Some New Thoughts About "Profiling"

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I've been on the job in NJ (the "home" of profiing) on a Gang Task Force for about 6 years, and this is my take on the thread from my perspective. People are products of their environment, and to say that economic factors are not directly related to crime statistics would be an ignorant statement to make. To say that someone, by virtue of being black or hispanic is more likely to commit crime solely because of their genetic makeup is again an ignorant statement. However, race plays a larger factor than income (at least in my experience) in one's propensity to become a criminal. To substantiate that statement, think of it this way.... look at the role models that the blacks and hispanics look up to.... Tupac, 50 Cent, and the rest of those POS Gangster rappers. Do any of them offer anything more positive than the G's Up, Hoes Down, Shoot 'em all lifestyle? No. The glorification of crime and violence, particularly in regards to drugs and gangs and the associated lifestyle are what these adolescents are looking up to and, essentially, emulating. That is a conscious decision that is made, independent of income. Rap albums aren't cheaper than country albums, so economics play no role in the determination.

IMHO, economic factors, though existent, are far outweighed by other factors that are controllable, and arrived at through a conscious decision on the part of the criminal. Basically, you choose the criminal life, it doesn't choose you. And if blacks and hispanics, for instance, choose it more often than whites, oh well.
Crime is an econonmic issue. Statistically, poor people will commit more crimes. Blacks and other minorities tend to be in the lower income bracket, hence why they commit more crimes per capita. It has nothing to do with race. Poor white people commit just as many crimes. Hence the phrase, crime is an economic issue, not a racial one.
Crime is an econonmic issue...

Horse manure. Crime is an ethics issue. There are a good many of us who grew up in the lower income brackets- and did not choose a life of crime. Sell that song & dance somewhere else.
invssgt said:
Horse manure. Crime is an ethics issue. There are a good many of us who grew up in the lower income brackets- and did not choose a life of crime. Sell that song & dance somewhere else.

No offense, but you're an idiot. I certainly hope you don't have a degree from any university with that kind of logic.

1. Based on your logic, since I'm white, and I don't have a felonly, that would mean that no other white people have felonies. It's the same thing. You said that you grew up poor, and you didn't choose a life of crime, so that means nobody else did either:rolleyes:

2. It's proven statistically, again-proven statistically, that people who are in the lowest income bracket commit more crimes. Is this really that hard to understand people? Scrap your G.E.D and go get a real education.
riverrat66 said:
That's total BS! When I grew up I didn't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of!

Um what's your point? You're 1 person out of almost 300 million in this country. See my above post. It doesn't matter what you choose to do. When you average out all the people in each income segment the lowest income bracket commits more crime. You do realize that you're only 1 person, don't you? And what you do is a miniscule percentage of a total, right? I swear, you would think that anyone who has been through 4th grade math could figure this out, but maybe not.
Originally Posted by invssgt
Horse manure. Crime is an ethics issue. There are a good many of us who grew up in the lower income brackets- and did not choose a life of crime. Sell that song & dance somewhere else.

No offense, but you're an idiot. I certainly hope you don't have a degree from any university with that kind of logic.

Scrap your G.E.D and go get a real education.

"No offense"- no problem, Pal. I challenged your statement, and you turned it into a personal attack. Nothing I could call you would be better than what you have shown yourself to be.

Logic hurts, don't it? So does the truth, particularly when it entails choices/consequences. Neither of these get much traction in liberal academia, but that's OK with me.

By the way, I wasn't trying to bring you around to my way of thinking.

1. Based on your logic, since I'm white, and I don't have a felonly, that would mean that no other white people have felonies. It's the same thing. You said that you grew up poor, and you didn't choose a life of crime, so that means nobody else did either

I certainly hope you don't have a degree from any university with that kind of spelling, either.

2. It's proven statistically, again-proven statistically, that people who are in the lowest income bracket commit more crimes. Is this really that hard to understand people?

Lies, damn lies, and statistics. So how does your theory account for white collar crime? How about high-rolling sports stars and music celebrities that engage in criminal activity, or kill each other off in droves? It can't, because each of those people, regardless of their upbringing, race or financial status, made a conscious chopice to engage in activity that they knew was wrong- and also happened to be illegal. Ethics, or the lack thereof, decides the issue.
Oh, wow, I made a typo which must mean I don't really know how to spell the word correctly:rolleyes:

White collar crime is very different from the crime I'm talking about. Again, people of all races and incomes commit crimes, OBVIOUSLY. You don't need to point that out. However, I hate repeating myself, poor people commit more crimes per capita.

I guess I should be happy that this thread lasted longer than I really thought it would, but the personal attacks took the wind out of that sail.

RoSAR1, I realize you're new here, so here's a little tip: "You're an idiot" = personal attack. Please..... don't. We only say "please" once.

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