Summer's End National Gathering

Once we settle ona date I can try to line up the big tents and some more tables again, plus Doug444's we should have a great set up. We need to start spreading the word on this. If you go to another websight please drop it in their "shoots and meets" board!

The more people the better, maybe get a few more class III's out there and really tear up the big rock.

We need to plan out the events a bit better than we have so we can make a couple of fun days out of it. It will help make it worth while for those from other states to drive over and shoot with us.

We could also plan some activities for the kids and other non shooters that may come with the shooter, maybe get a group discount for a good action/progun movie for Saturday night.
Thats the idea with this being a 2 day event...
Whatever movie we feature - it will NOT be Planet of the Apes! ;)

We could make it an over nighter too - Set up regular tents and just camp out.
Lets stick to the two Sept dates. Its a month and a half away so most people should be able to make plans. George- can you put up a banner like the new S.W.A.T banner for this National TFL Gathering??????

I'll ask the people at Water and Wings if we can set up a Grill. I am going to see if I can get some guy I met at the range to bring his 50BMG to the TFL shoot in Sept.

We need someone to run from the PA Cheese Steak Grill, to the Utah Bratwurst Grill, with a torch or something to start the Festivities.
And Release some Doves at the Sporting Clays Field. Well maybe not that;)
To my fellow, dedicated TFL Georgia contigent: how about it? Do we want to meet in Fort Valley, Atlanta, elsewhere in GA, or do we want to try to mix with the SC folks?
<<Son, I love sushi. You should have seen Bob West (fellow Utah TFLer) when I tried to get him to eat some though.>>

Yeah Larry, you tried to gag me with that "bait"

What kinda sushi you guys eat??? Some of that stuff can get pretty Challenging. Crazy Rolls are nuts! (yea yea you have to be crazy to try them)

SodaPop, Are there any Japenese place's out by W&W that have sushi??? I never found one yet! I will ask my friend to look around if they can find one if you dont know.
Can you make Sushi out of Trout???? They have a Pond next to the range. There use to be a Red Lobster not too far from the Range but I don't think it there. We have to come up some kind of group games for each State.
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Spectre, you were reading my mind. TFLers could hold regional or state meets on the same weekend nationally and the following Monday would be an image posting frenzy ... :) I think Fort Valley would be a good place for a GA meet. I need a chance to try out my new digital camera anyway. What d'yall say?

Sept/Oct was when we were going to try it again anyway. Let's doooo it. BTW, FL, AL, TN, SC, etc., TLFers could converge here. Mason-Dixon Line is the cut-off. North of that, you have to go to the PA shoot ...:D:D
Becareful what you wish for SodaPop. Some of us had to serve under the UN for peacekeeping missions in the past :mad:
SodaPop how about a 500yard Clay Pigeon Shoot? I have about 1 case sitting in the garage. I think I will break out the Ruger 10/22 for that, wonder how many it would take to get a "hit" :)
Just one! All them other "warm ups" don't count. :D

Hope you guys get htis thing off the ground. I'm watching and hoping to be able to attend.
yorec - you going to actually show up to one? Man, I had 4 DOZEN brats left over after the last one! We need more help getting them all eaten!

I think I am going to try getting some of our local Utah gun factory guys to come out for the fun too.
TX gathering

I'd be interested in the regional thing. I'd be willing to assist with one in Texas, if others will, too.

Yes, George, eventually I WILL be there. It seems that everytime I plan to show, I end up working. Never failed yet! :(

Well, I fixed them this time! I blew out my Achilles tendon and they tell me I can't work until it's healed! Sometime in October, though I'll be able to do light non-athletic stuff well before. Hopefully a TFL gathering will fit the bill if not too soon, still not getting about too well. Regardless, though, I doubt I can join in the Tent Chasing event for quite some time! :cool: