Suggestion on ceramic/plastic dirks/knives

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As a distributor of MD products, let me interject before this turns into another Internet witch hunt.

As the gun industry has known for a long time, distributors and manufacturers are subject to vicarious liability. We do not like it, nor do we support it. It is simply a sad fact of the litigous state we now live in. Our website states official policies regarding the sale of various items. However, we have yet to turn down sales to any reputable citizen. Have any of you even given Mad Dog or a distributor a call before jumping onto the boycott wagon? Have you been refused sale of knife?

Many times a retailer or manufacturer will post official policies as an additional defense from litigation and also to reserve the right to refuse sale to the gangbanger that comes up to the table at a gun show.

Give us a break and if you really want something, call and see what we're like before drawing conclusions.

Thanks for your time,

Street Smart Professional Equipment
Oh, so I guess Lon Horuchi would be qualified to make such a purchase, but an 18 year old martial artist would not be.
You can't argue with ignorance.Mad Dog knives are some of the best in the world.The wait for some models are Months or Years into the future.When more people learn of the quality and expertise involved in the making of each knife they all will want more than just one.

If you have tried to purchase something from us or MD and have been refused, then maybe you have a valid gripe. We have never turned down a legal sale to an upstanding citizen.

I am surprised no one has mentioned the Mad Dog Frequent flyers. Shame on you Rich and Arnistador! :)
They are superb tools, not brittle and while not cheap, more affordable than the ceramics. They are not great Knives for utility purposes, but as a discrete last ditch protection tool or seatbelt cutter they are superb.
Mad Dog now freely sells it's non-metallic knives w/out metal strips manufactured into them? Outfits like Mad Dog and Spyderco are just like Smith and Wesson.
Wow. The first flamefest in AF/CQC history.

GENTLEMEN, there's no need to insult Kevin and Tim. If you don't like their stuff or policies, don't do business with them. Simple enough?
Darn right if MD doesn't like it he should stop pandering to LEO and Military types only when selling legal items. Personally I can't imagine a ceramic knive doing me any good in a hijacking, but I don't like the attitude displayed IN WRITING on his web site. Just because your employed by a PD or the US military doesn't make you a good guy. Not being employed by them doesn't make you a bad guy either.
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