Stocking up on ammo?

I think in terms of 3 things when buying ammo:

1) is it at a reasonably low price?
2) nobody can predict when a maniac will create another atrocity w/ a subsequent buying binge driving prices way up.
3) the situation w/ Russia-Ukraine might someday take much of that inexpensive steel case stuff off the market allowing other manufacturers to raise prices.
I keep finding ammo I've forgot I've loaded. I've found 500 .357 mags and 2k .38Spl's in the last week. In Jan I found 2,000 .45 ACP's and 1k .243's. I think I have 8k .22lr. (Yes, my reloading area is a mess.)As soon as I get some nice weather, I'm going to do a major cleanup and inventory. Now that I'm retired I have the time. Maybe it's time to shoot it all up and start over.
I have about 700 rounds of 9mm on hand and around 1100 rounds of 22lr, as both are cheap and what I shoot the most. Have about 300 rounds of 223 (actually it's 5.56) left and need to buy more. 12 Gauge I have a mix of buckshot, slugs, and birdshot totalling probably 60 shells tops. I could have more, but 12 gauge has never been hard for me to find so I usually buy as I need it.
Funny thing, this..........

Everytime some nut job get arrested for having a gun, he has "a few hundred" rounds of ammo! And the liberal left-wing media goes balistic!

OMG.......a couple hundred rounds?!?!?!?!?

Most anyone that has our hobby will definitely fall into that quantity or MUCH MUCH higher!

Problem is, big brother is probably reading this thread!

How much do I have?........enough for the weekend! (HA.....ha!)

I remember when the media was shocked by George Zimmerman's "arsenal" of (and this is quoted from an alarmist website):

-One Keltec 12-gauge shotgun
-One Walther .380 handgun with seven rounds of live ammunition in the magazine
-One Taurus 9 mm handgun with live rounds in the magazine
-One Glock 19 handgun with 16 live rounds
-One AR-15 semi-automatic rifle
-Dozens of rounds of ammunition
-Several gun holsters and bags

I guess he is 1 gun ahead of me, guess I need to catch up...
Question to everyone who says they keep some many rounds for their defensive pistol. The number of rounds you keep is that your practice round or your defensive round? I don't know about everyone but I shoot a different to practice with than what I keep in the gun to carry. Just wondering.
I had onle little .380 that sat in my nightstand for about a decade. I shot 5 rounds through it to make it worked, never touched it again. two years ago was the big liberal push for the AWB. I had neer really been interested in guns, but always liked them. so I figured, now or never. picked up an SKS for 300 and started down the road of plinking for fun. fortuneatly, the x39 ammo never got TOO ridiculous and I was able to have some fun with it. then I bought a 9mm pistol, an holy cow, after about two times shooting it at 30-40$ a box for HPR(only ammo avail during the mania), I went online and studied on how to get affordable ammo. Now, I have always been a tinkerer, so my first thought was, how do companies make this stuff. that's when I started googling "how to make ammo". and a simple 100$ inverstment on a "LEE breech-lock Challenger Kit" and I never looked back. not only did it afford me with all the ammo I could ever shoot, it started me down the path of taking firearms on as a serious hobby. I enjoyed everything about reloading, the technical aspect, the "making something", the self-reliance and of course the cost savings. now it's been two years, I went from a davis industries .380 to having 11 different guns and spending probably 10-20 hours a week either making ammo or working on guns or hitting the range. I have only one person to thank for my over-the-top enthusiasm about guns....and that is President Obama(so thank Prz. O). I used to spend my $$ on motorcycles, spending 2-400$ a month on race tires and other goodies for track days, needless to say I haven't hit the track in over two years now. as for stockpiling ammo? I stock components and know that I have the ability and skills to make whatever I want, whenever I want and I wouldn't trade that skill for the nicest ducati in the show room. I like to keep at least enough components to last me a lifetime if I had to buckle down and only use ammo "as needed". I recommend to anyone to take up reloading and casting, it's way cheaper than you think to get involved in it(think about the same cost as a case of ammo) then you can be self sufficient for life. I owe so much to this forum and the great guys that frequent it. there are some amazingly kind and knowledgeable folks here, and some douchebags as well, that all make a great, fun and educational outlet to further our learning.....because their is so much to learn.

keep hoarding and if you have the time to take on a different hobby that adds a whole other aspect to "shooting sport" then please consider taking up reloading. you'll never regret it folks.
and a simple 100$ inverstment on a "LEE breech-lock Challenger Kit"

Dang, you poor guy. That's exactly how it starts! :)

For me, when folks say that they have a few hundred or a few thousand rounds of this and that, I just gotta chuckle. I guess everybody's different, but I think 20K or 30K of rounds for a single caliber used for defense & recreational shooting is the absolute bare minimum.
I think 20-30k sounds reasonable. I don't have that loaded up, but I have the supplies to do it of need be. I could use some more primers though. but I keep about 40-50#s of powder on hand, in pistol terms, that's upwards of 50 thousand rounds. realistically, I have enough for about 30k in pistol and probably 10k in rifle powder on hand. clue, buckets and buckets of them. having the tools on hand to make 20-30k rounds is no better or worse than having 2-30k loaded rounds stored up. IMO

as for folks that think 20k is too much, than you don't shoot enough. I can easily burn through 2 thousand a month if I shoot a lot. so that's only a year or twos worth. think about it. I go shoot pistol AT LEAST once a week, and that's 3-500 rounds right there.

and just cause I STARTED on a breech lock, doesn't mean that's all I have these days. although I do still prefer doing rifles single stage
Onward allusion are you planning on starting a war?
His figures sound pretty reasonable to me. My wife and I both shoot and it's pretty easy to run through a lot of ammo in a short timeframe. There have been a few times we've used more than 1000 rounds in a week although admittedly that's not exactly the norm for our usage level.

I've seen ammo panics make it difficult and stupidly expensive to buy ammo until the panic abates.

I've seen that happen twice in the last 6 or 7 years.

I've seen effects of a panic last a couple of years.

So I need enough to last us a couple of years at our normal usage levels. Even just shooting a few hundred rounds a month can easily require stocking a 5 figure round count.
for those who think it's silly, guess how happy I am to have 3-4000 rounds of the soon to banned green-tips stocked away. I personally hate the green-tip, I just bought it when it was cheap surplus, but I bet it will be on par with 30-06 black-tip in ten years or so
I don't. without a barrel for a bullet to get pressure created behind it, they are not dangerous, even on fire. no more dangerous than most of the chemicals that "normal" people keep in their garage. as for oodles of gun-powder, you should store in a steel vented container.
Logically that may make sense--but to the fire department responding to a fire in a house they do not know what contains--when thousands of rounds start cooking off they may very well make the call to stay back and let it burn.

Join Date: January 27, 2014
Posts: 78
Onward allusion are you planning on starting a war?

This is exactly the type of nonsense the anti's love to hear. I blow away at least 2 bricks of 22 LR on the average every time I go to the club. You got any idea how fast three (me and my boys) 10/22's will spit 'em out??? So, what - 20K of 22LR would last me 20 trips??? That's not even half a year!

For 9mm, I do about 300 to 500 rounds each trip. Again, 20K is what? Even at just 300 rounds per trip that is just a bit over a year's worth of shooting by myself! Don't even get me started with 38's & 357's - I reload those and I make sure I have enough supplies on hand for at least ~ 50K rounds.

Believe me, I'd learned my lesson back in '09. Going to Wally World everyday during lunch just to check on availability sucks. If a person's got the resources, why the hell not? However, I do understand that folks are different. Some will think that having 100K of 22LR is not enough.