So is this the McCain-Romney debate??!


New member
I mean let Paul and Huck speak about issues too! And I tell you, McCain & Romney both look like kids arguing up there. Enough of the mud-slinging...get on with the issues! And they are running to be the leader of the US?

Oy vey.....
i hate how almost all of the debates are on cable. i havent been able to watch any of them, as i had to go to school on the night the only one that was on network tv aired.
Am I the only one that wanted to smack that smarmy smirk off McCain's face?

Nope, me too.

After winning Florida and getting Rudy's backing, he thinks he is top dog now. He also looks like he could lose his temper VERY quickly. That is something we DON'T need now.

Maybe the smug satisfaction of winning Rudy's endorsement and 1 delegate!

Imagine how that "smirk" will look when he's debating the democrats?
This debate was another example of blatant media bias. Obviously they're extremely biased against Paul and always have been (since the Nevada primary, they've been acting like he doesn't exist), but they were plainly biased against Huckabee, too. The latter even made an effort several times during the debate to point that out, and I was glad to see that.

I can't believe Americans put up with this charade. Big Media anoints the candidates by giving preferential coverage to some, and the people play along, thinking they're going to get something different this time from what they always get. :barf:
This debate was another example of blatant media bias. Obviously they're extremely biased against Paul and always have been (since the Nevada primary, they've been acting like he doesn't exist)

But he doesn't exist politically. He has 6 delegates. He is running dead last in the polls (as he has been this entire time). There is nothing to suggest that some miracle will happen and he will become viable come super tuesday.

As such why should the debate focus on someone who has no chance of winning. You can't blame the media for Paul's dismal showing.
But he doesn't exist politically. He has 6 delegates. He is running dead last in the polls (as he has been this entire time). There is nothing to suggest that some miracle will happen and he will become viable come super tuesday.

As such why should the debate focus on someone who has no chance of winning. You can't blame the media for Paul's dismal showing.
I absolutely blame the media, at least in part. The media plays a major, though not decisive, role in picking the front-runners in both major parties. (It almost completely ignores any third parties.)

From the beginning before any polling was done or any primaries took place, it was obvious that Clinton or Obama would be the Democratic nominee. Why? Because they were getting all the media coverage. How many people in this country even know who Mike Gravel is, for example?

In the case of the GOP, it was less certain. I actually think the media did its best to promote Giuliani, but even boobus Americanus wasn't stupid enough to buy the portrayal of Giuliani as a conservative. In any case, they've been ignoring Paul as much as possible with the exception of an interview here and there. They were giving him a bit more coverage earlier in the race, but once he started making better numbers than Thompson and Giuliani, the media suddenly started completely ignoring him.

Once the media has its front-runners picked out, they justify ignoring the other candidates by saying that voters aren't as interested in the underdogs. It's a vicious cycle: the media gives attention to certain candidates, who then become popular because of that exposure; then they get more attention from the media because of their popularity, which makes them even more popular, etc. There's no way for the underdogs to make a comeback or be heard. This is how the media decides whom we'll get to vote for.

Most Americans love big government and are afraid of too much freedom (as is clear from their votes), and for that reason, I'm not sure this country deserves any better than it's going to get. So I'm not claiming that Paul would necessarily be the leader if the media weren't biased. But I think it's unquestionable that the media lowers Paul's numbers.
Baloney. There hasn't been any front runner for the GOP until arguably yesterday. Paul, despite the assertions of many here, has been a non-factor since day one. In fact, I think that case can be easily made that he has recieved an amount of media attention that proportionally far exceeds his performance.

Bottom line, the media is justified in ignoring someone who doesn't matter.
"Paul acted like a president......The other two are pathetic"
My thoughts exactly. Reagan did endorse Paul in '78 and surely would now.
Nobody but Paul talks about why we have the problems we have! They treat the symptoms! How about prevention!
McCain and Romney are vile pigs, typical cut throat cold politicians.
I'm voting and supporting Paul, Huckabee is decent too.
Stage 2... Romney, McCain and Huckabee are broke!! Paul has many many millions left and has another money bomb coming. Only Paul has so far slated ads for the next week! The others can't afford it! Paul's campaign is different. It's growing and won't end with Paul in or not in the whitehouse. It is a strong message and will grow as the liberty and freedom message grew prior to 1776. Paul really is the modern founding father.
Stage 2... Romney, McCain and Huckabee are broke!! Paul has many many millions left and has another money bomb coming. Only Paul has so far slated ads for the next week! The others can't afford it! Paul's campaign is different. It's growing and won't end with Paul in or not in the whitehouse.

Paul has already had a money bomb, a tea party and a blimp. What has it got him? All of 6 delegates. Paul is running last in all the polls. There isn't any reason to believe that what has happened so far won't continue. When are you folks going to realize that its over.
Because despite a media blackout, he's got 2nd in NV, 1st in LA and is winning western state straw polls by huge margins! TX alone will give him more delegates than McCain!
He's saved his money for super tuesday and he was right to! The other guys are broke. ABC reported tonight that Romney will not be able to run ads leading into Super Tuesday!
I only hope that the best candidate and best person wins. If they don't, then why are we using this system to find our president?? Media is corrupt and Americans in general are buying the propaganda and have become ignorant and complacent as hell.
Stage 2, who do you support? I like Huckabee as well, but I'm starting to despise McCain more tan I did Giuliani.
Oh and by the way, Romney wasted 3o million in Florida! It's winer take all, Ron Paul knew better than to even waste his resources there. Retired military and seniors who don't want change, especially to SS benefits!
Ron is no dummy, 2nd time running, 10 term congressman, he's got a strategy and we'll be surprised in any case at the outcome next week.