Strange finds/experiences in the outdoors?

I guess I don't have anything to top ufo's, just some unique animal experiences while on stand. A couple baby foxes playing around underneath my stand. Or a momma doe and her baby grazing in front of me, then seeing them snap their heads over to my left, when I looked I saw a beautiful coyote come busting out of the bean field toward them. The deer had too much of a head start to be caught.
Also three young bucks fighting each other only 15 yds away from me. Nothing crazy, but just plain cool experiences I thought.
I saw a squirrel and a crow get in a fight once. The crow had just taken off from the ground as the squirrel was running towards it, the squirrel jumped and caught the crow by the legs. He then proceeded to yank the crow back down to the ground and then beat the crap out of him. I almost died laughing.
I saw a herd of gobblers run off a small bobcat once. They spotted him on the trail and just headed his way. He trotted off a ways, stopped and peed. Then walked away. I had to laugh.
I watched another young bobcat stalk across a field and jump at something in the tall grass at the edge of the field only to discover there was nothing there. He looked around like "whaaaat" then walked away into the grass. Another good giggle.
My cousin and I flushed a pheasant near an old abandoned house and watched in amusement as it flew into the side of the house. Before we could get to it, it stood up, shook his head, and ran around to the back of the house. It was as if we were in an Elmer Fudd cartoon. We did get that wascal though.
I've found a few old homesteads in places that they didn't seem to belong. One on Mt Scott just outside of Portland, OR had an old apple orchard where on of the limbs of the tree had been pulled down into the ground to produce a new tree. The limb that connected the old and new trees was about 10" in diameter. It looked like the homestead had been abandoned abruptly. There was some rotten wood on the ground that looked like it could have been the remains of a cabin. This place is gone now. That whole forest was bulldozed for houses...

I ran across another old homestead in the Gales Creek area of Oregon and the only thing still standing was the outhouse. It looked pretty rickety so I didn't get to close.

I thought I saw a UFO once out in the area near Yakima, WA but I was told that it was a satellite and you could see them on any clear night about that time...

If any of you guys are wandering around Gunnison National Forest near Aspen Leaf Reservoir, I have a friend who lost a Matthew's bow in some Oak Brush last elk season.:D
Back in '75 or so......

....... I stumbled across the remains of the Steamboat mine in southern Oregon. There were numerous mine shafts, a cabin an old garage and a nearly complete stamp mill.
not really firearms related but last fall in one of my regular hunting spots I ran accross a horse drawn hose reel for firefighting. what it's doing dumped down in a draw I don't know and I must have walked by it 30 times as a teenager and never noticed it until now... odd to say the least.
Interesting things I have found hunting or out tramping around:
Old Mine openings
Carbide lamps
old rail beds with the trolly tracks intact with spikes and so forth
foundations for old homesteads or old buildings from many years ago
Indian arrowheads, grinding stones, and misc. pieces of pottery
bobcat kitten
ginsing (never been a ginsing hunter/gatherer)
stolen rifle
old car bodies (pre-1950)
saw mill stuff
well kept springs out in the middle of no where
remains of stills
ill add one more just to keep this one going.
found a Colt 1911 7 rnd Stainless magazine full of ammo while tromping around in the forest. i just happened ot be carrying my 1911 so i slapped her in, racked the slide (the ammo wasnt corroded by any means so i felt ok shooting it) BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG. still have the mag :)
ill add one more just to keep this one going.
found a Colt 1911 7 rnd Stainless magazine full of ammo while tromping around in the forest. i just happened ot be carrying my 1911 so i slapped her in, racked the slide (the ammo wasnt corroded by any means so i felt ok shooting it) BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG. still have the mag

That reminds me of a ridiculous chain of events that came together on a local hunting forum last November/December (they're now shut down :().

Member A finds a Springfield 1911 loaded with 2 rounds of some kind of Cor-Bon JHPs, far from a trail, while hunting Elk. Since he happened to be carrying it after he dropped a Bull, he used the 1911 for the coup de grâce. He then posts on several local forums, about the find, and claims to have notified the police that he had it.

Several days later, Member B starts a thread asking people to let him know if they come across a Springfield 1911, because he lost it while hunting. He gives a general location (matching Member A's description), the date, notes that it had "self defense ammo" in it, and only asks for email or private message contact if anyone has information about the pistol. He pleads with anyone heading to the area to take a look around, because the pistol was borrowed.

As several forum members are rabidly trying to get the two posters together, a wrinkle appears:

Member C starts a thread, asking people to let him or the Sheriff's department know, if they had any information that could help in the recovery of a firearm that was stolen.... He had a Springfield 1911 stolen from his truck (window broken, truck ransacked) at an unimproved campground several miles from the location given by Members A and B, followed by several reports of camp sites being shot at by a drunken fool that night. He provided quite a few details, full contact information, and even stated that it was loaded with CorBon 200 gr JHPs.

Due to the particulars of the posts and any updates provided by the members, nearly everyone assumed Member C was the victim, Member B was the thief, and Member A was just happened to find it and was about to be a hero. The threads were getting out of hand, so...

All three threads were locked for several weeks, until one of the board administrators merged everything and posted an update, just because the situation was so interesting to the member base.
The forum owner had stepped in and forwarded all the information they had about the three members to the Sheriff's department ... which turned out to be useful.

...Member A lied about the serial number of the 1911 he "found" and, apparently, just wanted to 'brag' that he had found a pistol. He also had NOT notified police of the "find". He was tied to one of the camp site aggravated assault incidents, and was seen in the area where the truck break-in occurred, in the time frame when it took place. On top of a probation violation, he was screwed...

Member C did not get his pistol back, but he at least knew where it was (an evidence locker :().

As it turned out, Member B's pistol was completely unrelated and the Sheriff's department had it in their possession. Another hunter had found it, and had driven all the way into town to turn it in immediately (30 miles of highway after 25+ miles of dirt road, one way). The deputy working the case just hadn't gotten around to calling Member B about the 1911, yet. :rolleyes:

It was a rather interesting month on that forum. ;)
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We once found an old family cemetery in TNT while hunting. It has several graves, if I remember right the newest one was over 100 years old.
I've lived in Alaska and the Pacific Northwest working for the Coast Guard and Forestry Service before I retired. I found dozens of abandoned cabins, mines, lodges, etc.

I think the neatest place was an old mercury mine that some Chinese developers had operated before the war sometime in the 1920s. I went hunting near there, and we were still able to use their buildings to bunk down.
A few years ago in a bowhunting stand I found a rusty old folding knife stabbed into an oak tree about 15 feet in the air. No telling how many years it had been there and continued to rise higher in the air as the tree grew...
Trees grow up from the top. they dont grow up out of the ground. thats why once the top of a tree is dead it wont get any taller just wider, so most likely someone climbed up and stuck it in the tree....even more interesting
Trees grow up from the top. they dont grow up out of the ground. thats why once the top of a tree is dead it wont get any taller just wider, so most likely someone climbed up and stuck it in the tree....even more interesting
I thought the same but not entirely true. If you trim or the top dies a tree will bush out. But they grow up the entire length of the trunk in all directions (diameter and height). We have trees that we stepped out for permanent deer stands. After a several years the steps get to far apart to climb and the tree has to be re-stepped.
I used to do a lot of metal detecting for Civil War relics. I got a lead on an unknown skirmish site way out in the woods. I didn't find any war relics but I did dig up an 1892 Winchester in 32-20. I saw no signs of a house ever being anywhere near the vicinity. The stock and forearm were completely gone. I searched a long time for the butt plate but didn't find it. I guess some hunter kicked it up and took it with him. Serial number dates it to 1907. It was frozen solid but a few months of soaking in kerosene freed it up but its too far gone to do anything with. It was completely empty. Didn't find any fired cases either.
