Summer's End National Gathering

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
The Idea was put forth to hold a National TFL Gathering September 15th and 16th.
Location will be in Utah and probably the same location as the last 2 UT TFL Gatherings.

You guys up for this?:D

Not like I'd go, but you want something in the main mess of interstates.

Someone with some ambition could map out all the committed and extrapolate a central point or state.
Hey now, I asked for Dates - not Locations.
Lets make it a DUAL Gathering... One in PA and One in UT and people can go to the one they want. Okay? Some folks out west can make it to Utah, but PA is too far.

We'll keep it on the 15th and 16th.
Each Gathering take a nice group "Team Photo" and we will take the two images and put them together into one large photo edited group photo!
Crossroads of America

The Motto of the State of Indiana is....The Crossroads of America!!! Sounds like a great place to meet if ya ask me!
Sounds like a good plan to me... I will setup the video link :p

I will make sure that atleast 2 Digital Camera's are at the PA meet also.... :D

Would be really nice if we could get a Mid_western meet going around the same days also (CO maybe)???
Very Cool George!!!! Thanks for putting up the Thread:cool:

Hopefully a few more States will do this and not just Utah and PA. A weekend of TFL Gatherings would be great.
I like SodaPop's idea - set a date and let TFLer's all over meet for local/regional/state shoots. The idea would be to put a lot of lead in the air, regardless of where that air is, eh? Hopefully the dates will work for me.

I'm interested. How far from the nearest airport (not a "chicken run" type please) is the Utah shoot? Is it near SLC? :eek:
Doug, we shoot to an area that is probably about 40 miles to the south of the SLC airport. Let us know if you plan on flying out and we will help arrange stuff for you like transportation or lodging if you are so interested.

Yea, how about it Texas? You guys seem to have the most TFLers. Drizzt, maybe you should try to put one together. Harrass Dennis and Art about it.

Wouldn't it be cool to have like 10 different TFL gatherings that weekend? Just off of the top of my head I know that Utah and Pennsylvania could do it. Georgia seems to be able to put together a good bunch. (Having lived in Alabama in saddens me to see Georgia beat 'Bama at anything ;) )

George, maybe we should put up a thread in General. Get all the other states attention. Then have them come here to have a roll call and organize their shoots.

I do think that every shoot should have some commonality for the sake of TFL togetherness:

1. Blast a watermelon with a 12 ga. up close at the very end.
2. Eat some Bratwurst, or what ever your regional TFL food of choice is. :)
Philly Cheese Steak - oh my aching plugged arteries!

Sushi - not unless it is cooked.

Whatinhell is a "Hoagie" oh you mean Hero.

So much for "Regional" food.

How about some Bratwurst, my vote for official TFL food:D

Soda find out if W & W will let us set up a grill. :D

Geoff Ross
Son, I love sushi. You should have seen Bob West (fellow Utah TFLer) when I tried to get him to eat some though. :)

I think this is a great idea. Have a whole bunch of seperate TFL gatherings on the same day. This should rock.