Steyer M95

If they were easily convertable to something like 30-30 they would be hot sellers as they probably weight about the same as a Winchester and that is not too punishing to shoot. But it is a more powerful round and the light gun combo is just a pain I am sure, probably like the short barrel Mosins are just too much cartridge in a short light gun. I have seen military carbine bolt actions in like 30-06 cal, I was highly tempted to get one and then thought about the recoil and blast. At least with it though, it would be easy to get components to download substantially to make it tolerable. Finding stuff to load the surp gun is gonna be one of those things you do if you are a gun loonie, as it will not pay for itself probably. Just for the experience of shooting a straight pull. If you want straight pull, go for a Swiss rifle, better made and ammo is available.
that thing woldve kicked like a B***h I had a Mosin M91/59 (One of my fav Rifles) and that sucker was bad, but an 8mm carbine woooowwweee..i dont even want to imagine that...Any other Carbine ideas? I wouldnt mind getting my hands on WWII era M1 Carbine..any ideas where to get one under $500
Not a very effective weapon, though.

How so?

It's really punishing to fire. The sights aren't very good. The straight-pull action is kind of jerky. It needs the clips to fire as a repeater.

It would be good for an artilleryman to use for blazing away at a squadron of cavalry charging for the guns, I guess...

Give me a SMLE any day...
Oh come on folks, the kick on the short-barreled Mosins isn't THAT bad, I don't think I can even tell the difference between my M44 and my buddy's 91/30. Isn't the M44 slightly heavier than the long version?
Quote: "Oh come on folks, the recoil on........isn't that bad."

In my case I think it was those 200 grain Albanian loads in the M38. I ordered 100 rounds of Wolf ammo from Cheaper than Dirt with lighter bullets but just never had the desire to retry that MN. More content to shoot my MK III* with some reduced loads. I'm not sure about the M44, that bayonet and lug would add some weight to it.
I dont thinks it neccesarily heavier, i think it seems that way because the weight is distriputed differently and its all at the front. All said and done though, its and ugly rifle...haha give me my K98 anyday, screw the Steyer, I want real German Magic
Totenkopf said:
...haha give me my K98 anyday, screw the Steyer, I want real German Magic

Ferdinand von Mannlicher understood that "German Magic" pretty well. So well in fact that the Jerries lost their butts in court for copying his packet-loading system, which gave Mannlicher's works the right to produce G.88's for export.
It's really punishing to fire.

True, but before your shoulder turns to mush it's quite capable, as any carbine that is.

The sights aren't very good.

I don't have a problem with the sights, and it's the only major battle rifle I know of that has provisions for sighting below 300 meters.

The straight-pull action is kind of jerky.

Once they wear they do get a little jinky. New or rebuilt ones are almost as smooth as the K-31

It needs the clips to fire as a repeater.

A true disadvantage, but as a carbine they're kind of a last-resort last-stand ("Oh my God, they've overrun the typing pool!") weapon.

Having said all that, it is by far the least-used weapon in my paltry arsenal (K-31, M38, 91/30x2, M24/27, M95, H001, 10/22).

Give me a SMLE any day...

A SMLE or K-31...;)
I've heard a lot about the K-31, is it worth the buy to add to my collection?

The ergonomics of the K-31 take a little getting used to, but it will out-shoot anything in most people's arsenal. Even the surplus GP11 ammo is match grade.
It's really punishing to fire.

Allright, some of you guys just need to man up.:D This truely is the age of the wimp. There are way too many sissies around here. I was at the range in Jacksonville a few months ago and watched a NINE YEAR OLD BOY put round after round down range through a m44 without even a flinch, and then I come on here and wah wah wah, "recoil is bad", "the rifle is punishing", geez. Grow some nards guys. Ok, I feel better now.:D
Yeah, all that kind of talk will scare people away from getting some of these great rifles! I know I was apprehensive about getting my M44 because of all the horror stories of painful recoil, I think there was even one about a guy who was in too much pain after firing the very first round, that he completely gave up on shooting it after that.
Tell me about it...

They sell flyweight 7mm Rem Mag mountain rifles every day, yet people brag about the "Manly Kick" of a 9-lb. rifle firing rounds with low-end .30-'06 recoil. :rolleyes::p

A 12-gauge shotgun shooting low-brass field loads recoils harder than nearly any military rifle ever made.
Im with Tamara and smoakingun... I have 2 Mosin 91/59s and my K98s, my brother (who is 9) can let off round after round off and not as much as wink, they love firing those things, anyone saying the M44 has a "Manly Kick" needs to get some hair on their *******.
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i edited my post, i apologize, its just frustrating to hear these people complain about a bad kick from a hoo, you dont like it, sell it, dont belly ache about a Carbine kicking