spousal support

My wife has bought me a gun. I suspect she would have bought more over the years except that she isn't knowledgeable about them and doesn't want to get me something that a) I wouldn't want and/or b) that would thus be a waste of money. Which is alright. I don't buy her clothing or jewerly (things she feels strongly about) either since she feels (correctly) that I have the fashion sense of a wart hog suffering sun stroke. I'm more than happy to spring for something like that - but I want her there pointing and saying "That one."

That being said, she has gone shooting with me a couple of times - I think just to "See what it is all about". She is not anti-gun in any sense, but just isn't interested in the sport of it. She hasn't had any interest in carrying one for personal protection until recently - and since then has consistantly not thought about it enough to bother.

She has suggested that I run our 17 year old daughter through a familiarization routine with handguns (our daughter used to be a fairly good rifle shot when she was just going into the teen years). Unfortunately the daughter has no real interest in the sport of it either.

My wife is supportive of my hobby/interest (and I think is happy that I have a firearm when we travel), but not for any RKBA reasons on her part. It's just that she sees the interest/hobby as something that gives me pleasure.

As noted my wife is not in any way anti-gun, any more than she would be anti-car or anti-socket wrench. It is just that a gun is not a tool that she has any sporting interest in mastering, nor one that she feels the need to master for personal protection. I suspect that my daughter will feel much the same when she reaches adulthood.

I feverently hope that neither of them ever have any life experiences that will (too late) cause them to rethink the protection issue.

Jim Fox
My wife and I starting shooting together at the same time in 1998. She currently owns A Buckmark 22, A three inch barrel model 64 S.W. 38 special, and carries a Glock 30 daily as she and I both have our CCWS. I have a Keltec P32, and carry a Springfield Compact 45 ACP daily. We "share custody" of a Glock 26 and a double barrel 12 guage stagecoach shotgun. I've no complaints!

"A rigid investment in flexability is but another closed system of thinking"
Hi, I am new to TFL and these forums. I noticed you are all men commenting on your wife/girlfriends. Well, I am a girl. I brought the first gun into our household--a CZ75 (9 mm) that I owned since leaving the regular army (I'm an officer in the Nat'l Guard). It didn't take my husband long to buy one for himself--a Ruger Mark II (.22). I carry a S&W Centennial Airweight and recently purchased a Bushmaster AR. My husband and I are both NRA life members. I'll admit, he is more of a 'gun nut' than me. Other than surfing TFL and reading NRA mags, I don't keep up well with all that is going on. I still cannot talk as intelligently as my hubby about ammo and such.

[This message has been edited by RugerMarkII (edited June 13, 2000).]
Before we were married my wife knew about my interest in guns and my family's tradition of gun ownership. She was and is more interested in my interest than in the guns themselves. However, she goes with me to the range from time to time and seems to enjoy herself. No indoor ranges for her, though--the range has to be in a pleasant outdoor setting.

She makes a good-faith effort to appreciate the new guns I bring home. However, we have less spending money than formerly, and guns are more expensive than ever, so I bring home fewer guns every year.

Unfortunately, when I brought a gun home this year I caught a "look" that said "you were unwise to spend money on another gun." From her perspective, she may be right. But from my point of view, this particular gun represented an opportunity to acquire something of interest that might not be available again. Anyway, I think the main thing is for us both to be willing to meet the other halfway.

[This message has been edited by jimmy (edited June 17, 2000).]
My wife doesn't care either way. but since we have kids, she'd like them to know about gun safety. Once they are a tad older, guns in the house formally will be okay.

But she doesn't say muc about my huge reloading bench in the garage. I just tell her it saves a lot of money and I only reload on my own time, not family time.

I'm getting to close to a full buy in. People are just too crazy and evil now days for us not to be carrying. After all, the number one skill most police depts look for is report writing skills not marksmenship. It's up to us to protect ourselves.

The Seattle SharpShooter - TFL/GT/UGW/PCT/KTOG
My wife goes shooting with me (but not all the time), is a better shot then I will every be (for the first magazine or two, then I am a better shot) and "tolerates" my picking up handguns on a routine basis. She has a CHL and carry's routinely. She believes in the guns, but does not follow the technology or reloads.

P229 Sport and 357 SIG, Perfection!
My wife has her cchl only 'cause of an incident involving a co-worker, and just in case she has to hold a gun for me while I am doing something or am at somewhere I can't carry (post office) if she waits in the car.
She is not the least bit interested in shooting and I have had trouble getting her to do so. She knows how to load and fire and the safety aspects, but if I need her to hand me my pistol, she holds it like it was some dead fish! She supports my ideals when it comes to carry rights and likes the fact that I pack everywhere I am legal. She also helps me with my letters to the editor I send to the local papers.
I love her to pieces, and she and the kids realize I carry for their protection as well as mine, and she only puts the stops on purchases if she senses danger in the finances.

And if you hear from my Louise, won't you tell her I love her so?
My wife is great. She understands and appreciates my outdoor hobby that allows me to escape the frustrations, stress, and boredom(yes all three are true) of work every so often. She likes the fact that it is something my older two children can do with me. At the same time she doesn't want it to get out of control. So I have to exercise some restraint.

My wife is horrible about guns.

Just horrible.

She wants me to build her a M40 sniper rifle -or- just break down and buy a Barrett M82. No self control at all...she sees a handgun she likes in the store and just buys it.

To top it all off, she is also instructor rated (NRA) in pistol, rifle, shotgun, muzzleloading pistol/rifle/shotgun, metallic reloading, shotshell reloading, and personal protection. Oh, and a Chuck Taylor SAA grad. She shoots IPSC, IPDA, and SASS with me.


Very hard to live with.

:) :) :) :) :) :) :)
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Futo Inu:
I can't even get a date.[/quote]

Futo, that's cuz you're one of them slimeball liars, er, lawyers. ;)
My G/F is pretty good with the Red Ryder but I haven't been able to get her to the range yet. I guess we will all have to wait with baited breath to see her reaction.

Shop Smart! Shop S-Mart
(best Beavis voice) heheheheheheeeehehehheh

She finally decided, and went with a 700 PSS in .300 Win Mag, Springfield 6-20/56 Mil dot Government Model. Now she is debating stocks...

Yeah, life is rough at my house.

We will be at the American Handgunner World Shootoff next month, if you want to make fun of me in person. She'll be shooting her favorite P226 (the two-tone night sight'ed one with the walnut grips). Glad I found her first...

Wakal told a little fib. He got me to shoot one match for Cowboy Action Shooting, but he can't get me to commit to it.

He encourages me in my insanity for long-range rifle shooting and just bought me a new rifle.

He beats my butt with a pistol and a shotgun, but I've got him with the rifle!
:D :D :D :D

My wife is great about everything untill it comes to slipping the Bersa 380 between the mattresses at bedtime.She thinks I am kind of crazy when I take my 45 from my truck and put it in her van when we go somewhere in her vehicle.She says she will go to the range with me someday to shoot the Bersa I bought for her but I cant pin her down.She just doesnt see the big picture as of yet.But she is a good woman and a good mother.

"No weapon formed against me shall prosper" Isaiah 54:17
My Lady was so afraid of guns when I first started dating her that she would not even touch one to move it out of her way. I convinced her to go shooting with me after a time. Now, she has stated that I am not allowed to buy another gun, until I buy her one! She has agreed to allow me to buy another gun if I give her my Mustang PocketLite. I then explained the chance a snowball has of surviving in Purgatory and how that relates to my PocketLite!

I think I'll buy her a Kahr P9. (Then I can tell her I bought her a Kahr(car).) Oh man, I gotta cut down on the caffine!

Guns cause crime like spoons cause Rosie O'Donnell to be fat!

I hunt, therefore I am.