Slide Fire: Worth it? Anybody have it?

I agree totaly. Im a 55 year old man not a young kid and personaly i think its a hoot to go out with my are with the bump fire stock. I can shoot just as fast and just as accurately as anyone with a class 3 gun. I can do it for 300 dollars instead of 5000 dollars. Sure it burns up some ammo but how many of you guys that made that comment didnt spend a 100 bucks last weekend in the bar. Me I shoot, thats what I spend my money on. As to those who claim there uncontrolable maybe you should try shooting instead of typing and get some fact based things to post about. You wouldnt want to be standing 50 yards out in front of mine. the fact that you have to push out on the forearm to make it work if anything holds it down better. 3 round bursts on man sized silouettes at 50 yard can be done with some practice. So whats the downside? I can guarantee you one upside. Ive had probably 50 people shoot mine, people of all ages, and to a one of them they all left with a great big smile plastered accross there face. Money well spent if you ask me.
Let's take off our "shooting purist" hat for a half second and allow ourselves to just say, full auto is a cool concept especially if you never had shot that way in your life?

Is it cheap, no.
Is it accurate, no.
Does it have to be, NO!

People buy them for fun, frankly if I had $350 laying around I would buy some kleenex for all the tears in here.
I would have to go with the "no" crowd. I'm not going to make any assumptions about accuracy or try to insult your ability with a firearm... I just don't see any practical use for it. Would it be fun to simulate full auto? Sure, but the novelty would wear off (at least it would for me), and it would end up gathering dust. In the mean time, that $300 could pay for A LOT of ammo, which seems more practical to me.
I admit I rather enjoyed the full auto thing (M60 in particular) years ago but now I'd rather spend $300 feeding my 50 bmg. Now THAT is a good time! :D
Everybody has a right to there own opinion, but I have to say some of the ones that say they don't like or dont have a use for it, the tones seems like "I don't like or need it so nobody else should either" and almost as it should be illegal. Just remember that how the antigun crowd feels about air rifles. I welcome all things firearm related even if I don't have a use for it myself.
some of the ones that say they don't like or dont have a use for it, the tones seems like "I don't like or need it so nobody else should either" and almost as it should be illegal.

I just took a look through the thread, and I couldn't spot anyone saying it ought to be illegal... there were a couple of comments stating that it is illegal in certain states, but none that even suggest it should be made illegal.

As far as those who don't like it, as you stated:
Everybody has a right to their (spelling corrected) own opinion
BigMikey, while you were proofreading his post for spelling errors you missed the words

tones seems like

That would indicate that Palmetto-Pride has inferred from the other's posts that if they don't have a use for it, nobody else should.

I for one like my NFA toys. I can see how a bumpfire stock could be fun and about 3000 times cheaper than a transferable M16.

That said, I'm not buying one.
Willie - I didn't miss the fact that he specifically referred to the "tone" of previous posts. I am simply saying that his comment "almost as it should be illegal," is baseless. I agree that the tones of many posts have an, "If I don't want it no body else should" sentiment about them, but that is quite different from the suggestion that it should be against the law, and folks getting worked up over something that hasn't even been said is one of the most common sources of arguements that aren't worth having.

Do these things work off the bench? That might be cool. On the bench, just loosen your hold a little, and it will just sort of happen, at least with an AR.
The way the RO acted, I figured it must already be illegal! Anybody else had to open theirs up and show the trigger group?
You could always upgrade to a Travis Haley trigger finger instead. That way you could simulate full-auto fire on any semi-auto firearm you touch. ;)
BigMikey76 thank you for correcting my proper use of there and their. I am going to blame it on the iPhone that wants to auto correct every other word, or my South Carolina public
You know you can bump-fire without a gimmicky stock right?

I think probably everyone knows this. The difference is the amount of control slidefire gives over some of the other methods people demo in youtube vids such as hooking their trigger hand through a belt loop to anchor the bump finger.

I made a gizmo based on what I saw online that allowed me to bumpfire my Beretta Storm carbine, but the problem was it did not give much support to the rear of the stock and it took about a second after the firing started to get back on target. That was a lot of time when you are shooting a 1000-1200 rpm rate of fire and only have a 20 round magazine. The rate of fire was timed with a pact timer.

It was a lot of fun and 9mm ammo was $3.50 a box. Then somebody kindly pointed out that the rate of and lack of a locking chamber could make for some unintended exciting circumstances...and so I game up on the Storm.

Accuracy was fine. The challenge was marksmanship. Slidefire reduces a lot of the challenge to marksmanship by given the the gun and more stable platform.
It is a fun gadget but that is all it is. Hard to control with out a ton of practice and not very accurate in my opinion. Good luck and have fun.
I was actually firing a friends today.... Would I buy one.... nah... but it does work well. Anyone can bumpfire from the hip... but the Slide Fire makes it A LOT more controllable.

Sure it was fun to pretend to use full auto. But this stock really shines at is short controlled bursts. It was easy to do 3 round bursts into a target.
I kind of looked through the posts and had to chuckle. I dont think theres a single negetive post from anyone thats actually shot one. I hear that there not accurate or controlable but again from no one thats actually tried it. Fact is there very controlable. Just as controlable as any full auto gun if not more. Fact is that its fun. Like i said in my previous post ive yet to have anyone of any age not smile like a child after shooting mine. Personaly i think ANYONE that is a real gun nut would walk away with anything negetive to say about it after ACTUALLY shooting one.

Sure they dont give them away. 300 bucks isnt chicken scratch. But how many hear dont hesitate to spend twice that on a scope, a piece of chrome for there harley or have a wife that will spend that much in 5 minutes in a shoe store. As to ammo cost. Nobody says you have to shoot it every day. It has a locking device on it to make it shoot just like any other ar if you want to shoot it normaly. Yes ive put alot of ammo through mine. Even the fact that i handload doesnt make it cheap. Probably 3/4s of that ammo has been put through it by friends, family, the local sheriffs dept ect. Was it expensive? yup a little bit but it was worth it to me to see the smiles on peoples faces.

How many things in your life do you buy that arent really needed. How many do you buy just because its fun. You dont need an expensive cable tv package, a motorcyle, jeep, snowmobile, 4 wheeler ect. you buy them because there fun. Why do people have to single out a bump fire stock as something thats stupid when its nothing but fun. I dont think anyone buys one figuring on going to war with it. Id bet most are bought by guys like me that want to experience full auto fire but dont have 3k to spend on a full auto gun. Show me a cheaper way to be able to do it controlably and id be all over it. this post kind of reminds me of alot of others. You have people that know and people who dont have a clue and post that something is useless or no good without even have tried it. I call them internet experts.
I had fun shooting the slide fire on an AR and honestly I plan on getting one, I shot it as if it were burst fire rather than laying down full auto. It's about a 30 min swap out tops and you can always revert back to the original if you don't feel like dumping ammo at the range that day. Worth it in my opinion. Better than a lot of riduculous tacticool mods I've seen money wasted on.
I kind of looked through the posts and had to chuckle....

I read this post and had to chuckle. It sounds like you're getting rather defensive of your decision to purchase this stock because several people said they wouldn't buy it.

I don't think that anybody here posted saying the the OP shouldn't buy it. They only posted that they wouldn't buy it then gave their reasons why they wouldn't.

If you bought it and like it cool. If it floats your boat then keep at it. Personally I'd find a $300 scope more functional than a stock that lets me bump fire. The $300 scope would allow me to make more accurate shots out at distances that my own poor eyesight won't allow me to. I don't own a motorcycle (or specifically a Harley) so I can't say anything about that. My wife has spent $300 (and more) on shoes or other clothing articles and while I share my bedroom with my gun and my wife I share my bed with my wife. I see the money as a good investment in keeping my wife happy which I'm sure if you're married you can understand the importance of that. In the end the choice is to be made by the choice maker. Opinions and information was asked for. That was what was given.

Enjoy your slide stock. I'll enjoy my new scope and my happy wife.