How short sighted we can be.
I grew up like a lot of people misinformed
taught that the southern flag stood for racism
and slavery.
I attacked many of those wearing and selling the flag
as racists asking if they were christians and knew
that god did not pick and choose races and Christ
taught nothing about it while thats another subject
I realize altogether my BIG problem....
even when I pretended to be their friend as lilly white
as I look they did not agree 95% of those I talked to
said that the flag stood for states rights and
control by the Federal at that time basically called
the Union government.
The Union used slaves as a reason to make the south look
bad and try to get the English on their side but if they had the agriculture the south did I believe they also would have had them.
Want to talk about racism origins?
What port did the slaves come through north or south?
What flags flew on the boats that brought many of the
slaves to america?
Big hint it wasnt the confederate battle flag!
Anyone remember it being put into the constitution by the victorious north that slavery would be abolished?
Are you happy with the federal government today?
Where do most of the threats to our gunrights come from
on a federal or local level?
Are most of the liberals in the north or south?
Whom do liberals claim to represent?Minorities
But what do they attack our most basic of constitutional rights while telling their supporting minorities that we those supporting such rights are rich white racists next to the powerful gunlobby.
Are their tactics working?
Well lets see over 70% of blacks that voted voted for Gore
who doesnt give a flip as to whether they have rights or not or whehter the fact that G.control that he supports
has undeniably racist origins.
If the liberals elitists did it today on the federal level
and are getting away with it whos going to say they didnt years ago.
To the victor goes the spoils....
and most of the record books.
Or am I the only one that feels the federal government
continues to overstep its power and invade into states rights??
But oh Im sorry this issue is about race not rights
keep telling yourself that so youll be on the 'right'
or should I say 'left' track.
For the confederates consider checking out
all others look for the racist conotations you say should be their.