Slide Fire: Worth it? Anybody have it?

I was looking into this slide fire stock thing because they seem to be everywhere now. I seen the videos and they look legit.... but so did those little spring loaded trigger jobs. And I think we all know how that worked out. Maybe I could never get it going right, I don't know. But neither could anyone I know. So has anyone bought a slide fire stock? If so, how does it work? Anything like it claims? Thanks.
I have a friend and his dad swears by them. Hes got one on his custom AR that's chambered in .50 Beowulf, the videos he makes are legit.
I guess if you have a problem hitting what you are aiming at, then maybe it would be helpful in putting a massive amount of ammo downrange. Being that I reload my own ammo, I hate to shoot more in one shooting session than I can reload in one evening. Keep in mind these will cause the rifle to become extremely hot...brings up the question how much is too much? Does look pretty neat...just a bit pricey.

For those who don't know what it is:
I got over such things when I was working for the Army and was able to burn ammo at a prodigious rate. While it is very cool to burn ammo at full-auto rate, it is also expensive when you're buying that ammo.

I loved my Ma Deuce, my M60 when I was humping one of those, and my M16 when I wanted to rock and roll. Still, full auto fire doesn't really do much for me.
Come on we all know that its not about "I guess if you have a problem hitting what you are aiming at". The Slidefire is for one thing and one thing only to simulate full auto fire. If that sounds fun to you then it should be worth it if that's not your cup of tea then I guess don't buy it.
+10 on what palmetto pride said. It doesnt have anything to do with how accurate a shooter you are. If you dont mind buying the ammo then rock and roll it is. I wish they would make one for the mini-14. I would buy one. I was in the Army for 8yrs and full auto fire was always fun to me.
So after much reading, watching videos and just thinking about it I'd have to say my opinion would be "NO."

Its just another way to bump fire/simulate full auto. While its always fun to rock and roll now and then (I've got a buddy with a couple of class 3 rifles) I'm not a fan of constantly doing it. Frankly I'd have to reload .223 for a month to have enough ammo to blow away in one range session with something like this. Not my idea of fun actually.
You don't have to be bump firing as long as you have the slide fire on, it looks from the videos like you can use it as a regular(ish) stock when you don't want to shoot a hundred bucks a minute.
I have shot an AR with the slide fire setup it's fun for about 3 minutes until you add up the cost of the ammo. If you don't mind paying for all that ammo then by all means go for it they actually work quite well. Expensive novelty but still fun occasionally.
$300 will buy me more than 1000 rounds of ammo.

$300 will buy me a 1:8 mid-length stainless barrel.

$300 would almost buy me a new optic (but I'm full up on optics right now).

$300 would buy me a quality M16 BCG, a H2 buffer, and a Sprinco action spring (but all my ARs are already so equipped).

$300 would buy me 23 PMags (but I don't need any more mags).

In my oh-so-humble opinion, the slidefire stock is pointless mall-ninja gear for people that want to post equally pointless videos on youtube, and you'd be MUCH better served if you upgraded your rifle with meaningful equipment, or by purchasing more ammo.

Like I said, this is my opinion. If you have a slidefire stock and my opinion offends you, well, so be it.
Good stuff for folks that can't shoot well .... "If you can't shoot well, shoot a lot."

Should also sell really well to the airsoft set ..... spendy, impractical toys for 20-30something boys.....
^Do you mean the rubberband gizmo.... yup just make sure to strengthen the nose picking finger alot to be really good at it...
Let's take off our "shooting purist" hat for a half second and allow ourselves to just say, full auto is a cool concept especially if you never had shot that way in your life?

Is it cheap, no.
Is it accurate, no.
Does it have to be, NO!

People buy them for fun, frankly if I had $350 laying around I would buy some kleenex for all the tears in here.