First post!
Seriously, retailers NEED to start adjusting prices to meet demand, with the caveat that prices will track accordingly as demand subsides. Nobody wants to be accused of unfair gouging, but all that does is feed the flippers who have no problem with unfair gouging on armslist and gunbroker.
It's not unfair, it's economics. But instead of the retailers getting the blame, they're just outsourcing the gouging. I'd rather the retailers maintain stock and their storefront rather than take a bath by letting a limited supply fly right through their shops and on to the internet.
I think people need to start re-evaluating the knee-jerk instinct to boycott any business that raises prices during a supply crunch. As it stands, we can have fixed prices or a steady supply. Even rationing doesn't do much to alleviate the shortage, as the flippers will get all their buddies from the Legion hall or VFW or whatever to rent a bus and clean out the local stores in a day.
If the prices don't scale to meet demand, there may be no end to this shortage.
And, for what this is worth, I think these prices should apply to EVERYONE, including government agencies. However, I can't imagine that price is an issue when dealing with taxpayer funded entities that have a corner on the concept of "essential need." I'd like to see an ammo manufacturer tell DHS "you have enough for now."