Small calibers.

Over 40 years ago, I was shot twice in the fore head with a 25 ACP(both were glancing hits that didn't penetrate my thick hard-headed skull). The only thing that prevented me from killing that person was the fact that so much blood was running into my eyes that I couldn't aim my own gun.
I'd call this a vote of "no confidence" in the .25. My head/face looked like I'd done a face plant in a gravel road but the only lasting damage was a couple of little scars. I'd prefer a 22lr with a HP bullet that won't skid on bone.
Small calibers.
I was thinking of getting a 25 acp for pocket carry. I would like to know if any body carries one. If so do you feel armed enough? Thanks.

Was going to reply, but the heck with it . . . not another time wasting debate over 25 ACP . . . :cool:
It's better than nothing but I would try something else. I've got a regular carry pistol but I'd like to grab a Harrington and Richardson Vest Pocket in .32 S&W for times I need a small gun.
A handgun round has to penetrate to the vitals to be effective. Placement in a gunfight is always iffy. Both parties are moving, at close range and under extreme stress. A clear unobstructed center of mass shot might not be in the cards.

People will instinctively protect themselves with hands and arms. A majority of people who get shot, get shot in the hands and arms. A 25 will not pass FBI tests for gel or barrier penetration. The round capacity is pretty low in most of them.

Guns can stop physically or psychologically. If you absolutely need a physical stop, odds are you are not going to get it with the 25 and will pay the ultimate price.
Horsecrap! The .25 meets the magical, mythical "FBI minimum penetration parameters."
If you absolutely need a physical stop, odds are you aren't going to get it with ANY handgun. I say this without all the "pay the ultimate price" drama.
bspillman said:
I was thinking of getting a 25 acp for pocket carry.

Although I'm very fond of my Beretta 950bs in 25acp, I've never carried and doubt that I ever will.

While I realize that the 25acp can be lethal, I just don't trust it to be effective in a critical encounter. My minimum for carry is 380, and I rarely go without my 38 snub. When today's 380 mouse guns are as small and light as yesterday's 25acps, there's just not a good enough reason to make the 25 your main option, IMHO.
I'd love to see a statistcal study with numbers where an armed civilian citizens (not LEOs) failed to stop attacks, where a more powerful firearm would likely have made a difference. I've never seen any such study that addresses this question as I have presented it, so I can only speculate. I only know that the odds of ever having to shoot someone at all are extremely remote.
I'd love to see a statistcal study with numbers where an armed civilian citizens (not LEOs) failed to stop attacks, where a more powerful firearm would likely have made a difference.
I wouldn't love to be the first statistical victim in the study, so I carry a 380acp as a minimum. Most often however, something more powerful.
I wouldn't love to be the first statistical victim in the study, so I carry a 380acp as a minimum.

I guess you're missing the point then. Such a study might answer my question as to whether such victims actually exist, and if so, how many.
the nicest thing about most of the smaller .22's is they can teach you a lot about malfunction drills. I always opt for the 25 between the two. A 32acp with win. silvertips would also be another choice for a light recoiling, small gun.
I guess you're missing the point then.
And you missing mine. This quote from a post that you agreed was the most reasonable.

You should carry at least .380 when you are able to do so–but when you can't, don't be afraid to have .25acp with you instead. It's better than 6" .44mag you leave at home.

I am yet to find a situation where I could carry a slightly smaller, but probably heavier 25 any better, or more concealed than my 380 Elsie Pea!

I also have no problem shooting the 380 accurately at normal SD distances. With follow up shots not being a problem. Two center mass, one head three shot results @ 10 yards is the constant norm, not the exception with my LCP.
If a 25 is all you have, it will most likely do. I feel I have better options, but would buy a tiny 25 as a range toy if the right deal comes along. Same with a Kel-Tec P32.
The only 25 I have now is bigger than my LCP. A MAB GZ. Same with32acp pistols being a CZ50, and Manurhin Walther PP. None of which I would carry for SD.