Sucked into the Glock vortex

Too Wounds,
Yes, I would agree that you are just trolling for an argument. Some say the Glock is ugly, uncomfortable grip angle, and poor sights. One thing the Glock is not is unreliable. Go to another board for false arguments, you are just wasting time of people who know better.
Two Wounds,

That story sounds a little far fetched, the fact that nobody could complete the class firing 50 rounds without a FTF of any kind. You make me feel very lucky because I have put thousands of rounds through my 23, about 1 thousand through my 27 and I have yet to have any failures of any kind, then again I make sure my guns are in tip top shape and cleaned to the gills at all times.

Seriously though, your claims sound a little far fetched to me, and liek said above, Glocks could be acused of alot of things, not being reliable is not one of them.


You owe it to yourself to go get yourself a nice Sidearmor IWB holster for that new Glock, they compliment each other nicely. Sidearmor is a sponcor over at Glock Talk and her holsters are second to none IMHO. Great choice, I predict other Glocks in your future.


[Edited by JMack on 03-29-2001 at 01:20 PM]
SIdeArmor holster...

Thanks for the recommendation. I have been carrying the G19 IWB strong side in one of those inexpensive Uncle Mikes soft holsters and, I have to admit, the G19 is much less comfortable to carry than my Colt CCO in a Milt Sparks Executive Companion. Even though the Glock has no sharp edges to speak of, the butt sure seems to be abrasive through a t-shirt. The Glock just seems to jab in. Perhaps I have the butt riding too high.

Great gun though. Geesh. Really runs like a top with the Speer Gold Dot 124+P.


Does this mean that you may be shopping for a G26 to compliment your 19? Sounds good to me, I have a G27 (26 equivelent in size) to compliment my 23 (19 equivelent) and it is one hell of a carry peice. Honestly, I doubt I will carry anything else for a long time, this just fits the bill for me.

Seriously though, if money is an issue and you dont htink you will be buying another gun for a while you should take a look at any quality holster makers. Remember, a quality holster makes all the difference in the world when carrying, the 19 is very concealable and there really is no nee for you to be uncomfortable while carrying it.

Sidearmors IWB holster was the first IWB I have ever been able to wear comfortably for long periods of time. Honestly, I always stayed away from IWB carry thinking it just want meant for me, then along came Sidearmor and thats that.:)

Also, Mark at makes a very nice belt slide that I use for my G23 from time to time and it rides nice and tight and high on the body which makes it undetectable even under just a T shirt so I would think you would have similar luck with your 19.

Good luck and for gods sake go get a nice holster for that Glock, thats like putting four cheap spare tires on your new 200K dollar Mercedes, just doesnt make sense.:)

Thanks Ricco

I've been seriously considering gettin a conversion barrel. I was thinking of a Federal barrel, but the ones I've seen are pretty cobby, with a lot of machine marks. I'm sure they work fine, but they don't look good. What do the Olympic barrels look like?
I have an olympic 9mm barrel for my G22. Its stainless steel and has the same outer diameter as the .40 barrel but the bore is 9mm. I use G17 mags with it in the G22. Works well.
The Federal barrels are the best value out there right now, they are not as polished as some of the others but they are fully functionable at a very good price. I have a .357sig Federal barrel for my 27 and it works just fine at the $80 I paid for it.

If you want something a little more polished looking it is hard to beat a Barsto barrel, you will pay twice as much as you would for a Federal barrel but from what I hear they are as good as it gets.

Sorry , but I do not believe that a bunch of glocks has ever been built that is that bad. I have 5 and have only had 1 round of bad ammo that caused the gun to stop. When I purchased my 17-c.. I purchased 4000 rounds of ammo at the same time and the glock did not stop once. I simply do not believe your story as plausible. I do not believe that glocks are some holy grail of perfection. I do believe that the darn things work and work and work. I only like the older style frames without grooves, but have managed to get set up with the right frames and won't look back.
Two Wounds

My G17 has NEVER had a one time my wife, son and I all shot it for the same steel match...darn near 500 rounds in less than two hours. I promise that I am not a cleaning fanatic either.

The gun has over 15K down the tube, just as accurate, just as reliable...just can't seem to get drawn into the vortex like the Glock will do for me [for now].;)
Interesting to read Two Wounds story, then think back to the many matches I have attended sponsored by the Glock Sport Shooting Foundation (Glocks only). At Conyers last year there were over 500 shooters, who, if they shot only one category (many shot multiples) fired 110 rounds over the course of fire. That's 55,000 rounds minimum.

If Two Wounds claim is correct, the armorer's table would have been the busiest station at the range. Instead, the poor guy looked like the Maytag repairman... :)