Student Arrested After Cutting Food With Knife


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Student Arrested After Cutting Food With Knife
10-Year-Old Charged With Possession Of Weapon On School Property

An elementary student in Marion County was arrested Thursday after school officials found her cutting food during lunch with a knife that she brought from home, police said.

The 10-year-old girl, a student at Sunrise Elementary School in Ocala, was charged possession of a weapon on school property, which is a felony.

According to authorities, school employees spotted the girl cutting her food while she was eating lunch and took the steak knife from her.

The girl told sheriff's deputies that she had brought the knife to school on more than one occasion in the past.

Students told officials that the girl did not threaten anyone with the knife.

The girl was arrested and transported to the Juvenile Assessment Center.

Watch Local 6 News for more on this story
Good thing she will get a felony conviction and be put away in juve for years, as I am sure that they saved us from another school massacre with that timely observation.
I am sure glad I got the hell out of central florida... Them kids are deadly there!
I moved up to the rural panhandle... My daughter attends a public school that still deals out swats with a paddle and even though it is illegal they look the other way if a kid has a pocket knife as long as not used to victimize anyone... I am sure that behind the seat of the MAJORITY of pickups is a rifle or shotgun! I have had to pickup my daughter and often times had my 500 in there. What am I supposed to do when I did not expect to have to go there... leave it out on the shoulder of the highway?
Unbelievable!!! I would've expected a little more common sense in rural Ocala but I guess not. How does anybody, in good conscience, charge a 10yr old girl with a felony for bringing a steak knife to school for lunch??? This zero tolerance foolishness is gonna come to a head.
There ain't much rural about ocala nor most of peninsular part of florida any more. I spent 20 years down there and the funny thing is I had move north to get into the south...
I am glad they didn't tack on assault for chopping up her food!
wanna have some fun?.....
Try telling the school administrators...

Sunrise Elementary School 375 Marion Oaks Course Ocala, FL 34473 Phone: (352) 671-6200 Fax: (352) 671-6206 (800) 955-8770 (FRS)

Here's the principal with no principles

Patricia Doles -- Asst Principal

Richard Ruben -- Coordinator

The Leadership Staff Ms. Gillian Davis -- Dean of Discipline

Delores Holcomb -- Guidance Counselor

Ms Karen Ramos-Cedeno Guidance Counselor

Ms Marie Valletta -- Media Specialist
Don't let "Mothers Against Knives" in england hear about this...

Holy crap! I thought you were just joking when you posted that, but it's real! what happens when they ban all knives? Mothers Against Pointy Sticks? Mothers Against Rocks? Mothers against Fists? Mothers Against Strong Words?

wtf is this world coming to?
Juve(sp?) is NOT going to help her if she ends up having to go there. It almost seems that the school is causing more trouble for themselves than if they just left it alone.

Ha, Mothers against knives! thats retarded, a baseball bat, a metal pipe, a heavy stick, or a chain will put somebody down faster than a knife. I wonder if they cook with knives or if they just cut carrots with a fork.
The girl was arrested and transported to the Juvenile Assessment Center

What are they going to assess? That she is smart enough not to waste her recess time sawing on tough food with a school issued spork? That she is smart enough to bring a real table/eating instrument to school because the one she was getting just didn't cut it? (No pun intended)

I would be willing to be that kid is going to have some serious issues with LEO, school authorities and the system in general from now on and I hope that her parents have the means and balls to sue the love of god out of every moron in that mess.

What cop actually was a big enough @#$%head to put the cuffs on a 10 year old girl who was most likely crying and scared because she wanted a better way to eat her crappy school lunch. And people wonder why I have no respect for LEO in general.

When I read stories like this amazes me that my anger doesn't cause cardiac arrest.
How disgustingly stupid. Great idea send a 10 year to juvenile prison for a few years. That'll teach her.........teach her to be a real juvenile delinquent.
I am sorry if it bothers some but it is a mystery why so many people send their kids to public school. We couldn't afford private school but we could afford to sacrifice and live frugally to home school our 4 sons who by the way were allowed to use a knife everyday and never was there an incidence of a knife used for violent purposes at our school.
These reports come up fairly regular. Last year here in indiana a boyscout turned in his pocket knife to his principal after inadvertantly bringing it to school same result more or less, cost the famil;y big bucks legal expenses.
I never have had much respect for teachers and they earn less every time this happens yes I am including all in that do you see any teacher up front defending there students against this bunk. Or from any other bullie for that matter.
Still it teaches a good lesson to the observers. Draw your own conclusion.
While the arrest seems a bit extreme, it is with the law and was one of those things that could have been avoided. How hard is it to not bring a prohibited item to school?
And that is the core of the problem. Why are there even laws like this? Why do you have to prove you weren't going to do something bad when you hadn't done anything wrong? Why does this family now have to prove the child's innocence since she has been presumed guilty. We are criminalizing every day common activities.
The problem with all these preemptive, no tolerance zones and laws is that you are presumed guilty and have to prove your innocence. I must be under the wrong interpretation of the constitution about innocent until proven guilty.
It should come as no surprise that people's respect for laws, judges, courts and LEO's is declining.
What I mean is that we here have no problem with "just because I am caring a gun doesn't make me a criminal" but we justify this action by government by saying "While the arrest seems a bit extreme, it is with the law and was one of those things that could have been avoided. How hard is it to not bring a prohibited item to school?"

Seems this thread should be over in Legal and Political.
While the arrest seems a bit extreme, it is with the law and was one of those things that could have been avoided. How hard is it to not bring a prohibited item to school?

That would include pictures of weapons you know, even those drawn by the student.

This is garbage. There is no concept of "intent" used anymore in assessing charges.
Ha, Mothers against knives! thats retarded, a baseball bat, a metal pipe, a heavy stick, or a chain will put somebody down faster than a knife. I wonder if they cook with knives or if they just cut carrots with a fork.

NO NO NO!!! Forks are pointy and can be used to stab! They should be outlawed too! They can cut their carrots with spoons!

What is this world coming to? I can understand removing a knive from a student and possible suspension but arrest and juvenile detention centers? This is absurd. Why would she need to bring a steak knife though? I think I need to get some more details...
Unbelievable but not suprising. Not all, but the vast majority of "educators" have very little real world understanding. They start school at five years of age, then attend grade school, middle school, high school, college, and maybe some more college. And when they're done, they go right back to the classrooom and finally, to decision making positions. Now you've spent your whole life in a classroom, what do you know about the real world?
When a kid is charged with violence for making the pistol shape with his fingers we have allowed these rules to go too far! I was entirely disgusted to also hear of GIJoe 4inch rifles getting 8 year old kids arrested. Or the girl who didn't like soggy bread so momma would put the bread and other ingredients of a sandwich seperate complete with a butter knife for spreading. She too was arrested and expelled. Heck a teenage girl on her period can't quietly carry Midol to school, she has to go to office or nurse or both and announce in front of adults and possible eaves dropping students that she has period cramps... have them hold her "drugs" and issue them as they see fit!
None of these issues take place at the school my daughter attends even though the same state laws govern the school! The adults in charge can smell poop when it is under their nose and just refuse to play the timid role these other liberal minded school officials play. I have personaly seen the ol'ag teacher borrow a knife from a student... and he returned it closed just as he got it!;)