Store Loaded or Unloaded for HD

As a police friend once put it, "Have you ever FIRED a shotgun indoors?". the short range caused the reflected blast to make him think he had been shot. Handguns indoors is now a rule I am considering more and more..
Well, I leave a thread alone for a few days and see what happens? ;)

Birdshot at close range...unreliable penetration...soda cans in t-shirts...oye vey.

I'm no ballistics expert. I've never shot anyone with anything at any range. I have seen lots of training films, though, and done a lot of training under some very good (though local-level) instructors. I can't believe they were ALL lying to me.

At the ranges we're discussing, a shotgun loaded with ANYTHING is amazingly lethal, whether you have slug, buckshot, birdshot, breath mints, tofu or balled up boogers flying out of the end. The individual pellets have had 0.0000001 seconds to spread. If the front rank of pellets underpenetrates, the ones trailgating them at 2 microns distance will push 'em further in.

Arguments about range changing are perfectly valid if we are discussing what-if scenarios and not pure HD. I'm a what-if kinda guy. I'll load my SG with buckshot for that exact reason. Its what I train with at my PD, anyway. However, any allegations that birdshot won't get the job done for pure HD are, IMO, off-base.

If the range is short, it'll do the job.

If the range is longer, you shouldn't be shooting at your target.

I will certainly defer to wiser heads than mine about penetration vs various walls...I don't worry about it. I'm the third little house is brick. ;)

Also, CQB... eh. Someone has probably said this already, but if so, I missed it. Shotgun=barricade. Houseclearing=Pistol.


"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects." -Robert Heinlein