SodaPop's 22 Pop Festival!!Sunday October 6th!!!!

Jamie Young

New member
Keeping with the theme of our most successful TFL gathering, this will be our second "22LR Pop Festival" of 2002.

You are all required to bring a 22LR pistol, or rifle, and TONS AND TONS OF AMMO!!:D I got a 10/22 now, so I won't feel so left last time. :( If you don't have a 22LR rifle/pistol you gotta bring a box of 22LR ammo.

There will also be an open house at the 200yd range for anyone that wants to try out various Battle rifles and Assault rifles. I personally would like to see everyone try out a FAL,M1A,AR,SAR I,SAR II, SKS and any other battle/assault rifle I can get my hands on. If you try out all of those rifles in one day you'll have more experience than half the goof balls that hang out in the Rifle forum. Maybe I can get Jody Hudson to bring his Daewoo.

If any of you have a Military bolt action or Assault rifle/Battle Rifle other than the FAL,M1A,AR ,SKS or AK variant, please let me know. I have a ton of ammo for all of you new shooters, so come all ye newbies!!:) There is a 50/50 chance I can get a guy to bring his 50BMG there.

We will also be hitting the 5 stand next to the pistol range at some point in the day. Come out and watch "Soda" smuther "9mmMike" and "K80Geoff" at the 5 stand. :p

If you want to stretch your legs, you'll have access to a 100-500yd rifle range also.

The shoot will be held at:

Water and Wings
9173 Janes Lane
East Greenville,PA 18041

The club is right off of the Northeast extension of the PA turnpike. Its VERY, VERY, EASY to get to.

No ducking out because of the Eagles game either. You can come and shoot and then go home and watch the game in the afternoon.
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I've been doing this for awhile now and I'm going to smack a few people around at the club to give all the TFL members a discount on the normal $20 fee. If we have as many people come out as we did at the last "22 Pop Festival" we should get a break. There is food and drinks in the main building so you should all be able to grab some artery clogging items in there. Too bad I don't have a Pepsi machine in there.

I can't wait for the day I have an old Coke or Pepsi machine break down. Maybe we could shoot one someday.:D

Don't forget to bring your shotguns !!
Soda, how can you call the last .22 festa "our most successful TFL gathering" when I wasn't there? :confused:

This one's on the calendar. Maybe I'll have some new toys to bring.
when I wasn't there?

No comment;) :D :p

There was such a heap of spent 22LR brass laying around last time. I think we went threw a bazzillion rounds. Maybe I should have called this gathering the "22LR Cheap Shoot!" Spend $10 on a brick of ammo and your all smiles for the rest of the day.

I'm staking claim to all 45acp brass. I'm poor and I have to reload for economic reasons.

Where's John Wayne????? Is he back from NC yet?
I'm back from NC. I think that I have to scoot down to Miami on the 5th for a week though. I will know for sure when I get back to work tomorrow. If I am in PA, there is no way that I will miss the Pop Festival. The last one was a hoot. I will also bring an M1A for folks to try.
I have never done 5-stand but I accept the challenge and my 870 will be ready.
I have never done 5-stand but I accept the challenge and my 870 will be ready.

Geoff and I did it last week. I wasn't that far behind him. He starting complaining about being all tired and sore from driving. Now I know his weakness.:D We'll hit the 5 stand late in the day when he's all worn out.
Sounds like fun - I hope I can make it. Water and Wings was recommended to me years ago (when it was still Twin S), but I never got a chance to check it out. Since becoming Water and Wings, I've heard that they've become alot less "evil black rifle" friendly. Your suggestion that everyone bring their black rifles along seemingly goes against that, but since this is more or less a special event, who knows... Any truth to this? I'm looking for a new "home", but don't want to pay membership fees only to deal with the "why do you need one of those" guys on a regular basis.

I found references to their website at , but have been unable to get there the past couple of days. Does anyone have a copy of their range rules, or could provide the cliffnotes version? Wondering specifically if these are allowed:

- full auto (don't own any yet, but someday!)
- rapid semi-auto fire
- tracers (weather/dryness permitting)
- reactive targets (no "junk" like appliances, computers, etc, but small stuff that's easy to clean up like milk jugs, tennis balls on string, bowling pins, etc.)

I have an old and decrepet Mosin-nagant rifle

I can bring if I can make it. Intrested? 762x54, think I have some ball ammo around here somewhere too. How many shotgun shells do we need? (IE should I go to Wal-Mark and pick up a couple of {hundred round} bulk packs?)
I asume you mean 22 pistols too? How about an old Mossberg model 44 US target rifle? sounds like fun Hope I can make it.

Water and Wings had a lot of problems with some of the people that moved into a new development in the area. Water and Wings has been there for almost 40yrs and some people decided to buy houses near it and then say they didn't like the noise. They have had people go "horse-back riding" and kids riding "ATVs" on the rifle range while people were shooting. Someone also burned down the 500yds range because they were using incidiary rounds. YES there has been some turmoil there but they are ABSOLUTELY assault weapon friendly. Its only $100 for the rifle and pistol range membership. If you go 5 times you got your money's worth.

I can bend some of the rules there because I'm in pretty good with the managment. We shoot sporting clays and paper targets. Sometimes you can "ask" to set up some other kinds of targets. They've let me from time to time. There is more room at the 200yd range and its a nice spot to get off the benches.

JMLV- Bring it if you come(you better come).
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Wow what a coincidence

I was going to post a request for a PA TFL shoot at W&W.
I went a couple weekends ago and they were closed.
Of course I am the dumba** that thought a rainy Labor day Sunday would be a great day to go, no crowds.
I'm working on loads for my 6mm and 308 Remmy's to try out at the longer ranges. Got a couple thumbhole ak's, beater L1a1, faux M4, 1917 sporter that shoots great, Glock 20, HK Tac 45, P7 9mm. As well as the requisite marlin 60 & henry lever.

Sounds good. I just checked out Mapquest and its only 35 miles away - closer than I thought. I was also thinking of checking out Bucks County Fish & Game, but it seems like WW might be the better choice.

Also somewhat off topic - any of you SE PA guys ever get together to purchase reloading components mail order, or know of any good place to buy them locally? I'm just getting started myself and can't see buying the quantity necessary to make the hazmat fees worth it for just myself. I can see buying powder by the pound from local gunshops isn't going to save me very much, and there only ever seems to be one guy selling powder at the local shows at only marginally better prices. Right now looking for some surplus and/or pulldown for .223 and .308...

The big gun shows at Fort Washington (now defunct) and the Valley Forge shows have lots and lots of reloading components. I'm pretty boring when it comes to reloading. I get all of my stuff from Everything I reload for 45acp,223, and 308 are all IMI (Israeli Military Industries). Excellent bullets in bulk for plinking.

Bring the M4 if you can. Let's make this a Gun show too!:D

I think I'll bring everything I own just for the heck of it.
You guys ever been to "Wicens Farm range?

in furlong PA? (by doylstown) Its just 5 minutes from tanners on 263. Nice place. My buddies family ownes it and we have 2 day shoots there once a years or so from another site(
(Next one is in april 2003) maybe we could have a TFL shoot there
some time.
sodapop, which is it you want the mossy or the mosin or both <VBG>?
Also just how many shotgun shells should I bring?