Striker Fire Models

I have had or currently own most striker fired pistols: Glock, Sig, Ruger and several other brands. If there is a Cadillac it is H&K.
Since bac won't let me sell you a Laugo, the leading striker fired gun on the USPSA circuit appears to be a Sig P320 X5 Legion with "tungsten infused polymer" butt. Maybe not a Cadillac, call it a dragster.
So is a Walther Q5 Match SF an AMG?
pete2 said:
Glock claims perfection, I don't know if there are any MIM in Glocks but there is plenty of plastic and stamped parts. Nothing about a Glock that compares to a good 1911 except that it will send a bullet down range. Kind of like a Glock is a Chevy and the 1911 is a Caddie.

I think a more accurate analogy is that a Glock is like an old Wiley's Jeep, the sucker just runs; with the 1911 being the "Caddie", you'll have ok and amazing ones....
Could be. A friend shoots an XD at USPSA Production. He carries a smaller model.
He competed with a CZ Shadow 2 for about a month and went back to his XD 5.25.
The best striker fired pistol is most probably the H&K P7. This is the squeeze cock pistol that has a trigger that breaks like a glass rod. It was discontinued in 2008 and prices have been climbing steadily.

When it comes to guns that you can fairly reasonably, the Walther PPQ and the H&K VP9 are the ones to beat (bone stock). They still can't compare to a fine single action trigger like a tuned 1911, but they are very usable and probably the best of the striker fired variety.
I like "stock" Glocks. I own and qualify in 3 Calibers. They work (perfectly) everytime. I can pickup ANY factory Glock and qualify with it. I had to switch to a range gun once during qualification when the plastic front sight came off. No problem; they all work the same, perfectly. I put metal night sights on it after that. I believe that uniform perfection is why the dominate LE side arms. I am not aware of any other handgun that is so uniform. You can customize your 1911's all you want. I wont reach for one over an as issued Glock. Walther P99 AS:

..a striker-fired handgun operated as a SA, or decocked into DA for the first shot (6:28 in this video :)).
Skimming this video too quickly can lead to some misunderstandings about the trigger 'modes'.

Maybe the OP knows a good bit about this gun?

Colors? All-black, or the black/olive drab gun demonstrated by "Terribly Tactical" in this video.

At 3:42, the German factory stamps and codes, with the faint "antler" symbol used on guns proofed in Ulm Germany.
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My Kahr K9 wasn't reliable out of the box but it is good now with a few mods like better guide rod and polished chamber. It has a very smooth striker mechanism and shoots way better than it should. Kahr is a bit hit and miss. If you want a home run out of the box, get a CZ SP01 with the decock. It's always ready and you decock it to reset the trigger to double action. It will shoot in single action like a 1911 after the first shot that makes it safer than a 1911 to carry. If you have no CZ's you don't know what you are missing.
+1 on the Walther Q4 Steel Frame. Expensive, yes. IMHO you get what you pay for. Trigger is great as well as accuracy and overall fit and finish.

Regards ---------------
I am, as always, the odd man out. I never wanted to carry a striker fired sidearm for decades. I am ISSUED one, but I am not wild about the Glock, completely on a subjective level - it just doesn't fit my hand well. So it was metal frame hammer fired until I tried a CZ P-10C. I am still carrying my first generation FDE P-10C, and I have NO idea how many rounds have gone down the tube since I picked it up. I usually go shooting every week or every other week, so...I dunno, around 4-5,000 rounds? It's been reliable and awesome, so much I got another one, a P-10S which is stunningly accurate for this fat old man, shoots like a much bigger pistol.
Just my $.02, worth what you paid for it.
Perhaps I have it wrong and there IS a Cadillac of striker fires that I have missed.

I think you have it exactly right. Considering pistols being made today, I don't think there's a "hierarchy" of quality in terms of material, workmanship and finish (no matter how much it costs) available regarding striker-fired pistols that has long been the case with hammer-fired pistols. If I understand you correctly, your question has little to do with how much better Cadillacs perform and handle than Chevrolets; only that you can buy more window dressing if you think it's worth it. That option doesn't exist with striker-fired pistols. There's lots of 1911 "Cadillacs" to choose from but I can't think of a single striker-fired pistol "Pontiac".
I consider the Walther P99AS to be the highest quality striker fired gun I've ever fired.

I'm not crazy about the ergos of the grip or the factory sights, but the build quality, reliabilty, and features (flush decocker) are superb.
Off the shelf is a loose term these days, but I have seen many $2500+ "glock style" pistols offered by semi-custom shops like Zev and Agency.
My choicees are Walther P99as, P99as compact and PPQ with a Springer 911 380 for pocket carry. Love my Walther's.

Sent from my SM-G975U using Tapatalk

"Sootch" operates the P99's decocker at 5:24. He compares the PPQ with the P99 (many of them are all-black, in contrast to his gun).

As much as I Really, Really like my 'new' S&W 6904, 'new' 908, and the CZ PCR, if I could somehow have only One carry gun, it would likely be... :cool:Walther P99 AS :) (and I prefer all-metal guns) . A primary factor is the very proportionate and smooth 'stacking' when pulling the trigger in DA.
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But striker fire seems to be pretty much regarded as all the same despite a wider variety of mechanisms.
Not by me
I’ve found the Steyr and Kahr DA striker triggers to be top shelf by a wide margin
The Kahr trigger is up among those of a fine revolver that’s been tuned
The Steyr isn’t quite in that league but it’s nice and far better than anything else I’ve used
My Kahr K9 wasn't reliable out of the box but it is good now with a few mods like better guide rod and polished chamber.
It is widely known and Kahr fully admits that their pistols need to be “broken in”
They even say right in their manual that it needs something like 200-300 rounds before it will be reliable
Small tolerance firearms are usually that way
Mine have all taken around that count before I started to notice a difference
By around 500 they start to feel like an entirety differs pistol... in a good way