So Who Killed JFK?

So Who is Resonsible for the Death of JFK?

  • Oswald and/or someone and CIA/Texas Right Wingers

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  • Oswald and/or someone and Fidel/Che

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Guns and politics what a combo.

I've been studying the JFKs assasination since I saw Jack Ruby pop Lee Harvy on live TV. I can honestly assert that I have read every major work on the assasination since Mark Lane's "Rush to Judgement", which I read before the Warren Commision report btw.

Lee Harvey Oswald, by himself killed JFK. He owned the rifle that beyond any doubt was used to shoot the Pres. That rifle/shooter combo was more than capable of a head shot at 50 yards.

IMHO, one's views about the Kennedy assasination are reflective of ones political views in general. I think this will be demonstrated by responses to this post.

And beyond the Mafia-Space Aliens-MIC theories, I DEFY anyone to show me that the Mannlicher-Carcano found at th scene wasn't used...

WildthisshouldkillsometimetillspringAlaska TM
All I can say for certain is that somone did it. It was well before my time, and there are so many sources of information saying so many different things. Some are conspiracies, some arent. Was the govt involved? I hope not, but I dont know for sure. Was the mafia or aliens involved? I really doubt it.

I guess you could say I have trust issues. I generally dont trust the goverment beyond what i can see with my own eyes.
I've never seen anything to make me question the assertion that Oswald alone killed Kennedy. But Ruby's behavior blows some gaping holes in the idea that he was acting independently.
The latest release from the Dallas DA (transcript) tells me that somebody was aware of the plot and either failed or declined to stop it. I'm convinced that the mafia was involved. Anything beyond that is pure speculation.
I guess you could say I have trust issues. I generally dont trust the goverment beyond what i can see with my own eyes.

So is what you are saying is the truth doesnt matter?

WildqueryAlaska TM
So is what you are saying is the truth doesnt matter?

I'm saying I dont know what the truth is. I didnt see the assasination first hand, and I dont put 100% faith in the accounts of others. I think Oswald did it. But I dont KNOW it. And just cause Uncle Sam says its true, doesnt make it gospel.
People say I can't have an opinion on this because I was too young to even remember where I was at the time. Rubbish, I was in diapers and I did not see Oswald do a darned thing.

To this day whenever I have to sign for a delivery at work or home, I always sign Lee Harvey Oswald, because I know where I was and did not see him shoot anybody.

Actually circa 1973 I had the privelege to meet a limo driver named Topper who claimed to be in Dealy plaza at the time. He is convinced that shots came from the Knoll, and as far as I know left this world believing that.
The Onion has the truth, Wildalaska.


President Shot 129 Times from 43 Different Angles


President Kennedy was assassinated Friday by operatives of the CIA, the Giancana crime syndicate, Fidel Castro, Vice President Johnson, the Freemasons and the Teamsters as he rode through downtown Dallas in a motorcade.

According to eyewitnesses, Kennedy's limousine had just entered Dealey Plaza when the president was struck 129 times in the head, chest, abdomen, arms, legs, hands, feet, back and face by gunfire. The shooting began at 12:30 p.m. and lasted until 12:43 p.m. CST.

In all, 43 suspects have been taken into the custody of the Dallas police.

Preliminary reports indicate that hitmen for the Giancana crime syndicate fired from a nearby grassy knoll, CIA agents fired from an office building slightly off the parade route, Cuban nationals fired from an overpass overlooking Dealey Plaza, an elite hit squad working for Teamsters President Jimmy Hoffa fired from perches atop an oak tree, a 'lone nut' fired from the Texas Book depository, a shadow-government sharp-shooting team fired from behind a wooden fence, a consortium of jealous husbands fired from an estimated 13 sites on the sidewalk along the route, a hitman working for Johnson fired from a sewer grate over which the limousine passed, and Texas Gov. John Connally lunged at the president from within the limousine itself, slitting the president's throat with a combat knife.

The mortally wounded president was sped to nearby Parland Hospital, where doctors with ties to Johnson's inner circle performed a staged autopsy. They pronounced him dead at 2:18 p.m. CST.

The body was then chemically treated by J. Edgar Hoover and put in a decoy casket for transport to Roswell, New Mexico. There, space aliens using medical technology beyond the knowledge of man sealed Kennedy's 129 wounds. Kennedy's corpse was then reanimated and rushed to Germany for an emergency meeting with the frozen brain of Adolf Hitler.

After the meeting, Kennedy aides announced plans for the two leaders' sperm cells to be atomically sustained, planted in the womb of aspiring actress Judith Campbell, and grown into a super-race of 21st-century conquerors.

According to investigators, the assassination appears to have been carefully planned and carried out in strict accordance with both the Skull-and-Bones Blood Rite and Masonic "Killing of the King" rituals.

Officers found several hundred weapons within a four-block radius of the shooting site, including telescope-sighted Weatherby Magnum rifles, Italian bolt-action 6.5mm carbines, Thompson submachine guns, Russian Kalashnikov assault rifles, and one ray-gun.

The assembled killers were taken into police custody at Dallas City Hall. As they were being transferred to the county prison however, all 43 were shot and killed by Jack Ruby, 52, a Dallas-area nightclub owner.
I've never really given it much thought but a while back I saw a documentary on it that raised some very interesting questions. So I'll play devil's advocate here.

I remember finding it odd that one of the supposed bullets used was found on the gurney if I recall and it was in pristine condition. The Secret Service being called away from the car just before he was assassinated. The first doctor that examined Kennedy seeing his head blown out from the front to back that was allegedly reconstructed. Bullet hole in the windshield. I'm sure I'm missing many other points raised.

At this point in time , with all the pressing issues we have to consider , Kennedy is the least of my worries. It's an interesting topic to discuss but not something I'm personally going to lose sleep over. I'm more concerned with the value of our Dollar and the massive National Debt.

Food for thought. Supposedly this transcript was forwarded to the effa-bee-eye from an attorney and deemed "not credible" and there are serious doubts as to whether the meeting ever occured. But if that's the case, why keep it secret for a half a century?

And even if this transcript is true, Ruby's behavior still doesn't make much sense. It is established fact that Ruby had mafia ties and a record. It is also apparent that he knew point-shooting better than most on this forum. This strip club owner wanders into the Dallas PD and kills Oswald out of a fit of patriotism and remorse for Jackie O? Doubt it.
He goes in there and kills Oswald to protect the same secrets he himself knows? I don't really buy that either.
If you're gonna send someone to silence a potential leak, the shooter has no idea why he's doing it.
Another minor detail: I have no doubt that anybody above the age of 5 who has seen a picture of a rifle could make that shot, but a trained marksman attempting it with a Carcano? Why? That thing is more liable to jam than get 3 shots in a row. :eek:
I believe it was Oswald with perhaps help or encouragment from a 3rd party. I doubt that the truth, if Oswald didn't act alone, will ever be known and there still are several questions that deserve to be answered.

With that said, the most interesting, ummmmmmm?, to me is the scene of the crime. I spent a lot of time in Dallas last summer and made a couple of trips to Dealy Plaza. As most things, Dealy is a hell of a lot smaller in person than it is on TV. What I failed to understand is just how in the hell did Oswald manage to build a snipers nest and hang out a 3rd floor window to get a shot at Kennedy. The School Book Depository sits virtually right on the street with only a 4 foot sidewalk between it and the roadway. As close as the proximity of Oswald was to Kennedy, I'm perplexed that no one noticed him in that window before hand. The spot where Kennedy was killed is still marked on the roadway and it appears that it would have been a pretty easy shot. I certainly think any one with decent rifle skills could have made it especially with ample time to get either 2 or 3 shots off.

I just find it hard to believe that people opposite the School Book Depository failed to see Oswald setting up and getting ready for the shot. This is what totally confuses me. Did Oswald shoot Kennedy? I believe so. Were there other forces at play? Possible.

Seeing where it all happened really gave me a better view of the events and exactly how close, how out in the open, Oswald got to Kennedy. Seeing the area created more questions in my mind.

If you are ever in Dallas and if you are in the slightest interested in the Kennedy assasination, Dealy Plaza is a must see.
Still playing DA here , isn't it also true that the doctor hired to examine Kennedy had never done a gunshot autopsy before , lost a critical piece of evidence (Kennedy's brain still missing) and burned his notes?

Seems to me , whenever you find evidence planted or missing or both, there's more to the story than being told.
but a trained marksman attempting it with a Carcano? Why? That thing is more liable to jam than get 3 shots in a row.
Today 01:04 PM

The FBI tests of the Carcano's accuracy showed:

1) FBI firearms expert Robert A. Frazier testified that "It is a very accurate weapon. The targets we fired show that." From 15 yards, all three bullets in a test firing landed approximately 2 1/2 inches high, and 1 inch to the right, in the area about the size of a dime. At 100 yards, the test shots landed 2 1/2 to 5 inches high, within a 3 to 5 inch circle. Frazier testified that the scope's high variation would actually work in the shooter's favor: with a target moving away from the shooter, no "lead" correction would have been necessary to follow the target. "At that range, at that distance, 175 to 265 feet, with this rifle and that telescopic sight, I would not have allowed any lead — I would not have made any correction for lead merely to hit a target of that size."

Using the assassination rifle mounted with the telescopic sight, three marksmen, rated as master by the National Rifle Association, each fired two series of three shots. In the first series the firers required time spans of 4.6, 6.75, and 8.25 seconds respectively. On the second series they required 5.15, 6.45, and 7 seconds. The marksmen took as much time as they wanted for the first target at 175 feet, and all hit the target. For the first four attempts, the firers missed the second shot at 240 feet by several inches. Five of the six shots hit the third target at 265 feet, the distance of President Kennedy from the sixth floor window when he was struck in the head. None of the marksmen had any practice with the assassination weapon beforehand except to work the bolt.
Lou Pran,
The photos of the bullet are available online. Wouldn't call it "pristine" by any stretch.

To me , this sure doesn't look like a bullet that hit much more than water ???

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