so...there are no cooks in the armed forces?


New member
I'm a salesman, I talk to a lot of people in the course of a day and almost always ask what they do for a living. Today alone I've met three people who claim to be in the armed forces.

#1 was mid 20's, slight build, wearing a visor upside down and backwards. He had on a basketball jersey and had a tat on his arm that said, "Thug life 4-eva". Appharently, he's a Navy Seal.

#2 was a late teens, medium build long haired kid who rode in on an old kawasaki motorcycle. He claimed to be an Air Force sniper. I'll say that again, because it bares repeating, an Air Force sniper.

#3 was about 40 years old, about 100lbs overweight wearing a dirty Garfield shirt and jean shorts. He had on those sunglasses that wrap all the way around your face, the ones that look like virtual reality goggles. Come to find out, he's a Marine sniper.

I bet I've met 1500 members of the special forces and snipers from all branches (including the coast guard :rolleyes: ) in the last year.

So my question is this, are there no cooks in the armed forces? I've never met one, and it seems like that would be more prestegious than being special forces. Especially since snipers and special forces outnumber cooks about 2000+ to 1.
This post reminded me of something somewhat related. Up here in the Pacific Northwest, there are a lot of people who believe that they had a past life as someone famous. In the town of Yelm, we have J. Z. Knight, who makes a tidy profit by channeling words of advice from her previous existence as the mystical warrior Ramtha, who apparently ruled Atlantis or some such thing. I don't really keep up.

So why do the people with past lives always have someone notable or famous, like a king, queen, knight, shaman or the like? Whatever happened to the scullery maids or the stablehands? Is it because saying "I lived two thousand years ago and shoveled horse crap for a living" is just not that impressive?
Haha thats hilarious, but seriously, it's an epidemic the way people lie. Do they just wake up one morning and decide to be SF or a sniper?
Well not to show you up, but I happen to be a Delta Force Commando - Special Operations Team Sniper, I also happen to be the personal body guard of the President of the U.S., Queen of England (I was actually King Henry the V, in a past life) and the guy who does all the Del Taco commercials and when I am not performing any super duper heroic deeds, I spend my time either on TFL or flying my personal super secret f-88 (its sooo secret that I am the only one who has it yet). Yup, I think that we have all run into these Super Soldiers too many times in our lives.
Funny story, I do have a friend in the Army Special Forces. We once were drinking and carrying on in a bar and we overheard this guy blabbing about Special Forces this, Special Ops buddy went over and introduced himself...started talking with this guy and asked if he could see his "Coin", the guy had no idea of what he was talking buddy reached into his wallet and produced his Team coin and said..."yknow, one of these...", stone cold silence and total embarrasment. Its easy to pull these jokers cards...if anyone really wants to waste their efforts doing so.
I happen to be a Delta Force Commando - Special Operations Team Sniper, I also happen to be the personal body guard of the President of the U.S., Queen of England (I was actually King Henry the V, in a past life) and the guy who does all the Del Taco commercials

Wait... You're Steven Segal!!??
I know what you are saying, but I think there really haven't been a whole lot in the last several years. With the advent of T rats, the cook MOS is pretty much a thing of the past. There are very few "food specialists," there are probably less of them than Spec Ops types.

Now the only place we have to put guys with min-GT scores are drivers.
Ha! The Secret Life of Walter Mitty! I love it when the real thing shows up and faces get red :D . Funny thing is, I met a guy a few years back at the range, and we became friends. Very mild mannered, easy going, and soft spoken. Always seems to have a smile on his face and I've never seen him get mad. He's well built, but not someone that would stand out in a crowd. Also one hell of a shot! Imagine the look on my face when a couple of weeks ago, I finally found out that he's retired from SEAL Team 4. No wonder he can shoot!
Wait... You're Steven Segal!!??
Mitch Buchanan , duh

An old high school buddy came back from basic a sergent Major, and a sniper. Which was an amazing feat since he went in as a Green Beret and was allowed to skip normal basic training.

Anther friend came out of Navy boot as a Religious Petty Officer to this day I have no idea what this means.

So why do the people with past lives always have someone notable or famous, like a king, queen, knight, shaman or the like?
When I was growing up it was popular to claim Cherokee ancestry and of course it had to be a chief or princess or the like.

My ex mother in law was decended from a Cherokee princess and Russian royalty. And she was still an old battle ax.

After I got a computer and many years after I divorced the baby battle ax I did some checking, can't even find mention of a Rokosi in russian history
Thes are great! I have a good friend and neighbor who WAS a cook in the army. He had to get a pardon from Carter before he could open a bar, though :eek: .
Air Force 11 years. 3C3X0 was my AFSC, Project Manager for Comm.

Most of the cooks now-a-days are "rented out" with only a few actually being cooks as their AFSC. But the ones that did come in as cooks, usually wanted to be so and you can find them (the retired or the ones that got what they were going for), they are the ones that own their own restaurants or work in the back of the fancy ones (most of the ones in the AF went to culinary school, paid for by the AF (100% IIRC because it was their AFSC) and then went out and got real good paying jobs in high end places).

Haven't all the cooks been replaced by civilian contractors? If so, then the civilians are the military and the military are the civilians.

Back in the 70s there were tons of morons lying to anyone who would listen that they were green berets and that they had spent 10 years in cambodia and laos sniping the NVA off while living off the land and being out on patrol in the continuous rain for months on end without seeing anything except natives and almost forgetting how to speak english and punching out the captain when they finally came in from patrol cause he griped them out for their uniforms that had rotted off their bodies and all they had were shreds of clothing hanging off their giant pecs as they sat down and drank a fifth of cheap whiskey in one gulp before shooting at the rats running across the rafters of the bar with their M722A.1 belt fed machine gun where the hooch girls would do things with cigars that defy description.......and on and on and on.

Meanwhile the real deal kept his mouth shut and only talked to other real deals..Seems like some things will never change.
Can't speak for AF food but I gained 23 pounds in army basic
Ft Leonard Wood Ms had a large German population outside the gates most mess workers were German descended civilians, best food I ever ate. I was thinking about getting recycled
My wife's grandfather always told people he was a cook during world war II. Said he had nothing to say about the war and would roll his eyes if people asked him quesitons about his service.

After he died she discovered that he had actually been in the Normandy landing and fought in a tank. He'd never been a cook. Just his way to get out of talking about what he saw and did.

Sitting on airplanes I've also met an amazing number of people who were in special forces/trained killers/etc. The best guy was the CIA assassin who worked the middle east and could "absolutely" kill anyone he could get within 20 feet of irregardless of how alert or well armed they were (and him unarmed).

I often wish I'd made the decision to server during the non-war years of my youth, but so far I haven't started lying about it.

Well ... there was that ugly business in Asia ... but I don't like to talk about that!
You probably won't know real SF types when you meet them. They may not even say they're military up front, just obscure references about being "out of town" a lot. In the AF's SOW we had a nickname: "Quiet Professionals" and it meant just that.
a few years ago i found a web site on the net that exposed people claiming to be navy seals. started by real navy seals, they would do background checks on people claiming to be seals and post all of their info on the net to expose and shame them. :D

Great post. I especially like the fat dude with the Garfield shirt-what a tool. I am sure that he can PT with the best of us...