I'm a newbie here at the Firing line.....
A) My take on the verbiage of the "Eastern" show cancellation statement ,
is that it is a "Slam" to all gunners who protested...read it again ..
B) IMO this the beginning of the death-nell
of gun shows, and all other sporting hunting type shows..they will be
shunned out of existence... I'm sure the the upcoming battle for 2A,
something like "No public" gun exhibitions, etc. bills/laws will be introduced, as GUN will be a 4 letter word... In a few years, the shows will be jetskis, fishing, and skiing only
I hope I am wrong
A) My take on the verbiage of the "Eastern" show cancellation statement ,
is that it is a "Slam" to all gunners who protested...read it again ..
B) IMO this the beginning of the death-nell
of gun shows, and all other sporting hunting type shows..they will be
shunned out of existence... I'm sure the the upcoming battle for 2A,
something like "No public" gun exhibitions, etc. bills/laws will be introduced, as GUN will be a 4 letter word... In a few years, the shows will be jetskis, fishing, and skiing only
I hope I am wrong