Streamlining Your Firearms "Collection"

I would like to streamline my collection, by adding a Sig 232! Looks to my eye like a very streamlined little ;)pistol!

15 years ago, Dad decided to "streamline" the handgun collection. He got rid of anything not in 9mm, .40 S&W and .45 with my .357 mag being the oddball.

Then the AWB lifted... and we both started buying stuff. and buying stuff. and then he had a russian phase and then he had a "wacky they made a rifle into a pistol phase" and then he got some wheel guns and then he got rid of the wheel gun.

and on and on it goes.

So, with two file cabinets full of ammo and still random ammo cans are floating around.

two calibers is unreasonable. three calibers is just not happening. We are at nine for handguns (although, I guess two of those are technically rifle calibers and a third also does double duty)

Why not? Yes, we have guns for being about our business, but we also have guns for fun and because we like guns and we like to shoot.

I think the streamlining in terms of caliber is something that is a great idea for someone starting out. It's a good way to stay in budget if you need to (which we really do, but we don't, because... BECAUSE) but eventually, you either end up as one of those people that doesn't really have the urge to expand, or you're like me and my Dad... addictive personalities with a lust for firearms and "streamlining" becomes about "how do I fit all this in a single safe? or do I have to buy a new one?"
I am of the belief that I would appreciate having at least one gun in every caliber, but that doesn't necessarily mean I'm going to stock up on mags and ammo for that particular gun. I have a couple oddball calibers that are rarely shot, sometimes only once or twice to ensure that it works. I am primarily concerned with 9mm, .45 ACP, and .223, however, I will eventually own reloading dies for every caliber I have. It doesn't bother me any to have a gun I like, but don't really use that often, sitting in a cabinet waiting for the day I decide to use it. I bought it because I wanted it and had no other way of trying it on, so I ponied up the dough and purchased it knowing I may not use it that much. Sometimes, I think it's okay to just enjoy owning something. I can man handle it all I want when no one else is around so that's good enough for me!
Intentionally, I stay with common calibers (38/357, 9mm and .45) and have stayed away from .380 and .40. So, I guess my collection is streamlined......but I am not making any promise.

I only reload for 38 and 9mm but may soon add .45 --- having only a few calibers simplifies my reloading.
Rifles - I have AR 5.56 and one .223 long gun. I sold the .223 bolt action and replaced it with another AR with Wylde chamber to prevent .223 and 5.56 confusion.
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I am changing my "collection", not downsizing per say, but evolving it to fit my desires.

Due to medical conditions I no longer hunt, so I am selling my hunting rifles one by one, and am purchasing other items with the proceeds.
are others of you working on streamlining their firearms collection?

Not me, I have been known to find a round I don't have and buy a gun and reloading equipment just for fun and giggles.

Same with tools, I often choose projects that require a tool I don't have.

Guns are no different.

I do watch those Hoarder Reality shows every now and again so I don't feel so bad when I look at my shop.
I am actually doing the opposite. I have mostly 9mm's and only one 45 so I am going sell one of the 9's to get another 45(probably an M&P, Sig 320, or Walther PPQ)
Lotta guns . . .

I have 17 guns in the safes. I never thought it was all that many until I read some stats on which states have the most guns. They measure that on a per capita basis and turns out that 17 is more than most. Hmmmmm . . . am I a gun nut? On the other hand if I'd kept every gun I've bought there would be 32 in the safes. Life is good . . . .

Live well, be safe
Prof Young

P.S Those 17 guns cover 22lr, 22 mag, 380 auto, 9mm, 44 mag, 45 colt,
45 auto, 223, 7.62X54r, 410 and 12ga. Six in 22lr. Are we having fun yet?
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Not really.

I would only feel compelled to streamline if I had lots of pointless duplication-----like 2 or 3 of the same gun with different grips, checkering, etc. I also think 5 mags tops are enough. At most, I'd carry 2 double mag pouches and 1 in the gun. I have more AR15 mags than any pistol.

There are certain classic pieces I think of as "foundation" guns, such as the 1911, Hi Power, S&W .357s, Beretta 92, etc. Then there are cult guns thst i love like the HK P7 and P9S, Sig P210, Walther P88. I am drawn to having certain oddball models, but not a matching pack of the same model. There is an exception for the 1911, since it has a billion variations, but there is still a limit for me.
Heck, the OP's opening statement makes me wanna go out and buy a .380 Taurus Curve...
just because I don't have a .380 yet ;)
Gun ownership is kind of a weird personal thing. Some look at it as utilitarian, a tool, an implement they use in their work or for hunting. Others for sport, hunting, different shooting competitions, plinking, and so on. Some collect guns like one might collect art or other valuables. Some are a combination of the above.

I like to shoot, plain and simple. While I have hunted in the past it is not my prime motivation for gun ownership. I like to target shoot, plink (destroying pumpkins or squash that my neighbor doesn't sell is a favorite), and practice for self defense. My sons and step daughters like to shoot too. We do it together at family gatherings.

I like firearms, I like a variety of firearms. Some I buy because they have caught my eye or my imagination. Some I buy in a spur of the moment I have to have this type of thing. Some are well thought out additions to my collection. It just adds to my enjoyment to have numerous choices to shoot. I own single shot, lever action, bolt action, pump, and semi-automatic rifles and shotguns. I own semi-auto, both metal and polymer, and revolver handguns. I own various calibers of all of them. Yes, I do have my primary calibers and firearms that I have more ammunition on hand for, but I can go to the cabinet and get ammo for anything I own and go shoot right now if I wanted to.

Streamlining my collection? Not a chance. I never sell any firearm I have purchased and can't see a time when I would. My sons are eyeing up what I have and have already staked friendly claims on some of them. All I know is I either need a bigger gun safe or to add a second one...and soon!!
Streamline my collection?,,,

Streamline my collection?,,,
I think not.

That would be like having a harem,,,
Where the women all looked exactly alike. :(


Yeah but they will feel different in your hands...

I've got almost 20 guns with wariety of few calibers. A few other I had and sold them.

Now I've got:

AKMSN 7,62 x 39 mm
TOZ-18 .22 LR
CBC M122 .22 LR
IŻ 27 BOCK 12ga
MOSIN OWG 7,62 x 54R mm

CZ 75B 9 x 19 mm
CZ SP-01 9 x 19 mm
MAG 95 9 x 19 mm
CZ 82/83 9 x 18 mm
P-83 9 x 18 mm
CZ 52 7,62 x 25 mm
TT wz. 33 7,62 x 25 mm with .30 cal. markings - the export version
TT wz. 33 "sportowy" .22 LR x 2

And now I'm waiting for:
Luger 22 .22 LR
Norinco 77B 9 x 19 mm
PM wz. 63 RAK 9 x 18 mm