Summer's End National Gathering

yorec. The chasing part is easy. It is the catching part that is difficult. :)

I'm sorry about your tendon. That sucks. We don't do anything too athletic though. But if PvtPyle asks if you want to go on a little hike to test some gear, just run away! ;)
As of right now I've got the weekend of the SLC shoot off. If we can excape for that weekend we will be tent camping and bringing our 2 daughters with us (3 & 8) We would arrive sometime Friday afternoon and stay till sometime early afternoon Sunday.

Anybody else bringing their family along??

Is their a campgrond semi close to the range with running water/showers and most important flush potties??

How about kids shoots?? We will bring a .22 rifle and pistol for the munchkins.
The Utah Lake State Park is almost directly across the lake, but that's about an hour's drive from the shoot site. I know that it has all the things you want, though. I think that's the closest developed camping you'll find. Reasonable, too - $12-14 a night, I believe. Do a search on Utah State Parks and you'll find the reservations and info site. Good luck!


Since I'm in SLC most of the time these days, count me and my HK in. Where exactly will this be, and what kind of pistol action do you have planned ?
& none of our 30 or so Colorado members haven't chimed in yet? :confused:

Wot's up wi dat?

Sick of knowing 'bout 3 TFLers by facial recognition & ready to be a Utahn (how is it you guys say that anyway? Gotta have a southern drawl to it ... ;)

Hell, it's only a 14 hour drive - sounds like a time (or two) ...

"Primitive" camping on-site, you said?

Better'n SERE & it's edible (strike that & insert = tasty), I'd say ...
For Promotional Purposes why doesn't everyone change there Signatures to something like mine to spread the word. IF YOU DO IT THEY WILL COME!!;)
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Archer1440, Its real easy to get to.
Take I-15 South to the main Lehi exit and head west through the town. Out the other side you will come to an intersection... Redwood Road. Take a Left. About 10 miles south on Redwood... There will be a sign that says "TFL". We are up the hill from that sign... You'll see some cars parked and stuff but the tents and everything in not visible from down there where the cars park. The 4X4s can go ahead and climb on up the hill with little problem.

I just got rid of the Supra yesterday... and have a Jeep Cherokee 4X4 now just for these events. :D
George, muchas gracias, I live in SLC and I'll be there if I can avoid a tournament in Sacramento I am supposed to shoot with my quieter weapon of choice...

Labgrade, people in Utah are known as "Utawanians" or"Utahweshians" to us Californians, but since my employer transferred me here going on 2 years ago I suppose I better get over it. Besides it is nice to have a ccw from Utah, good reciprocity. I felt a little more secure spending 10 days in Motown last month with Mr. HK under my left armpit... :)
Nice now that Utah honors Wyoming CCW:D

Gives me a better excuse for a Utah road trip than going to Denver :p
Needed to bring this back up to the top. Unfortunately, I have bad news (at least for me). I won't be able to attend as I have commitments with both Scouts (service project - helping to build a new Methodist church) and work (end of summer BBQ at the boss's house). Perhaps I can get down for the wrap up on Sunday. Guess this means no tent-wrassling this time! Sorry guys.

Our schedule is clearing for the 15th and 16th. So, we may be able to make the gathering near Salt Lake City. Is going to be at the same site as the one in May? What time should we arrive on Saturday?


Different and Mrs. Different
I'm thinking that this is going to be a bad weekend for a full fledged Utah get together. The gun show is that day and I know that a lot of people are going to go to that. (we are pretty starved for gun shows around these parts). I'm thinking that for a full fledged gathering we might need to have it on another day.
Boy am I glad to hear that!! Over here in PA things have gotten a little crazy for that weekend. If you guys want to postpone it or move it I'm up for it. If you don't know whats going on check out our PA thread. Were still having a semi gathering but half the people probable won't be coimng. They aren't into Sporting Clays and the 500yd range got blown up:( . Its probable going to be better for most of my guys if we push it ahead 2-3 weeks. I don't know if its going to be too cold though.

Besides Rich Lucibella said he can't come because he's in Africa.

My next available weekend will be 9/29-9/30, then not again until 10/27-10/28. Between Scouts and hunting this fall I'm quite a busy camper - literally!

I looks like I'll have to skip this one too.
I have got ta go to the Gun Show and help a friend pick out a handgun.
Hey... Wait a sec...

GATHERING AT THE GUNSHOW! Same Drill as usual. 2:00 PM SATURDAY at the food place... where they are selling the hot dogs and sodas. For those heading to the Gathering... just head on over to the Gun Show instead. Larry, will see you there?