So is this the McCain-Romney debate??!

Wins NY Straw poll:

Official State Straw Polls:

Arizona Republican Assembly Straw Poll 01/12/2008 rank 1 40.0%

Garfield County Republican Party Straw Poll (Garfield County, OK) 01/28/2008 1 28.0%

Connecticut Breast Cancer Coalition Straw Poll (Middletown, CT)
01/26/2008 1 46%

Alabama Republican Assembly Presidential Endorsing Convention (Birmingham, AL) 01/26/2008 1 81.0%

Connecticut Republican Party Presidential Straw Poll (Middletown, CT)
01/25/2008 3 25.1%

Berks County GOP Straw Poll (Berks County, PA) 01/22/2008 1 31.6%
Benton County GOP Straw Poll (Benton County, AR) 01/22/2008 1 36.6%

Maricopa County Republican Meeting Straw Poll (Tempe, AZ)
01/19/2008 Rank 3 16.0%

Conservatives with Attitude Straw Poll (Woodbridge, NJ) 01/19/2008

1 60.1%

Dixie Republican Forum (St. George, UT) 01/15/2008 1 41.8%
Republican Professionals Association (Phoenix, AZ) 01/10/2008 1 80.0%

McDonough County Republican Women (McDonough, IL) 01/09/2008 6 3.4%

Campbell County Convention (Campbell County, WY) 01/05/2008 1 32.1%

• He's not winning all, but most!! Stage, I'm getting the feeling you're the type that's just bought into MSM propaganda and hasn't taken the time to form you're own opinions.
Ron can win, but only if people start realizing that and supporting him!
Doesn't bode well for McCain.

CNN just had a review of the debate with the audience instant feedback graph superimposed. McCain audience response was terrible, in contrast to Huckabee, Romney, and Paul (positive).

That has to be troubling for McCain supporters. The response was not so much for his positions, but his presentation style IMO. The fake smile while attacking Romney, and tacking on the "my friend", to the end of the sentence (audience reaction tumbles). Doesn't perform well under pressure. I don't think this is something that can be corrected by strategy sessions. Demos have to be smacking their lips at the prospect of facing off against John McCain in November.
He's not winning all, but most!! Stage, I'm getting the feeling you're the type that's just bought into MSM propaganda and hasn't taken the time to form you're own opinions.
Ron can win, but only if people start realizing that and supporting him!

Straw polls have led Paul supporters to miserable disappointment in every state so far. Why do you guys keep kneeling to them? Magical thinking? Hope? Something else?

"Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is the definition of insanity." -Ben Franklin
I thought that Ron Paul looked very good last night, for the 2 minutes they allowed him to talk. He stood up to them for bellyaching about the war in Iraq and I agreed with him on most of his points. Huckabee was very witty when it came to his requests that they give him more questions (the shower response) but still they did not allow them (Paul and Huckabee) the time to debate like was intended. In the end, the final question, Paul and Huckabee had the best responses concerning if Ronald Regan would endorse them, the other two looked like arrogant fools.

Shame on the moderators and the MSM for not allowing equal time. I would kind of see how you not give everyone equal time when there is a pretty tight race in the top 2, but those two looked like silly schoolgirls bickering back and forth.
McCain has his flaws, but at least he doesn't flip flop like Romney.

How can Romney, a grown man in his fifties, change his mind about abortion? I mean, I think you personal feelings about abortion should be pretty much solid by the time you are in your twenties. Barring some sort of religious epiphany, I certainly don't see how a man could change his mind at that age on this issue. And I don't see how he could have ever claimed to be a pro-Abortion Mormon... thats just plain weird.

Also, Remember that Romney is the ONLY candidate running for President who has already signed a gun ban. He has banned more guns than Hillary and Obama combined.
Personally, I think the underdog status that has been cast on RP is helping. Informed people are being motivated by the hour to canvass, donate, and spread the word. Rudy was pegged as the leader for quite some time and left the race with ONE delegate.

Some of the SHEEP will say: We need a strong candidate to field against the Democrat" Just whom might that be? Who can argue against RP's record? Picture the debates leading into the November election. McCain is painted as an angry war-monger. Dems win. Romney a flip flopping corporate raider. Dems win.

Why won't members of gun oriented forum back the only candidate who has the record of protecting not only the 2nd amendment and the whole constitution? They have certainly proved that they are not immune to the steady stream of propaganda piped to them by the mass media.

Long shot? Yes. nobody said it would be easy. Get out and do something. Or sit on the sidelines and remain a victim.
Analysis, articles and blogs are all praising Paul today for being the most professional last night and despite his shortened time at the debate, he was full of substance and real issues/solutions.
McCain and Romney obviously act like 10 year old rich kids, fighting, being cut throat and using lots of fake smiles. Look at them smile when Paul talks! They fear him talking substance!
Now, anyone against Paul, watch all his responses hear and tell me you're still against him!!

And his post debate interview:
Why won't members of gun oriented forum back the only candidate who has the record of protecting not only the 2nd amendment and the whole constitution?

Because most are not one issue voters, and are willing to compromise. They are willing to accept a less pro-gun candidate in exchange for larger government, more federal spending, more federal authoritarianism, and safety from islamic fundamentalists at a cost of less personal liberty, and continuous foreign wars.

They will sugar coat it, and use less correct words than I used above, but that is what it all boils down to, plain and simple.
Being a CNN sponsered debate, it is obvious that they wanted to spotlight Mitt and McCain, and completely shut out Paul and Huckabee. They are the most "Democrat" like of the four. It was bordering on ridiculous. Huckabee tried calling them on it several times, and they falsly said that they would give them (He and R. Paul) some time. They never did.

I think that even with 1/16th of the time allowed to speak that Huckabee said a lot more than Mitt and Juan did. They just kept cat-fighting like a couple of school girls. Ron Paul made some common sense statements about what was wrong with the economy (too much spending), but I liked Huckabee's overall performance better than all the others.

Mitt looked and sounded like a phony. McCain was more focused on putting down Mitt than anything else. Ron Paul just seemed very fragile and was not given enough time to make a stand on much. If I had to vote tomorrow, based on this debate, I would vote for Huckabee.

I like Huckabee too. I don't see him having the finances to continue much beyond super tuesday though.
I took the various quizzes to see which candidate mostly shared my views, and Ron Paul consistently won, with Huckabee second. What was most startling, was how close the rest of the pack was, at about a 35% match. Dems and Republicans both. Proving there isn't much of a difference between the lot.
Even though Rasmussen has McCain beating BOTH of the Dem candidates head to head beyond the margin of error?
I think this is a temporary bump from the Florida results. Give it a week to smooth back out. That'll be right on top of Super Tuesday, we'll see how that works for McCain.
I have always been a McCain supporter, but now that I am seeing more from him than usual, I have to say I am less impressed. I thought I wouldn't like Ron Paul, from the information that I have read about him in the past, but now that I have seen him speak a few times and have done some more research, I think I am a convert to the RP camp. It's unfortunate that he doesn't stand a chance at getting the nomination, unless something drastic happens. As far as Hucklebee is concerned, although I agree with him on topics that he raises, for some reason I don't trust him. I can't quite place it, but he almost reminds me of Bill Clinton when he speaks, and there just something about him that I don't like. Anyone else see that, or am I just paranoid?
I think this is a temporary bump from the Florida results. Give it a week to smooth back out.

The polls have consistently shown McCain is the only candidate that beats either of the Democrats, and it has been that way for months. This is not a new poll finding.

If he teams up with Lieberman, he is unstoppable in the general election.
As Unregistered notes Pat, you are incorrect. McCain was beating them before the "Florida bump."

A quick question for those of you asking for equal time in the debates for the statistical losers: is this the first election process you've followed?
1This explains a lot: " Ronnie-Proud neocon, warmongering, baby-pincher "
"There's you're problem"....

Ron Paul is a native Texan, for whatever that means to you.
Stage 2 and Thumper have many moderates to choose from. Hell you even have two parties to choose from. Their job as a voter is easier than if you are a conservative.....and thats the bottom line.
1This explains a lot: " Ronnie-Proud neocon, warmongering, baby-pincher "
"There's you're problem"....

Ron Paul is a native Texan, for whatever that means to you.

Subtleties like irony are lost on you aren't they, partner?

Ron Paul is from Texas? You're kidding...

Just fyi...I've eaten dinner with the man twice. Great guy. Too bad his supporters are bonkers.

True conservatives try to bring the party to the right in a meaningful way. Dr. Paul tried, but his lack of leadership and his supporters have derailed the cause. Unfortunately, he's alienated a lot of his people in the process. I'm one of them.
He's not winning all, but most!! Stage, I'm getting the feeling you're the type that's just bought into MSM propaganda and hasn't taken the time to form you're own opinions.

I asked for a state poll, not a straw poll. Paul has won all sorts of straw polls and email polls and text polls. However he has done poorly in all of the statewide polls. Strangely enough these polls pretty much predict how Paul has done in each of the primaries.

So how is the MSM "propaganda" when what they are saying is accurate?