Strange finds/experiences in the outdoors?


New member
so i came across a thread similar themed thread on another forum i frequent. it was one of the coolest threads ive ever read! i didnt see anything like that in a quick search of TFL so i thought it would be a nice change. this can be anything from bigfoot sightings, aliens, finding old artifacts, guns whatever! just cool stories!

ill start.

i worked on a ranch near Riley Oregon while i was in high school. most of the employees were high school kids and a couple of mexican guys. we would get sundays off and usually would spend them coyote hunting, shooting sage rats, or jackrabbits.
one night around 1 AM we were out cruising the roads with our 22's in a Kawasaki Mule looking for some flea bitten varmint that needed a lead pill. when suddenly a series of bright lights zoomed across the sky at what seemed like Mach 90, then coming to an abrupt stop. we watched it totally stupefied as it hovered over the desert probably 500 ft in the air for about 3 min, then suddenly it zoomed off at about Mach 90 again in the opposite direction of us.
we all looked at each other wondering if anyone else had just seen what the other had. "did you guys just see that?!" "yeah! lets get the heck out of here before it comes back and wants to probe us!"
so we hauled butt back to the bunkhouse and proceeded to polish of a case of beer we had stashed for weekend recreational use.

and for a interesting thing i found in the woods: i found this old wagon while out rounding up cattle with my mother on some BLM land North of Burns


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I'm excited to hear about your eyewitness account of the lighted orb's. No doubt...they {UFO's} were intelligently controlled, and most likely --- not of this earth.

I'm a UFO hunter myself...with my own UFO sighting under my belt. My major goal is: communication/contact with the otherworder's, sans the anal probing.:D

What color were the orbs? Did you report the sighting? If not...NUFORC {National UFO Reporting Center} is a good start.

Have to go now...cuz I want to catch the Preakness on TV.


Several times in the last 15-20 years there have been some pretty severe tornados hit towns 60-70 miles to the west of us in Alabama. After these storms when turkey hunting in the spring I have often found lots of debris in the woods. Including someones W-2 forms. I mailed them back to the guy and told him where I found them. I was hoping to hear back from the guy, but did not.

Early one morning when I was about 13 I walked up on 2-3 guys in the process of stripping a stolen car. I was quietly walking down an old logging road squirrel hunting. They had driven the car in from the other direction just far enough to not be seen from the main road. They never saw me, and I didn't see any of them well enough to identify them. But I probably set an Olympic record for the 2 mile run while carrying a 20 guage shotgun. Got home and called the police. They were in the process of setting the car on fire when I spotted them. They were long gone by the time police arrived.

When I was 17 I found a Moonshine Still that had very recently been destroyed by LE. This place had probably been in operation a month before I found it.

Large portions of the North GA mountains were logged back in the late 1800's-early 1900's. They would lay RR tracks along the creek drainages, log the hillsides and drag the logs downhill to the tracks. When they finshed one drainage they would pull up the tracks and move to the next drainage. I quite often find bits or RR equipment, sections of track, etc in these places.
the Moonshine still would have been a cool one. would have been even better if it was running and the moonshiners were friendly enough to trade silence for product :D
What about tires? Even when I was a kid I wondered how in the world tires could get into the most inaccessible places in the mountains. I found a fireplace and chimney standing in the woods when hunting. There is a small spring there, but not enough soil for a kitchen garden. Who knows why someone built a cabin there once.
COME ON! someone has to have some more fun stories?!

You posted on finding an old wagon and that virtually killed the thread. How can you get cooler or more fun than that? :p

Let's see, I almost pulled a Jessica McClure in an open field if not for the sharp eyes and quick hands of a buddy. Otherwise, I would have been discovering local geology about 30 feet down.

I have a Rusted Victor trap from Alaska that I found on Prince of Wales Island that still has toe bones in it. :(
I meddle around the Solitario formation in south Brewster County, Texas. I occasionally find an Indian site, or a crystal cave--and often the remains of old ranching operations. I once was horse-backing in there and found a frame for hanging sacks for wool from sheep-shearing.

There is a creek running through my forty acres coming out of the "Lefthand Shutup". It has long been an access way into the Solitario from the east, and is mentioned by Louis L'Amour in one of his short stories in the collection "Monument Rock".

The Solitario, from 4,000 feet above:

From a couple of miles northwest of my huntcamp. The Chisos Mountains of Big Bend National Park, some forty miles southeast:

There is SOME water in the desert:

Back behind where I'm standing taking the photo are some Indian pictographs, and underneath a ledge is the fossil skeleton of a fish...
Art, I enjoyed the 1st 2 photos, but when I tried to open the 3rd I get a message saying I don't have permission to access that page.
same here Jmr, the 3rd one is locked.

so ill try and keep this alive....but im out of pictures

once working for the USFS i found an bull Elk carcass tangled up in a barbed wire fence. looked like his heard had been chased off the hill through a valley the fence ran through and he didnt quite make the jump. poor guy broke his neck :( got a cool 5X6 european mounted by nature :cool:
While scouting with a friend we came upon the remains (mostly just rows of stones) of an old cabin. I passed by, my buddy scrounged a bit and came up with a mostly rusted gold pan.
Car engines at 9,500 feet, in the middle of 80+ year-old stands of trees, where hiking in was difficult.
Narrow gauge railroad grades where there is no record of any railroad (including logging, mining, and portage operations).
Spurs and saddle horns in the desert.
Indian ruins. (they're all around you, if you know what to look for)
Abandoned 19th century saw mills.
Two Model T Fords locked together in a mangled mess, half way down a granite mountain side.
A horse bridle tied to a tree, with a partial skeleton below it. :eek:

...some of the more interesting things I've come across.
poor pony! ...makes you wonder what happened to the rider....

ok ive got a couple more. but these i knew they were there by researching approximate locations on the web. so a few buddies and i went on a treasure hunt :cool:

1: A wreck of a A-6 Intruder near Christmas Valley, Oregon


2: P-38 Lightning Wreck 1 mile hike from the A-6.
interestingly enough the A-6 crashed ON THE SAME DAY 30 years latter as the A-6. unfortunately the P-38 was only scraps, but there is a huge hole in the ground where you could see it impacted. we dug around in the hole a bit and found a bunch of mangled 50BMG and 20mm shells. This pic is of the side plate from a Browning M2


3: B-24 Liberator wreck near Denio NV


really neat things to go and check out if your into military aviation. All 3 sites we brought along a few cold beers to pay our respects and leave for the poor souls that lost their lives.

EDIT: my apologies for the mega huge pictures, i dont know how to crop them smaller :/


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I was at the ripe old age of 15 and I was with my just ex'd girl friend, my buddy at the time who had his girl friend with him. We were in Golden Gate park in San Francisco and I'd just dumped my girl friend. My buddy and I were walking maybe 20 or so feet ahead of the girls as my ex was being consoled by my buddy'd girl friend. I was just a bit ahead of my buddy, looking back at him and that the comment, You know how peole are always finding bodies it the park? Probably never happen to us. Then I tripped and fell flat on my face. You guessed it a dead guy. :eek: Piece of clothesline tied to a branch on a tree and the same rope around his neck which I guess broke from his weight. We sent the girls to call the cops who came fairly quickly. Got our named in the paper and a lot envious notoriety at school. I still have the newspaper clipping from back then. Back when I was a kid, that park was my playground. I still remember that incident even though it was 60 years ago.
These days, I look where I'm walking. :D
Paul B.
I found a partial skeleton of a Triceratops once. friend of mine and I salvaged what we could. Each of us has a couple bones on our shelves.

Probably the strangest thing I ever found was a toilet out on a ridge in the badlands. probably 150' up a rock ledge. complete with seat and fill hose. looked like it was just pulled out of the box. probably 2-3 miles from any road or trail I came across. Had a commanding view though. I guess if you gotta go, might was well have some awesome scenery. Careful with balance tho, whole ledge was probably 2' wide at most.
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I was visiting one of my perported space alien haunts at Calvert Cliffs, Maryland, on the Western Shore of the Chesapeake Bay...when on my hike up the fireroad --- I heard a woosh-woosh sound above my head --- I looked up, and there was a bald eagle taking off from a pine tree; about 30 feet above my head.

About 15 years ago...I was bowhunting for deer in Seneca Park, Montgomery County {at the height of a rabies epidemic}: While walking back to my car on a underground telephone line trail after sundown...I saw a low-flying bat flying up an down the trail. I was concerned to say the least. All of a sudden {in the low light} I saw this bat coming straight for me --- at eye level --- I quickly raised up my four wheel compound Jennings Arrowstar bow in front of my face, and fought off the screaming bat with my bow. After making bow contact with the bat...I ran off the trail and into the woods --- while screaming at the top of my lungs. Later...a bowhunter come over and said that my screaming/running had spooked a big buck, that he saw running off into an adjacent cornfield.
A buddy and I were meddling around on the west side of the Black Rock Desert, NW of Winnemucca. We drove by the remains of some sort of little community. Six or eight little rock houses. A little chuckle-gurgle creek behind them, and fruit trees of some sort. The houses were maybe 12' x 15', give or take a little. One room, each, by the looks.
While squirrel hunting very early one morning I saw a pileated woodpecker--we called them "woods hens" because of their size--that had just finished hanging himself. He had swooped down between two trees, caught his head in a fork of a thin sapling, and broken his neck. He was still warm.