Straight Wall States Hunting

years ago, I shot a deer that took off running along the bottom of a coulee. I gave it some time and started tracking it. Along the way I felt something was wrong and looked to the top of the coulee. There was another hunter there aiming his rifle at me (and before you ask, I was wearing a blaze orange coat and hat). I yelled and he lowered his rifle. I asked if he had seen my deer go by and he said no. I got back on the blood trail and found the deer, dead not 40 yards from where the guy was!
That convinced me never to carry another deer out on my shoulders (at that time I was in my early 20s, 6' and 200 pounds of healthy muscle, some of it between my ears :eek:) as I didn't want another orifice punched in my hide. Since the time that I was unable to drag a deer because of age and disability, I have used a bicycle-wheeled cart to do the heavy hauling.
Very few people are shot while hunting alone. Lots of people are shot while hunting in populated areas. Some people are even shot while sitting at their breakfast and having coffee. One of the nice things about bow hunting is that stray shots are pretty well self-limiting, an arrow won't travel a half mile and clobber a little old lady who's watering her roses outside her country home.
Many surrounding Mid Western states

It kills me that people still refer to Ohio and contiguous states as the "Midwest" .... by any measure save maybe from a Park Avenue or Tidewater biased viewpoint, Ohio is not in the middle of the country, nor in the middle of the "West" ..... not geographically nor in terms of mean center of the US population .... and has not been since before the end of the 19th Century ..... it does sound better than "The Rust Belt", true ....but it just ain't so, and has not been so in more than a Century. It makes only slightly more sense as calling the same area + Michigan/Wisconsin/Minnesota "The Northwest Territories".
It kills me that people still refer to Ohio and contiguous states as the "Midwest"
Like it or not that's how other states view it and even Encyclopedia Britannica.
Also found in the New world Encyclopedia.

As for the rust belt I wish it didn't exist. I've had more cars/trucks killed by rust than powertrain failure. Southern Wisconsin seems to be a lot better on my vehicles than Northern Michigan was.
The west meant the Mississippi river for maybe a century, Missouri was the "west", and everything beyond that was referred to as "westward". There were no states past Missouri for nearly a century after our founding and we only had western States after the civil war and that changed and muddled everything.

In the beginning we had about 16 states considered east, on or near the coast, everything else up to the Mississippi was west, hence you have "mid-west". The term just rolled forward with expansion so that it sort of means everything up to Colorado.

I am personally more fond of 'belt' terminology. Rust belt, corn belt,bible belt, etc. Where do we put the dork belt?

Worry about the fact that the great leaders of industry,finance, politics, media, and general world influence are clustered in and around maybe six or so states and these people refer to the entire continental US beyond those few states as 'flyover state's.
The lower third of the lower peninsula of Michigan used to be shot gun only. Then went to pistol caliber and shot gun only and now is straight wall & shot gun only. My brother uses his .450 Ruger AR.

There are areas where you could shoot across an open field for a mile or more.
I am personally more fond of 'belt' terminology. Rust belt, corn belt,bible belt, etc. Where do we put the dork belt?

Dork Belt, is that not north of the Mason Dixon? :D Kansas considers itself Midwest also.

I just wish we could count on people to use common sense and then we could just have a hunting seasons(s).
