So is this the McCain-Romney debate??!

How about this?

How do you feel about previous AWB's and would you sign one should one be proposed in the future?


Do you believe there are too many restrictions on the rights given by the 2A or should there be more


Do you believe that everyone has the right to keep and bear arms?


What is you stance on the rights of the people to defend themselves by any means necessary in a life threatening situation.

I can keep going. It's all in the phrasing. Other candidates can point out that Romney supported the AWB and use that for there purpose and Romney can rebut that claim or back it.
I think you understand that my example was an example...but I could definitely get on board with the idea of the proposal. It could be worked.

Unfortunately, debates follow the same gist as the voting process itself: The network host will cater to it's viewership.

Right or wrong, the format will continue to focus 80% of the time on the candidates with 80% of the support.
Thumper, I agree with you there "Right or wrong, the format will continue to focus 80% of the time on the candidates with 80% of the support." That may be a big part off this, but in my opinion it's wrong.
These are primaries! All candidates should be equally and fairly represented! The media does have agendas, Rupert Murdoch is a Neo-con and UN financer. Military Industrial complex is good for media companies. We're just at a point where media isn't objective and no one holds them for accountability.
Back to the calling names are we?
Stage 2
no name calling just straight talk
(I know libs hate being called libs.)...I was unaware that Moderates hate being called..............MODERATES.
Um, no, he a conservative's position on the political continuum necessarily rendered more candidates unacceptable to you than the moderates consider unacceptable. That's not namecalling, that's a statement of voting behavior 101 in a nutshell. Though the whole statement is a little incoherent in who it's supposed to be a lecture to...