By Mike Irwin:
I've yet to hear it explained how owning a firearm is a "god given" right.
According to the Founding Fathers, there are only three God Given Rights, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Mike you miss quote thereby eschew both meaning and intention of the founders.
From the Declaration of Independence …
“ … We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that
among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. …”
The words “among these” clearly indicates that the founders were speaking in a broad manner, reserving explanation of the details of the apparatus of Government (as God intended) for another time. The statement in no way limits or excludes any measure of personal freedom. Rather such implies, with certainty, that those freedoms, and things
necessary to achieve and preserve liberty are indeed sovereign instruments of which every individual has a “right” to. Such are beyond the bounds of governments as they originate with God.
The declaration serves to clarify the intention and perspective of the founders. It is an articulation of truth that measures the legitimacy of governments to exist and declares the justification for their removal. It is an expression of ideals that are above
any authority of man.
The Constitution dose not give us rights. Rather it is the instrument of law and the mechanism of restraint that prevents our government from intruding upon the freedoms that God “endowed” to every individual. Likewise; the BOR dose not grant liberty but further clarifies such and defines clearly the lines that Governments shall not cross. Free speech and a free press are not just something we enjoy; they are necessary to Liberty. Assembly is not just something to do but is fundamental in preserving autonomy. Likewise; arms are not just an option but are essential to freedom. In following the explanation for all this by the Founders and the development of the instruments that define our system it becomes clear that they built precept upon precept beginning with “rights” that “God gave”. Therefore, the excising of, or possessing of, anything required to preserve our liberty as defined in the BOR is without question a “right” given by God.
Removing the 2nd amendment (or any other) of the Constitution would unshackle the restraint of the Government but in no way nullifies the individual “right” to be armed, or to speak, or to assemble.