Student Arrested After Cutting Food With Knife

Thanks for the email address. I just wrote the principal:

Dear Sir,

I heard about your school arresting a 10 year old that brought a knife to cut up her lunch.

Since she didn’t threaten anyone, why didn’t you just tell her not to bring it again? A measured response would seem in order here.

Don’t you think that in your position that you can make some independent judgments based on the students age and the situation?

Arresting that girl makes us all look ridiculous and does not make your school safer. The kid who is going to kill someone is still going to bring the knife or gun.
Kids can't take an aspirin to school to help with cramps or pain, yet they want your teenage daughter to be able to get an abortion without parental consent.

Where is the logic here?
My Letter goes like this:

Dear Sir:

I was saddened to read about the story where a 10 year old girl was arrested for bringing a steak knife with her school lunch.

Have we become so paranoid in this society where common sense has completely gone out the window? All reports indicate this girl did not brandish the knife to anyone or present it in a threatening manner. She was just trying to eat. Surely the parents should be notified and some discipline should be made, but arresting a 10 year old for eating lunch? This is clearly a case of overreaction.

These so called "zero tolerance" policies have removed all logic and common sense over what was clearly an innocent mistake by a child. Shame on you and your administration for instituting draconian policies where a child's innocent mistake is made into a criminal matter. I just hope your young children never make any mistakes and wind up in custody!
Man you guys just dont get it, think of the harm that 10 year old girl could have done here. Why she could have cut up everyones lunch and made eating that junk easier......... then onto the pricipals lunch.......who knows where she would have stopped? Or whos lunch she would have cut up next?

Society is so scared we gots folks answereing their doors armed and girls that bring a knofe to cut food get arrested. Face it folks, a whole bunch of folks is plain scared and this is how they handle their fear.......

I used to take a shotgun to school, teacher put it up in her closet, gave it back at end of day, we hunted all the way home. Sure made us proud to put food on our table at the age we were at, grade 4 we was........and dirt poor. Wasnt for rabbits and pheasant we would have starved........
Arresting a little girl cutting food with a steak knive is rediculous.
I was figuring that once they found she wasent a danger and she was just cutting food theyd drop the whole thing.
I know that the sentiment you guys have is sincere, and that you are trying to help this student. I think you're up against more than just a few poorly constructed rules on school behavior.

I don't know if you've seen the commercial, but a fast food company runs a TV ad where an entire office freaks out over a co-worker quietly eating her lunch and cutting it with a knife.

Several months ago I watched in a food court by security for cutting a sandwich with a pocketknife.

I was later told by a friend of my wife who works mall security that she would have detained me for a "concealed weapon."

While it's too bad that a child has to go through this, much of country always attaches the idea of "weapon" to any implement they don't like. Be that a deer rifle or a salad fork.
NO NO NO!!! Forks are pointy and can be used to stab! They should be outlawed too! They can cut their carrots with spoons!
AH! you're right, what was I thinking!?!? They can just use their hands to break it apart. Oh wait a can use hands to punch people! Man, this is a lose-lose situation
lets just face it people....our common senses have been legislated upon and found to be unnecessary by congress....and forthwith we are required by law to surrender senses to the nearest local authority for the purposes of a safer and more readily oppressive government based social structure....thank you for your cooperation.
In regards to the post by The Tourist...
No dang security guard of a mall or store is going to detain me! They will end up going to the dentist! I ain't a thief or criminal and refuse to be treated as one. if my Buck 110 lockback needs to come out of my pocket to cut food, open a package or anything else legal too bad for them! If it were already out and my focus was on my dinner and someone tried to do a "take down" on me I would think I was being attacked and would use that knife on them in a hurry!
In this case it is american government taking the responsibility to self govern ourselves and use prudence in matters such as a child cutting food.

I am guilty of provoking "loss prevention experts" at walmart and similar stores. Many times I realized I was being "tailed" so I go on a "shoplifting spree"... I don't steal nothin' I just grab high ticket items and make it look as if I am but than dip around the next isle and stash it behind other items... Makes the time I wait for my wife to finish shopping go much faster! Quite Fun ya'll oughta try it some time!;)
Knives are an easy target, given their menacing profile and are all too often unfairly restricted. They are the assault rifle of the flatware utensil world. The more insidious weapon is the spoon. Spoons enable you to ingest massive quantities of food in short order. Far more than should. Spoons make you
fat. Spoons cause heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure. Spoons kill. When will we learn. Let's start with our children, make our schools safe. Ban spoons now!
I just thank God someone apprehended her before she attacked the entire school. I mean, just think how much safer her classmates are with her off the streets. I can just see the tot in an orange jumpsuit telling her cell mates how she got pinched. :rolleyes:

The world is now officially upside down.
just to add....apparently good table manners and proper use of your utensils won't "cut the mustard" in our public schools anymore either.
Have there been any news updates to this story?
Did the local authorities just quietly drop it and hope it would go away?
I checked at the website first mentioned here and they don't appear to have an update.



Computers are taking over in schools. No more need to write anythng. No paper wasted and killing trees. Soon all students will have a laptop only at their desks, and be tied together in the classroom wireless network so teacher can watch your work. Then there will be no need for sharp implements like pencils and pens, and they may be banned as weapons and tools used to deface school property. Food in the lunch room may be converted into safe no chew food mush like baby food. Eat thru a straw. We are on the verge of schools looking like some bizarre sci fi scenario in the near future? Future shock?
Computers are taking over in schools. No more need to write anythng. No paper wasted and killing trees. Soon all students will have a laptop only at their desks, and be tied together in the classroom wireless network so teacher can watch your work. Then there will be no need for sharp implements like pencils and pens, and they may be banned as weapons and tools used to deface school property. Food in the lunch room may be converted into safe no chew food mush like baby food. Eat thru a straw. We are on the verge of schools looking like some bizarre sci fi scenario in the near future? Future shock?

Excuse me? Laptops? Let me bash you over the head with mine and see how you fare. Imagine what a desk top computer could do! The problem is that almost anything can be turned into a weapon. If you don't believe me, ask any corrections officers and they will clear that up in a hurry! :eek:
Kinda hard to bash someone with a laptop computer after they have mounted it to the desk.

The kids will have to settle for strangulation with the power cords. Those cords will be great for tying up fellow students and the teacher too. more cords cause all the touchscreens are integrated into the desk top so kids will have to resort to maiming each other with their stylus's's....wait....stylus's's's'....wait....stylus's's's's's's'....ahh, you know, those plastic pencil things's's'....wait....