Isn't it nice to see this place open again.
Good subject and timely, for me.
I had been looking for a 610 under 4" bbl - I like 10MM - but decided to stop looking when I had an opportunity to buy a 629 3" bbl for under $400. I couldn't say no. It was in excellent shape. Using 240 gn. jacketed lfp, I do not have a control problem with double taps - assuming that hitting 8x10 COM at 7-10 yards rapid fire is good control. As a carry gun, I think this is acceptable, so I decided to go with it - not as my primary carry weapon but as an option.
I have heard that there are some police tactical loads that are supposed to be low recoil and highly effective defensive rounds - I don't have access to my data now but I believe that they were 200 gn. @ 1050 fps with something like a gold dot bullet. That would be like the FBI light load in 180 gn for 10MM. Taking the comparison further, I found the .44Mag 240 gn. "range ammo" and 240 gn. hydrashoks to have the equivalent perceived recoil as a 175 gn Win Silvertips in 10 MM, which sealed it for me as a viable CCW option.
I think that in order to make a good concealed carry option, it has to be reliable (no problem at all), allow for rapid and accurate combat fire (room for improvement) actionable from a decent holsterm (doesn't seem to be any barrier at all) and it has to meet other criteria, such as having as few snag points as possible.
I decided to get a few holsters, a shoulder rig and a paddle, from Andrews Leather, along with some speed load carriers. The next wteps I want to take are getting better grips - I am looking at the Pachyderm "shcok absorbing" grips -and doing something with the sights. I would like to replace the front sight with some form of a lower profile, more snag free night sight and the rear sights with a snag free option, something like the Novaks I have on my Smith 1076.
How have you all solved the CCW aspects - or do you see the necessity?
El L