States legalizing pot vs a SD shoot scenario

A note of perception: I'm sure a lot of people born in the 50s or 60s are by definition felons. I know I have family members who engaged in mj back in the 70s yet haven't touched it since... My uncle owns a lot of guns.
Your point is technically correct that the card and gun alone does not per say make you a prohibited possessor.....takes a couple more steps. However, a card and a gun = probable cause to get court order for "medical" records. It may take a little leg work but not rocket science to locate where a person bought their dope if using the card to purchase from "licensed" dealers. Once you have the record of their "prescription" being filled the case is made....especially if you have numerous fills.

To the other point. If you once used in the 1950's and quit you are no longer a "user" (distinction between use and user). "User" refers to an active user and is somewhat "fuzzy" as I mentioned above. How much current use makes you a "user" is part of making the case. Same as duration between use. All goes to the issue of evidence.
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During Desert Storm Teledyne Corp developed very sophisticated means to measure for chemical agents on the battlefield.The technology was soon applied to drug testing.Your hair is measured,and contains any history of drug use.Shave your head,and fingernail shavings will work.
That works both ways,I suppose.A hair test could prove you are a non user,but then,if you were a weekend user for a year,then went a month with no pot,you would probably pass a blood or urine test,but your hair could prove you a user.
I'm going to poke a pin in the bubble of "what seems fair" and "what shoould be" and"but they aren't going to waste time on me,I'm small fish"

If you think about posessing a firearm as a prohibited person,then all the sudden "they" have something on you.

Oh,come on,HiBC!! Show me your tin foil hat collection!!.

Some of you younger folks may not have a sense of history.You may not be aware of how getting a bit afoul of the federal firearms laws can get post humorous.,Thats after it stops being funny.

Now,I am sure the mods won't want us to go off topic and start a discussion on these topics here.Just do your own research,and use it to take good care of yourself.Naivete can get you in trouble.

Us older folks know the story of a guy who messed up,broke the law.He cut off a shotgun barrel shorter than 18 inches at the request of federal agents.Then,when they had that on him,they asked him to become an informant.Research Randy Weaver and Ruby Ridge.It is a good thing to know about.

There was also a cult leader about the same time period.A group called the Branch Davidians in Waco,Texas.They had a leader named David Koresh.As I understand it,among other problems they were selling and posessing inappropriate firearms outside the law.Serious stuff.It brought trouble.

Watch a video on Youtube called "Rules of Engagement".Its got Joe Biden in it.

Just know what can happen if you think breaking firearms laws just a little is something that will work out for you.