Soda's cheap shoot Report


New member
Had a wonderful time, shootin and talkin and shootin and talkin. Thanks to Soda for setting every thing up including a TFL discount. What a selection of firearms and everybody willing to share and talk about them. Can't wait for the next one. A special thanks to Ray for remembering what I forgot. Quantrill
I'm going back tomorrow to finish shooting. I don't know if any of you noticed, but I was getting some "schooling" in shooting my Winchester Model 70, 30/06 for the first time. I shot the best I've ever shot with my Colt 1991A1. I pretty much shot out the bullseye for the fist time.:D

My AR didn't jam up on any of my reloads anymore. Looks like I got that whole deal straightened out.:cool:

I picked up 500rds of 7.62x39 that I never got around to shoot.

I was glad my friend "Bob" showed up. He hasn't shot a gun since he was 12yrs old. He's 28yrs old now.:eek: Anyone want to guess how many guns he owns 2yrs from now.

Everyone loves that Beretta.

I believe the head count was 11 TFL members and 4 guests. That's two more than the last shoot.

Too bad "Marcus" didn't make it. He had a bunch of neat stuff last time. Where was ya, Marcus?;)

I got to try out a Daiwoo and AUG for the first time. That Daiwoo had a better stock than any M4 I've shot. A much better fit and fell if ya ask me.

Did anyone else try out the AUG???? I loved the sights on that thing. The trigger felt weird, but the gun was fun to shoot.
Jamie, sorry we didn't make it out. Guy was working until late morning, and when I told him about the gun show at King Of Prussia, he mentioned that (being a lifelong NJ resident) he's never been to a gun show. How could I say no? You had to see him... his eyes glazed over like a kid in a candy store. :)

I came home with a Bushmaster M4A3 and 500 rounds of Russian .223 hollowpoint ammo, he bought an HK USC . :D :D :D :D
Sell out!!

Well we had our own gun show. I shot so many guns today that I've never even seen at a gun show.

A dream fulfilled today..... I shot a DSA SA58 Cabine!!!!

I was amazed out how the bulky FAL could be cut down to such a handy rifle.
That was a damn good one. Nice to meet you all, thanks for the hospitality and hope to catch the ones we missed next time. Is this a great country or what (except for New Jersey, of course)?
Next time, anyone coming from out of State, has to bring a flag from their State to the shoots. A few of the members of Water and Wings were wondering what all the "new people" were doing there with all the exotic weapons.

How many rounds did you put threw that SA58 Carbine, AnklePocket?
Hi guys, my car didn't explode and I made it back OK. The shoot was a lot of fun, but tiring. I'm going to sleep all day tomorrow.

I went through a bunch of ammo, and also got to try some different guns. Thanks to dot_mdb for letting me try his CZ 452 (it's definitely on my want list), to Quantrill for trying his Luger, and to the other guys who I can't remember right now. :o
Thanks to dot_mdb for letting me try his CZ 452

I was surprised how WOLF actually makes decent 22LR ammo. I thought WOLF was reliable crap that only worked in commie guns. I guess I was wrong.;) I'll have to try some of that out in my 10/22 next.
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I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to make it out. I had a prior engagement that ended up running a little long :(. However, I think I'd like to finally go check this range out - $20/day is a bit steep, though. What are the annual rates?

It was a great event. Wonderful people and fun times. Ankle Pocket will soon be getting at least one Keltec P32 I think (and thanks for that AP once again).

I had wanted to see the Bersa .380, which I did!!!

I had wanted to shoot one of those $1,000 ++ Wilson Combat .45s which I did!!! By the way it shot BEST for me with the Wolf ammo.

I got to see a Papoose!!! Plan to order one this week.

It was certainly a good time and great to see and meet all you fine folks. And, thanks a bunch to all of you who let me try out some of your EXPENSIVE guns. Most of mine are the Commie guns which cost me about the same as some others spend on a few boxes of ammo! :eek:

Soda, I think we are slowly turning Matthew into a 'rifle shooter! :)

I hope to see you all again soon and for those of you who missed the shoot and dinner... DON'T LET IT HAPPEN AGAIN... You SHOULD already be sorry. :cool:
How about that 48 star flag:D

Once again I bought the wrong guns:(

That Wilson was nice untill the mag dropped on me:rolleyes:

The Luger was the hit of the show:cool:
That magazine problem was a severe problem.

I noticed that the Luger was having feeding problems for quite a while, the one time I looked on. I WAS going to ask to shoot it but that spoiled it for me.

I was VERY happy with all my guns, except the AR-7 which will be for sale tomorrow! Lots and lots of failures in the AR-7 but it was fairly accurate when it did work. Papoose, here I come. :)
Jody, why don't you sell Mathew that Daiwoo?:D

I was going to ask you if that gun was F/A, because every time that boy opened up with it, IT SURE SOUNDED LIKE IT!:)
Put 60 rounds through it before I started getting sloppy. Not sure if it was the bruise that was developing on my cheek or my wife's voice ringing in my head. Thanks much for helping me to get it set up. Probably need another day to get it totally dialed in.
Yes, the Luger was the hit. I won't mention who's it was just in case the German's family is lurking. Hey, that was almost 60 years ago.
And thanks again for the time behind some of the weapons. I may do the unthinkable and get me one of them Glocks. The P32 is a no-brainer as it shot REAL well. And now I know the deal with custom .45's and it's quite a deal. I just have to up my purchase permit application a bit, but I think that I've convinced my local police that I'm a good guy as there's fewer unmarked cars going by my house now. I know that most of you don't even have the "permit to purchase" process so don't even ****** start. Plus, all of the anti-gunners know that they can come over my house and be safe when the SHTF in exchange for an off-road jaunt in their BMW sport utes.
Soda,sorry I didn`t make it. I had all my toys layed out,gear and ammo packed etc. (including some toys I haven`t brought out before) when a minor "family crisis" :rolleyes: came up and weenied me out of my fun. :mad: The one consolation is that it involved a trip that got me suprisingly close to the gunshow at King Of Prussia :cool:. It wasn`t as much fun as shooting and talking with all of you folks but I did manage to pick up a bunch of stuff I wanted as well as get a line on a pretty minty 1006 10mm. :D I`m still bummed I missed it but I WILL be at the next shoot *for sure*! Marcus
It was a pleasure to leave NJ and be able to breath the fresh, clean, FREE air of PA.

Wonderful talking to many of you guys.

I was surprised when I realized that I live only about 35 miles east of the PA border. I have been figuring whether I could escape across the border and still be able to commute to the office each day.

Jamie, put me down for the next one.

It looks like Ray's next shoot is waaaaaaaaaaay down the road. Was it next March, Ray?:(

I went back to W&W again today. Did some pretty good shooting with the sling on the '06 with my hand-loads. I put in some precision dialing on the FAL too.

I skipped out on the Valley Forge Gunshow all together. This may be blasphemy, But I think I own every gun I need.

Since my AR is now my target gun, I gotta shoot up all my junk ammo and get a little more precise with my reloading.

When do you guys think you want to have another one? How would early December be?
I never made it guys:( :(
I had the car all packed and all and last minute something came up and I was unavable to go all day :(
I did not even get to VF today. It was a non gun weekend for sure.. Sorry soda.. next time :)
