spouse or guns?

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advice taken. i will wait on the gun. is there by any chance an online site for help? i cant seem to find much more than documents i would like to find help without having to see someone face to face. i dont think i want my face to be seen just my words. thanks to all.
Sorry, I don't have any sources for counseling. I do wish you the best of luck, "?".

On a tangent, anybody else notice that when Miss D found that abused-women-help organization and they told her that abused women should NOT own guns, several of us (including me) jumped their case immediately, but now when faced with more details of an actual situation we've reversed ourselves, at least for this particular situation? Perhaps this is what they knew that we (and I stress again, me too) missed last time. Something to think about regarding Karanas' point about jumping in beyond your area of expertise.


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
? - if you are not willing to see someone about counseling "face to face" then it seems you are not ready to be serious about making a change in your life. Please understand that I am not "flaming" you in any way. I mean this sincerely.

You really need to sit down, face to face, with a counselor. I cannot stress this enough.

The happiness of you and your children are at stake here.

Please do some thinking about this and then act - get counseling.

?, just my opinion, not condoning any course of action. Get outta there RFN. When he's at work or gone for a while, pack up only what is absolutely necessary for you and kid(s) and get someplace he won't find you. A relative, another female friend, or if none available, I'm sure a local church would be happy to either accomodate you, or point you in the direction of the best place to go. Marriage may be sacred, but I'm of the opinion that life itself holds a higher value. Once you're out for a while, then if you still desire, look into the responsibility that owning a gun entails. Especially with a small child. If you make the choice to purchase a gun, get some kind of training on both the use of the gun, and the current laws regarding the lawful use of it. Just my opinion.

The guy's a jerk...leave him and divorce him. Life is too short to spend significant portions of it in relationships with contolling or lazy idiots.

Good luck to you...


I regret that you may have misunderstood my intentions.
There's a difference between exercising the rights that many have fought and died to preserve and offering questionable advice about a situation that none of us have all the facts about.
What started out as a request for information about entering the shooting sports quickly became a domestic abuse hotline.
As I pointed out in my original post, "?" never provided the full picture. Much of the response that followed was based on what people felt her message implied. Most of it, fortunately, counseled her to get help from a source local to her.
If you take into account that:
1. We don't know the whole story.
2. We don't know anything about her husband except what she is telling us (and/or not telling us).
3. No one here has identified themselves as being even remotely qualified to take responsibility for guiding this person through what could be a very difficult if not dangerous situation.
Then we could be opening up a real can of worms.
I don't know about you, but I don't want to wake up some morning to read the headline:
"Woman Murders Husband with Information Off Internet"

As someone who has personally fought for this country, I have a great deal of respect for the ideals that she was founded on. The rights you speak of must always be balanced by responsibility.
I think that is something we can all agree on.

I chose the guns. I figger it will cost around $60K to $70K by the time I am done, but I have less stress - That must mean that I will live longer!

I thought long and hard on this before I did it... Good to see that you are beginning to really spend some time on it your self.

Yah, it sucks. But so did the alternative. The only thing in the whole wide world that you have DICTATORIAL control over is your own mind.

DON'T allow someone else to abuse your gift from God.