Soda's cheap shoot Report

Thanks to Soda & All....

Including those from NJ....

Seriously though, I had a great time and regret not having arrived earlier than when I did (approx. 12:30).

We may kid the NJ shooters about what they have to go through, but I hand it to them with the determination to do so and still maintain a positive attitude. Good show to them and I hope they manage to "convert" enough leftist/socialist liberals, one-at-a-time, until the tide turns. Takes guts and determination!

More on the invite from the NJ crew, if I were to attend the NJ TFL shoot in March, you have to let me (and everyone else) know when the shoot is scheduled. I say this, as after God, Family, Country, a little farther down the list comes IDPA and most places I shoot matches at start in March. I would like to see if I could shoehorn the NJ TFL shoot in there.

Hey Marcus, you wouldn't happen to be another 10mm afficianado would you? The crispy S&W 1006 you're talking about wouldn't have happened to have been at Ray Ciampoli's table, would it? I made the Forge show on Sunday and Ray had a very nice, clean & crispy looking 1006. Price to me was $439 (no, I didn't buy it, read on). BTW, if you would've made the shoot, you could've shot my S&W 1066 (or any one of the 9 other pistols I brought with).

I made the show at the Forge today. I only managed to get there at about 1:30, but scanned the tables bretty well. H&H Shooting Supplies had the new Glock G20 I was looking for. Traded the new Taurus PT940 I had (don't ask, to long to explain here) and added some change. Now I've got another 10mm to play with.

To Dot_mdb: Sorry we ran out of time and you didn't get to try out my CZ452 .22 magnum, to compare to your 452 RF. Next time! Also, hope the Dillon issue gets cleared up for you.

I hadn't shot that many wheel guns (revolvers) in quite awhile. Nice to have the chance to experience the "other" side of handgunning again though!

Next time, maybe I'll bring the Garand. Nothing like hearing the "ping" of the enbloc clip as the last round goes down range.

Last thing. Soda, would the management at W&W be adverse to reactive targets... say, old produce. I ask, as it's nice to see what you can do on paper (the excitement goes away after the 10th or 11th 1" group at 100yds. though), but you can't beat a reactive target for fun at an informal shoot. Old produce (organges, grapefruits, cantelopes, etc.) are nice to use, as the can be discarded for the local fauna to dipose of and are cheap to aquire. Most stores just through away the stuff that is out-of-date and couldn't be sold. Just a thought.

Well, that's all for now. See you all next time.

Have you been reading any of my previous brainstorms about possible events?:)

I mentioned awhile ago about having a "Fruit Shoot" TFL gathering.:D I could talk to the owners about doing something like that. IF we can get about 25-30 people to commit to coming these things I could reserve an entire day at W&W for TFL. The attendance of these gatherings varies drastically. Sometimes its 7-9 people, other times its 13-15 people. Off the top of my head, I think there has been over 75 TFL members come out to the NJ and PA shoot combined.

If everyone that came to the NJ and PA shoots in the past year, all came out at once, we'd have one heck of a gathering.
Thanks soda..

Had a blast, Wish I had the money to do this every weekend :)
Perfect day, no rain and the temp. was just right.
only thing is, I still have over 1000 rounds of 22 ammo left. ( got to do something about that )

Between Ray Woodrow's evil beast and my Savage 30/06 my sholder is killing me. you don't belive the bruse I have.

Maby I Should get a bolt .223
A lot cheaper on ammo and easier on the sholder.
Thanks again Soda.
Yea guys , March.....................

The next NJ TFL shoot will be in March after all the hunting seasons.

Rovert, who is now a member of Buckeye, TigerShark, and a few others will think up a new course of fire to shoot. It's time to get down and dirty! We will keep the pin and rope shoot. How about a turkey shoot to pass the time while individuals go through the course? Geoff, are you up for that? We will make it a pistol/shotgun event.
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Nvrquit,yep I am and yep that was the one. I resisted the temptation to whip out the plastic but got their business card. The guy manning the table said he`d probably take $425 for it and that they might even take a partial trade. A trip to New Castle may be in my future if I can decide which gun(s) I`m willing to sacrifice. ;) Sounds like I missed out on shooting some neat stuff.... DOH! Marcus
No DOH, just show...

That's gone'a be a long ride, as New Castle is just this side of Ohio.... I know as I was there once as a youngster. that was one very long bus ride to a tournament.

Ray's a pretty good gut to deal with and he'll probably be back at the Forge show in December. If you really want the 1006, set the deal up via phone and do the transfer when he's here in December (if he's coming). Better than the drive, IMHO.

Hey Jerseites! Are you talking about a LIVE turkey shoot?!? OOOOHH, if so are you a blood thirsty bunch (after my own heart). If so, who's going to pluck the feathery beasty's after they've been done in? An exploding turkey head is just a little better than an exploding cantelope(but not very PC in today's world).

Until next time!

No. It isn't a live turkey shoot! One shoots at a piece of paper against others and sees who can get the most pellets into the circle or other object printed on paper. Shells are provided by the host so everyone is shooting the same brand and amount of pellets. Winner of each round goes to next round or you can buy extra chances and try to beat the winning score again. Are Turkey Shoots just a Jersey thing? I don't believe so. Your pulling my leg nvrquit!:rolleyes:
New Castle

I thought New Castle was in Delaware just across the bay (river) from Pennsville, NJ. Is this a different New Castle?? Quantrill
I read about a turkey shoot in a recent National Geographic. I'm serious. We urban elites have to learn about obscure backwoods customs somehow. :p

Afterwards, can we go on a snipe hunt? SodaPop can hold the potato sack. :D
New Castle, as in Pennsylvania....

The dealer I and Marcus were referring to is located in New Castle, PA. This is located approx. 4 miles from the PA/OH border. Nice bus ride if you want to take a very long nap or really test your spouse's love by asking them to share the drive.

Ray 3rd,
Yes, I've heard of the type of turkey shoot you mentioned, but I've also seen(I'll admit that I not good enough) archers shoot at LIVE turkey's heads for their turkey shoot. Don't remember the distance, but it was a bit out there. I also thought it made a nice teaser to ask!

David Park,
Nah, lets give Soda a rest... we'll get the actor that played Fraser on Cheers for the Snipe hunt(now, does anyone remember that one... or was that an eldritch?!?).

BTW, please excuse the horrible spelling on the previous post, asit was done in "drive by" style. Later!
Well I'm back to sunny PA ;) from Miami and it sounds like I missed a good'un.
Hopefully the next event won't be long in coming.

That turkey shoot thang sounds interesting. Any more info? Gun restrictions, choke....?

How about November 10th?

I just picked up 1200rds of SA .223 and ordered 1000 230gr bullets and 1000 62gr for reloading.:D

I'll be ready for ya in another month!!

I never got to shoot half my guns. I had to play range officer and school teacher last time. I hope to have new sights on my Colt by then also. I got a new slide stop got to test out the GI 1911 mags tomorrow.

Anyone want to hit W&W tomorrow? I'll be there!
Another shoot? I still haven't cleaned my guns from the last shoot! :eek: :D (I must be getting lazy like Jody.)

I'm not buying any more guns this year (just like Geoff ;) ) but I'm hoping to add a scope to one or two of my rifles before the next meet. Hopefully my car will be fixed by then too.

Will this be the "Shoot, Sneeze, and Shiver in the Snow" meet?
I think Jody Hudson would make a good Santa. Why don't you put on a Santa suit and we could have a family TFL gathering in December?