Auto; 12 Ga Beretta Auto riot gun
Kitchen: 9mm Luger P'08
Basement: Colt AR15 SP1

Red Car: S&W model 640 357 Magnum 2 1/8"
White Car: Glock 27 40 S&W; dbl bbl 12 gauge 18" bbls.

Pocket: S&W .38 Special Airweight Centennial

Son of Liberty
Medium-size Chow/Newfie mix
S&W 642, +P Silvertips, two speedloaders
Surefire 6Z
Wolf Ears 1030A

If I need more than that, I'll get the Bushmaster out of the safe....
Yeah, I trust the police to protect me too. Let's see now Home Envasion as my front door is being knocked down, which will I choose 911 or my 45 ACP. The police may be good but they are not that good to be there prior to the assault happening to you and your family. I respect your ideals and your choice of not owning a defense firearm, but I would highly suggest not to put all your trust into the police department, for it will take time for them to arrive. Most robbies are over in a manner of minutes and you and your family could be severely injured and God-Forbid killed in the process. If there were a break-in to my home I would dial 911, inform the Perp I have done so and ask him to vacate my home. I would also inform him I was armed and trained to use the firearm and I would not hesititate to do so in protecting my family and myself. I pray to God that this day will never come, but if it does I pray to God to give the strength and knowledge in making the right decisions at the time.

Society is safer when the criminal does not know who is armed
An old couch to start with.
My 2 (120 & 180lbs) black Great Danes have their own "private" couch and a free run of the place.
2nd, Moss 500a 12ga

Same Shot, Different Day
At hand, always, 1911A1 and 2 spare magazines. If I am dressed the stuff is on my body. If I am not dressed it is REAL close at hand.

Remington 870, extended magazine, close by also. Loaded with #4 buck.

Someplace here is a FAL with a couple of original 30 round magazines, loaded down by 3, for any distant shots required. Or for those hunkered down behind a car or some such.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
ATTICUS, I have slugger beside my bed also, though it's a softball model not the dreaded and feared assault version. :)
Don, I'm sure longhair was just pulling your leg. And, keeping mum.

Boy, some of you guys could invest a lot in firearms if you owned too big a home. ;)
Sheesh!! Boy do I feel naked compared to you guys! I all have (at the ready) is my Glock M17 and my Surefire 6Z flashlight, and I live in Los Angeles! The only people around here who have class III weapons are the gang members. (Fully registered of course)
A highly trained, highly rational LEO friend of mine keeps a gun in almost every room of his house, including the kitchen. Compared with him (and some of the earlier posters in this thread) my home defense "arsenal" is quite modest:

Glock 21 on my side of the bed.
S&W Model 10 on my wife's side of the bed.
Glock 17 at the other end of the house.
Winchester 12-gauge Defender in front hall closet.
A pre-ban Looseyville? What, does it smack the goblin multiple times for each swing?


My turn to tease the BATmen:

Mossberg 500 12-gauge pump to the left of the bed, alternate #00 and #8;
Breda 710 12-gauge auto to the right of the bed, #00;
S&W .357 Magnum, on the nightstand, Cor-Bon 125gr;
Ruger Mk-I .22LR auto, in the medicine cabinet, .22 Quik-Shok;
Buck model 119 between the mattress and box spring;
Short-handled hatchet(!) in the kitchen junk drawer;
and a 20-pound satanic-looking fiercely protective black British Shorthair who takes on (and beats) bigass dawgs.

"We are going to fight. We are going to be hurt.
But in the end, we will stand."
--Roland Deschain
2 125 lb rottweillers,(alarm and first layer)
3 40 lb aussie sheep dogs . if they get past them , i'll think of something.

