So Palin has a couple minor skeletons...

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.... anything else in the closet? Underage daughter preggers and an old DUI for hubby. No big deal in my mind, but is there anything else? Hate to see another Bernard Kerik debacle. That was embarrassing and I hope everyone learned from it. But I sometimes wonder just how thorough these people are.

The left bloggers will ferret out anything she may have in her closet and undoubtably present a few skeletons that don't exist just to drag her through the mud.

What has been thrown out thus far is not a factor IMO- concerns her family and should not even be open for discussion.

My guess is she was pretty well vetted.
If this is the best the dirt diggers can do, then no problem. For those of us that have raised children it's no lose of votes just to point out a parent has a problem......99% of us had problems of some kind raising our children. The more they hit Palin with this kind of stuff the more votes she will get.

Based on personal experience, dealing with Putin could be a cake walk compared to raising kids through teenage years.:D
My guess is she was pretty well vetted.

I'd agree, but how was Kerik vetted?.... and by a sitting administration that had unlimited resources, no less.

I like this woman and want to continue liking her, but it seems details are sometimes overlooked in cases such as this.
As an adult Obama admitted that during high school he used marijuana, cocaine, and alcohol, which he described at the Saddleback Church Civil Forum on the Presidency as his greatest moral failure.[7][8]

Given the competition, she'll have to have worked as a hooker, been hooked on heroin, and have dual personalities to get into this race with Obama...

Palin Says Her Teenage Daughter Is Pregnant

Sarah Palin Is Sen. McCain's Choice Of Running Mate

POSTED: 12:22 pm EDT September 1, 2008
UPDATED: 12:50 pm EDT September 1, 2008

Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, Republican Sen. John McCain's chosen running mate, announced Monday that her 17-year-old daughter is pregnant.

Palin's announcement was intended to douse rumors that she faked her own pregnancy to cover up for her child, according to media reports.

Bristol Palin, one of Sarah Palin's five children with her husband, Todd, is about five months pregnant and plans keep the child and marry the father, the Palins said in a statement released by McCain's campaign.

Bristol Palin decided on her own to keep the baby, McCain aides said.

"We have been blessed with five wonderful children who we love with all our heart and mean everything to us," the Palins' statement said.

"Our beautiful daughter Bristol came to us with news that as parents we knew would make her grow up faster than we had ever planned. As Bristol faces the responsibilities of adulthood, she knows she has our unconditional love and support," the Palins said.

Kinda makes it hard to have had a four-month-old while five months pregnant.

Of course, its gonna make it a bit tough to criticize her when Barack's Obama mama was pregnant when she married his father.,8599,1729524-3,00.html

On Feb. 2, 1961, several months after they met, Obama's parents got married in Maui, according to divorce records. It was a Thursday. At that point, Ann was three months pregnant with Barack Obama II. Friends did not learn of the wedding until afterward. "Nobody was invited," says Abercrombie. The motivations behind the marriage remain a mystery, even to Obama. "I never probed my mother about the details. Did they decide to get married because she was already pregnant? Or did he propose to her in the traditional, formal way?" Obama wonders. "I suppose, had she not passed away, I would have asked more."
Obama's Response

He said that family members should be off limits to attacks. He also said he would fire anyone on his staff that attacks the kids of any candidate. You have to admit, he is no dummy.
Underage daughter preggers and an old DUI for hubby.

Neither of which was a decision made by her. I can't see how even the crazy left could make an issue out of those things. The next thing you'll see is that her 3rd cousin adopted a kid who had a baby that grew up to be a drug dealer and that means that she's doesn't really take care of her family.
Her daughters pregnancy could be considered a reflection on how Palin handled her role as a parent, subsequently you could say that if Palin wasn't able to raise her kid to make good decisions, what makes you think she can handle acting as a parent to America?

I am less then impressed with either party, but just pointing out how they can be linked.
OMG, her husband is a dangerous alcoholic, who drives on the road!! Does it make any difference at all, that it happened 22 years ago, when he was only 22 years old?? The fact that he has had no problems for the past 22 years should not be relevant, no??

And her daughter!! My goodness, a teenager having sex!!

That certainly does not happen in any normal family these days, does it???

Her daughters pregnancy could be considered a reflection on how Palin handled her role as a parent, subsequently you could say that if Palin wasn't able to raise her kid to make good decisions, what makes you think she can handle acting as a parent to America?

I didn't know I was electing a parent, or a messiah for that matter. Man, the things you learn here.

But what do you know, she's a normal person with normal problems that didn't have the way paved for her. She lived an American life in America without nutso "let's hate America" parents. Unqualified according to the standards of the day.
Regardless of all that we did our daughter got pregnant. It didn't make me feel that I had failed as a parent and she has not failed as a parent. My grandson is now eighteen. My daughter thinks we were good parents and that is all that counts.
Given the competition, she'll have to have worked as a hooker, been hooked on heroin, and have dual personalities to get into this race with Obama..

That was funny Socrates---I'll give you that!!

Hey, I have to say, Barrack was cool with his answer on this---in this area, I give him credit for taking the high road.

The problem with Sara's daughter, is she is daring to have the baby and not aborting it.
If she had an abortion, the far left nuts would embrace her and talk about her right to choose.
Anyway, Barrack's mother was 18 when she had him so......
This won't last long as soon as the loons find out it won't stick and most people don't care.
Even Time Magazine is sympathetic to Palin.,8599,1837862,00.html?xid=rss-topstories

So his name is Levi.

That's about the only thing that I didn't know about Bristol Palin's pregnancy. The rest of the details I picked up almost without trying, while talking about other things with townsfolk — some who know the governor and her family well, some who don't. It was, more or less, an open secret. And everyone was saying the same thing: the governor's 17-year-old daughter is pregnant, the father is her boyfriend, and it's really nobody's business beyond that.

I happen to agree.

Barack Obama can take the high road, because he has the DailyKos and Democratic Underground doing the despicable work for him. Obama said he'd fire any of his staff, but declined to ask Democrats as a whole to lay off the 17 year-old mother-to-be. And just wait until the late-night comedy boys have their "fun"...
So who would Vladimir Putin be most comfortable with having a fireside chat and a cup of coffee?

(In truth, he only tranqed the tiger but big game is big game especially if the animal is able to take five to ten minutes tearing your guts out before it goes down.)

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