Realizing that this thread is old....
Steve had hackers from time to time that would get in and plant malicious code.
Since his website was a couple thousand pages and just shy of 30 GIGS of info,
it was much easier to take it down and just upload a clean backup. Of course,
30 GB is A LOT to upload so once in a while, it would be down for the two days
it took to get everything back on.
Now... Steve passed away Jan 13th, 2015 of heart failure, while at home. The domain registration expired and it was down for several weeks when I found out. I spent 4 days
calling him and got no reply. I called the Valley County Mt. sheriffs office and they told
me he had passed. The registrar allowed me to pay the registration fee and get the site back up. Then it was a month of obtaining certified copies of his death cert, notarized copies of "non-compete" forms etc (in case a family member said they wanted it), certified mail going back and forth to Canada where the host company is. Finally I got the site under my name and was able to ensure that it didn't just die. To lose the website would be a shame just because of all the data collected there.
Anyway, it's back to stay and should be bug free. In fact, some of the statements about
infection were what drew me to this old thread. All should be clean there now. If anyone spots something nasty, please let me know via my email address which is posted on most every page there. There are a "few" pages I have not yet had time to edit.
Changes to StevesPages. Steve was a lonely old guy, living by himself for years and the site, his truck, his video and music collection was all he had. And he had all that on the website. I have un-linked all the stuff about his truck and "150 Christmas favorites by Karen Carpenter" as it didn't really fit the genre of the site. As far as the layout goes, I am leaving that as is. I took on this project in memoriam. If I change much of the design, it'll reflect me, not Steve, and that is not my intention. I consider myself more of a custodian than the owner. The only "change" is the addition of my knives page. Steve used to sell knives there, but it was ones he'd order. Mine are all knives that I have made with the exception of "some" of the Damascus steel I may order from respected Damascus makers because they have a pattern I like.
I have also been working on adding new firearms manuals. People email me new ones all the time for addition to the site. I must admit, I am about 40 manuals behind on getting them posted on the site. I am addressing this constantly.
That's all. Just wanted to update this thread for the record.
Cheers and I hope everyone is well!