
The fact that you heard the small buck is encouraging. Deer don't always use the same trail but will use a variety of trails,and the travel routes are generally the same. Out here in the mountains we try to hunt high in the mornings, and low in the valleys in the evenings.
If there is game in the area KEEP HUNTING, you never know what you'll find.
I'm just learning to use a treestand this year and after lots of scouting on private land have the perfect location. I took deer gun week off and got sick two days after Thanksgiving and was sick in bed the whole week! I think a deer coughed on me and gave me deer fever!:(

We are blessed with a long bow season so I will be there with my crossbow every day that I can.

There is a six-point buck that I have named Mr. Six-tine. He survived gun week. His rack is high and perfectly symmetrical. In a couple of years he will be beautiful. The first time I saw him he got a whiff of my acorn wafer smell and walked right up to the fence 5 yards from my stand. He hung around for a half hour, sniffing and looking on the ground for acorns. After 30 minutes he decided something was hinky and left. He kept looking at me but couldn't figure me out. I was wondering if he was going to throw rocks to try to knock that big acorn down. My friends now call me Acorn Girl.

The secondary rut must be on now cuz in the snow last week I saw a fresh scrape in one of the shooting lanes 17 yards from my stand. By the size of the tracks it was Mr. Six-tine and he has been seen by other people since gun week walking right under my stand. I hope he brings his girlfriends.

I want a small apartment-freezer-sized doe that I can handle by myself with my bad back and all.:)

Hope springing eternal,
Broke my dry spell! My state allows harvesting 2 deer per day and I got the 2 frying sized does which had been eating my little apple trees down to nubs. Kept one and gave the other to the local food bank program. No big buck for me this year. :p

No venison for Christmas this year.

We went up today and spent from just before dawn until 30 minutes after sunset (legal shooting hours) and I think I can safely say the second rut is over, kaput, finis, done. We heard a few, saw two (road know, they dash across the road on your way in, and one that crossed the path we had hunted in the afternoon JUST AFTER WE FINSHED PUTTING AWAY THE RIFLES FOR THE TRIP HOME!!!!


Ah well, there is one more week of the season left...through January 1. After that it's rabbits and fishing until turkey season. ;)

The only thing that almost got shot was some numbnuts tha didn't even know we were there and walked RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE HUBSTER'S CROSSHAIRS. This was after he took a shot at something, with a gun that sounded REMARKABLY like a .22 LR. I can only hope that Darwin Award wannabe didn't hit a deer with that .22.

Then there was the Forest Service folks that decided to do a controlled burn today, and closed the road WHERE WE WERE but didn't bother to tell us as they drove by us and waved this morning.

It's been one of those days. On the other hand, a bad day in the woods beats a good day most anywhere else. And it got up into the high 60's which is a nice day for this time of year.

My Dad and Myself hunted SHNF for a few years but we lost alot of stand's...
They seem to just dissapear into thin air :mad:
So we started to get on lease's. For 500-600 bucks you can get on a decent lease for 1000 you can get on a good lease and for 1500-2000 you can get on a great lease in Bandera or surrounding area. This was the first year I've hunted that area Medina county I hope thats spelled right because thats how I put it on my Tag's. Theres a ton of deer everywhere and it's a 5 deer county. I shot my buck on the first morning I hunted. I think if I could have held out for a few more days I probally would have gotten a even bigger deer but when the biggest buck i've ever seen in my entire hunting career walks out in front of me well...
BTW I have limited experience with lease's the price factor listed above are what I have heard from fellow hunters and the lease in Medina cost 1700 a spot but theres Axis (I nvr saw one), Tons of Deer, Turkey and so many Hogs that I now hate them.

I just got back from a 7 day trip to Virginia deer hunting on family land. I hunted 10 times while I was there and never shot my gun. worst huntes of my life
As stated by Springmom:

On the other hand, a bad day in the woods beats a good day most anywhere else.

Exactly right! No telephone calls, faxes, bills, endless chattering of the talking heads on the T.V., etc.

Don't give up, Springmom (I almost accidently typed "mom" :D)! You'll get your deer yet. And even if you don't, you'll still get to enjoy the outdoors. Good luck!
I wouldn't say skunked, since this was my first year hunting, and I only got to go out for one day. And we were after elk. :eek: My odds weren't very good to start with.

But that's okay, cuz I learned a whole lot, and I have now been bitten by the bug.

This Christmas is going to be my "hunting" Christmas. Lots of gear under the tree for me :D .

2006 will be the year for me, hunting wise (I hope).

I've been stuck at college in Alberta so i only got back to good old Sask for two days all season. I took a couple of shots but nothing decided to fall over. i saw a white tail that was about six or seven a side and had the biggest rack ive ever seen im sure it woulda been a record of some sort or another i missed him........twice (you cant see it but im sitting here crying).