Streamlining Your Firearms "Collection"

Cheapshooter said:
I think it exemplifies the two types of gun owners.
1. Shooters, Collectors, and enthusiasts.
2. People who own a gun or two.

People who own a gun or two usually don't post here. And if they do it's only a couple times.
I don't plan on streamlining anytime soon, but I am becoming more selective about what I add to my collection. I've filled every niche for guns I 'need', now I have to be clear in my mind about exactly why I want to add a new one, and why (or why not) get one now.
I'm a one gun kind of guy. If a gun can do what I want then I don't need another. That being said I now have only one handgun, which does everything I want one remington 870 that does almost everything I want (I need a rifled barrel) and an old mauser that I can't part with.
For me and my uses, it's not so much streamlining the collection, as making it more portable. I'm on my 6th or 7th address in as many years and have gotten tired of packing up the paraphernalia. Luckily I've managed to avoid losing any of the miscellaneous parts and accessories so far...

I've had what I consider my share of different or interesting calibers too. .260 Remington? Check. .45-70? You bet. Something muzzle loading? Been there. .44 Magnum? Oh yeah, definitely checked that one off the list a few times. ;) But now when I'm looking at something I wonder "can I shoot this when my reloading gear is packed up?" So I'm limiting myself to common, pedestrian cartridges that simply get the job done while being widely available and affordable (relatively speaking). At the moment that means 9mm, .38/.357, .223 and anything in a non-magnum .30-caliber rifle. Plus .22LR, which isn't going anywhere in my accumulation. And I still want to add something in .45 ACP, because that's one I haven't personally owned yet and really need to rectify.
Over the years owned a lot of different firearms.
Now into the silver years .
A few calibers is all I need to get by.
22 lr, 32 .acp ,40 s. w. ,357 mag .
40 SW is on my short list to go.

Ya think its time for me? 47 Webleys a yr ago and more since then!


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"I'm a one gun kind of guy. If a gun can do what I want then I don't need another. That being said I now have only one handgun, which does everything I want one remington 870 that does almost everything I want (I need a rifled barrel) and an old mauser that I can't part with."

That's the way I am too although I own a few other randoms. My BHP is my EDC in cooler weather, P938 in summer. Also own the Remington 870 for home defense. The BHP and 870 I have owned for over 15 years easy and shoot extremely well.

My range rents guns for $5 to members so I get to shoot anything I want and I have a enthusiest buddy who has all the guns they don't rent. Shooting a lot of different firearms is a ton of fun but I prefer to focus on being exceptionally good with one or two.
I've got a couple of .22s, a .357/38, a .380, and a 12 gauge. I don't feel a need to keep a stock pile each of these these guns. I've got just a couple boxes for most of them. The only thing I have stock piled is a decent amount of is .22. I have over 1500 rounds of that. I might add a 9mm, .308, or .223 someday soon. I might stock pile a couple of calibers, but I'm not going to hoard it all.

Suppose I had a .44 magnum and a half box of ammo for that. If I kept the gun and the ammo I still more than if I get grid of both. I'd keep the gun unless I imagined no future need for the .44.
I think streamlining is reasonable.

I've found that I hate dealing with obscure Soviet calibers of limited availability.

The recent crop of Bulgarian Makarovs is calling out to me, but I'm just not sure that I want to deal with 9x18.
I've been streamlining (sort of) for a couple years, but not for the same reason as the OP.

I have many handguns in many different calibers (black powder, .380, 9mm, .40S&W, .45ACP, .38spl, .357mag, .45LC) and I will probably add 2-4 more in the near future (.22lr, .44spl and/or .44mag, .327mag, and maybe a .41mag). I have had .32ACP, .22lr and .41mag in the past. I also currently have rifles in .22lr, .30-30, and .223. I plan to add another bolt rifle in 6.5x55, .243, .308 or .270 (I've had a 30-06 and a .223 bolt rifle in the past) and another 12ga to replace the Benelli Nova I sold a couple years ago.

I don't really see consolidating calibers for ammo or mag costs. Why? Because I don't stock up for all of them. I stock up on a few calibers I use most (.38spl, .45ACP, 9mm, .40S&W, .223), and keep a box or two of everything else. Also, even if I did want to keep a supply of each on hand, what is the difference between having 2-3K rounds of one caliber stocked up, vs. having 2-3K rounds divided among several calibers? I don't want to stock a couple thousand of everything, but I will buy in bulk when a caliber I'm low on is on sale and will end up with about the same number of rounds at a time whether I own one caliber or a dozen.

So, how am I consolidating? I am streamlining my defensive guns. Initially, it was a consolidation of action type (DA revolvers and autos in DAO or DA/SA but kept decocked and off safe). Now, I have several guns for self defense and I'm thinking of moving to one platform (maybe one design in two sizes) for autos plus revolvers to simplify my self-defense needs.
I'm with you OP, this seems like a sensible way to approach your collection. I've never understood the collector's mentality of just having a bunch of stuff sitting around the house. Not just with guns, but with any hobby. Cars, fishing rods, golf clubs, unicorn figurines, whatever. If you have more "stuff" sitting around than you have a use for on a regular basis then it's time to trim it down. Travel light, I say.

Any new gun I buy has to be in calibers I already have: .22LR, .38 SPL / .357 magnum, 12 gauge and .308.
I'm not a collector really. Just an accumulator. I've already commented but I have more to add. Between all of my guns I can shoot 13 different rounds. I consider what I have very modest. I can probably think of a dozen more I want. I use my guns too. I may not get them with any real purpose but I find one for them.

I agree it's hard to buy a lot of ammo for various guns. So I began streamlining down. I carry 5.7 x28 for my FN Five Seven and PS90. I love shooting my ps90. It's a blast.

Last two sentences of 44AMP's post sum it up for me. But firing lots more ammo and enjoying it more.:D
Couldn't there be a shooter/collector/enthusiast who only shoots and collects firearms in a couple of calibers

Absolutely and I know a few. One has somewhere in the neighborhood of 30 12 gauge guns in all configurations - mostly high-end O/U and SxS guns. Another has about 60 .22lr rifles - why? Because he wanted to collect guns and 22s are usually a lot cheaper than other bore sizes.

I could easily get down to 2 rifle bore sizes, 1-2 shotgun bore sizes and 1-2 handgun bore sizes; concentrate on acquiring ammo/components and then practice to become really efficient.

Isn't there an old saying about Beware the man who shoots one gun as he knows how to use it?
Over the years owned a lot of different firearms.
Now into the silver years .
A few calibers is all I need to get by.
22 lr, 32 .acp ,40 s. w. ,357 mag .
40 SW is on my short list to go.
As opposed to my silver years where I can now afford to spend the money on some of the things I always wanted. Kids raised, house paid for, decent pension, and retirement account. So after all the years working hard, getting by, and putting away I can buy some toys for me.:D