Slide Fire: Worth it? Anybody have it?

Slide Fire Worth it Or NOT

I fell into the hype, been bump firing long enough that the thrill was gone. In recent months my health is getting worse and to be honest I didn't want to leave money to a bunch of kids that are too lazy to work, that being said I bought one for the AK. When the box came in there was absolutely nothing included as for any type of instructions, which it don't need, I did have one question so I called their phone. Young lady said that everyone was out and I could call back. Few days later I took the AK out for its testing, my stock had what I felt was excessive play in it and if proper forward pressure was not exactly held the most you could get to fire was maybe 3 - 4rds. I did send E-mail to company, a day or two later I got reply which really didn't address the issue I had. I will give the company credit that my phone range one day and gentleman from Slide Fire was on phone and had a rather extensive talk, he offered to have me send back the adapter that fastens to weapon for a replacement. I passed on it because I felt it was really an over priced toy that I made a mistake in buying. I have since sold it and now when I go out my back door I know that the revolver I bought with the money will work. I expect that within a year or so you will be able to buy these from users that have tired of it or just realized that it waste too much ammo.
In my Navy days I enjoyed the Thompson, BAR, M60 and 50BMG, but then I wasn't paying for the fodder I was putting downrange. Since I was assigned to the weapons I got to use them. Now that I'm many moons older and am paying for my own ammo and guns I can live without them. I would however like to own a fully auto Thompson. Of all the weapons I had the pleasure of getting to know it had to be my favorite. If I couldn't afford the Thompson an MP5 would work for me as well. Given the extra coin I'd put the money out on the real deal, but the slide fire doesn't really interest me. That doesn't mean it shouldn't interest other shooters, it just doesn't do it for me. One other thing. When shooting the real deal I never squeezed the trigger and dumped the box in one fell swoop. We always fired in bursts. Overheated barrels aren't worth a tinkers damn when push comes to shove. JMHO
Hansam i will enjoy mine. My point was to bash guys who bashed the stocks. My point is that i just dont put much store in someone who bashes something theyve never even tried. Kind of like guys who bash mag rifles or handguns because they dont want to put in the time to master the recoil and then post that guys that have them are nothing but macho apes. Everyone doesnt like the same thing, thats obvious. Everyone isnt into guns as much as i am, thats a given. But threads like these bring all the internet experts out of the woods faster then a hunting ethics post. Everyone that has shot mine loved it. Did everyone that tried it go out and buy one? Hell no. Most of those who tried it think im about nuts for having more then one handgun or more then one deer rifle. guns arent the major hobby in there life like they are for me.
I put one on a Colt AR in 9mm and within one mag had it running fine, dumping 32 rounds in a few seconds. The guy at the range who couldn't stop from asking what is was, ran through a couple mags the same way. We both were smiling and laughing so much we didn't realize how fast we went through a couple hundred rounds.The next day my sons and I went out and had a great time with it, all of us smiling and laughing and shooting away.

In my opinion adding a vertical forward grip helped greatly in getting the right touch for operating the rifle, as you have to push forward just a bit to get things going and keep them going. Is it cheap? No. But in our sport, I haven't found anything that is to be honest. :)

We all spend money on different things, some seem silly to others and I'm no different. I spent $500 on a suppressor that I use now and then, and it's something fun and different for me. This stock is the same thing, another way for my family to enjoy something different in the shooting sports, which to us anyways, is why we shoot.
Can this be modified to fire one hand?

Have to admit i am sorta impressed at how something almost so simple in principle works.. Anyway being somewhat of a novice, I have a question. From what i've seen, to use this, you push forward on the front grip and at the same time pull the trigger and let the recoiling does the rest. But if that is the case, then would seem like you can't fire this with just one hand. Not that you ever want full auto with one hand, but sometimes you need to be able to fire with one hand in emergency.

So the question is what is the feasibility of having a spring (in the anterior posterior orientation) within the stock so that you don't have to exert forward pressure on the front grip to fire?
When the Al-Qaeda hordes invade your shopping mall, and you need to lay down suppressive fire to take back the food court, this is perfect accessory for the Tactical Shopping Structure Ninjutsu Specialist and Security Operator®.
So was still wondering what y'all think about what i suggest in the post above about having a spring inside the stock so you can fire one hand if needed in emergency.
You can fire it one-handed, but just in semi-auto. You wouldn't want to even TRY to onehand anything in the AR platform in full rock-n-roll mode because - as much as Rambo would have you believe otherwise - you just can't control it.

Is that an ok answer?;)
Sure... But my question is more of a theoretical one. I think having the spring inside the stock to make it firable with even just one hand without needing to lock the stock in semi mode would make it even better. More optons and choices better than less... unless you really dont think mechanically it wouldnt work.

Also, i think its more natural and intuitive if you dont even have to try to apply forward pressure on the front grip. May even improve accuracy a bit since yr non trigger hand would only have to worry about controlling muzzle climb (as usual) instead of also having to apply a forward pressure.

Edit: kinda got my question answered. Someone told me that the atkin accelerator was banned due to having a spring. Guess will have to use rubber bands...
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I'd like to see someone make a device that clamps on to a standard collapsible and does the same thing. Except for a ridiculously low price.
I have one on my AK74. I'am shooting cheap surplus ammo so cost isn't that bad. Only drawback is my club has a rule, no auto weapons fire. They say that includes my $400 Fostech bumfire stock on my semi-auto rifle.
Save the money for a tax stamp to SBR it or Suppress it. Either are more useful. To simulate full auto, that's just turning money into noise.
Mine works great, just can't afford the ammo now.....:) Works much better than bump firing, you have more control. I see them used for $200 well worth that.
Fostech bumfire stock

Just don't forget the haemorrhoid cream alongside the Hoppes and the gun oil.

Seriously, I get enough of a thrill (and work up enough of a bill) rapid-firing an SMLE. This full-auto stuff is all too much for me. *swoons, grasps at smelling salts.* :p
I have one that's never even been installed. Had plans for a 9mm that never happened. It really looks like a good time to me and if ammo becomes a little more affordable it may still happen.
When the Al-Qaeda hordes invade your shopping mall, and you need to lay down suppressive fire to take back the food court, this is perfect accessory for the Tactical Shopping Structure Ninjutsu Specialist and Security Operator®.

You're right. Guns are pointless in the modern world.
I'm not a fan.
This is a attachment that allows a semi auto to operate in a full auto "STYLE" mode.
It is a legal way to a class 3 STYLE firearm.
They are cool and fun but I see them as a way around a law that at some point could be used by the anti crowd to further their agenda.
If you want a class 3 style weapon buy one.