Sooooo tired of this zombie stuff

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I'm not convinced it makes us look any worse in the eyes of the antis. Think about it, folks- this is a group who are ALREADY convinced we're nutjobs just looking for a reason to shoot out fellow human beings and we're only a half-turn from being full up terrorists ourselves.

Do you really think a group like that is going to feel any better about us if the zombie stuff ended tomorrow? Sure, they'll use it against us, but lacking that, they'd use anything else against us too. Short of continuing to be responsible citizens and letting the anti groups continue to marginalize themselves, there's not one single thing we can do to improve their opinion of us. I have no desire to try.

If anything, I think this is a sign of just how mainstream firearms enthusiasm has become. Zombies (like bacon) are an internet driven fad, and there's enough of a crossover that companies are making zombie related products for shooting. People are coming into the sport and they're buying pink guns, zombie green guns, etc. They're buying Z-Max ammo and zombie targets and having fun at the range. It's harmless.

While it isn't going to look good when somebody does something stupid with a LCP Zombie Slayer, it isn't going to be any less tragic if it were a Colt SAA from a SASS shooter.

So I've said it before and I'll say it again: Lighten up, Francis. :p:D
A scope with little zombie icons on the tube/covers. Ok...I'm a little old fashioned maybe what?
Sounds like this falls under the mantra of a " a fool and his money are soon partying." :p
I wonder if it sort of desensitizes people to the consequences of actually shooting another human being. I mean they’re the “living dead" right, so there is no problem shooting as many as we want. Yes, I know it is just some faddish fun to most folks, but it does make me wonder.

I always thought that was what the whole "Zombie" craze was all about. A Zombie uprising represents a target rich environment with no consequences. Is it murder to kill something that is dead? Is it even wrong?

In a zombie uprising, all semblance of law and order has disintegrated, at least temporarily and one has to rely on ones own wits, skills, and equipment to survive. It's a mans last chance to fight a desperate battle against overwhelming odds.

Note: Zombies never win.
I’ve made silver bullets for giggles:o ... well, 45% ... out of silver solder stubs that I didn’t want to fool with. No intention of shooting them, but if werewolves come around, I’m ready.:D

I think most of this stuff becomes attractive when you get bored and have nothing constructive to do.
And its downright amazing how many guys say "ooh ! I want one !" when they see a silver bullet.
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There's a guy in TX who makes 24 KT gold bullets. Must be in case Paris Hilton becomes a werewolf or zombie.

Of course, a brain shot won't work there. This is getting silly.

The attacks on the RKBA will come from more serious incidents as we sadly know. We rode out VT, Columbine and Congresswoman Giffords. Seriously, I don't think some zombie incident will pull the plug on the RKBA given the current political scene.
I don't recall at any point when I was earning my degree in history my professors going over the Great Zombie Invasion of 1927

Mike, your professors would have been going over the Great Zombie Invasion of 1827. No wonder we don't hear about now. ;)
Zombies (like bacon) are an internet driven fad,
They make bacon bullets yet? sells the bleeding Zombie targets and you can get zombie splatter targets at
I think that anything that attracts more shooters, getting them out practicing and making them better and safer shooters is good for all of us. There are probably dozens of different shooting sports out there and at least for me they seem to intimidating with all of their capital letter names and specialized weapons and profesional shooters and sponsors. Even cowboy action shooting seems to have it's own snobbery with costums and who has the most expensive guns and equipment.

Zombie shooting has the potential to be "every shooters" sport. It looks like alot of fun, no special clothing required. It would seem any type of gun or caliber would be acceptable in a zombie filled world. A shooting sport for every level of shooter. A sport that doesn't cost a fortune to join. A sport that could be as entertaining to watch as to do. Zombies may be one of the best things that has happened to the shooting sports as long as gun and ammo makers and gun clubs don't price it into some elite sport. Long live zombies!
It doesn't really bother me at all, as with any other FAD it will FADe fast. I wonder if I should start a zombie themed business before it does though. Got a couple of ideas in mind.:D
Lest we forget, one needs a gun to use these rounds regardless of who they are marketed toward. The same safety rules are in place—and are not being replaced or relaxed. No one should be selling or giving ammunition to kids unsupervised, and actually are unlikely to just because of pictures on the box. Don't worry about galvanizing the anti, Paintball and Airsoft are already doing a fine job of that.

I have no problem encouraging kids to ENJOY AND HAVE FUN with any sport or play that employs firearms.

Play is important, even for grownups.
EOtech is on the bandwagon too
^ I'm not saying it's a good argument, or that it's right. I'm saying the anti-gunners will use it as ammo, and millions of people who don't care to think critically will react accordingly. When have the anti-gunners ever shown any hesitation to tastelessly seize on a tragedy? Gabrielle Giffords had been shot, what, an hour before they exploited it?

And, you know, cowboys and Indians were a real thing. ;)
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