
Mule deer?

Do they have mule deer in texas, I thought that was whitetail country. Never been there, that's why I'm askin.
sorry springmom

didn't mean to rub it in, i was just so excited...
if it's any consolation, i didn't get anything the past 5 years, too busy to do much hunting...
good luck!!
It just isn't fair! I watched one this evening for a quarter of an hour through my rifle scope but I couldn't tell if it was a doe or a button buck!

I got my first archery deer about four weeks ago (4 point buck), out of a treestand on a mountainside here in Maryland.....been using the same stand location all fall, and see deer every time I go.....

Last Saturday was our first day for rifle season, and the day when BY FAR the highest number of hunters are in the woods and fields.....and would you believe, I sat up in that same stand location for 11 hours, and never saw a single deer? We usually see a lot on opening day, not sure what happened.....oh well, maybe this Saturday. Didn't see a single hunter either, and heard fewer shots than normal....not sure why, it was a brisk clear day, would have thought the weather and the hunters would have them moving past.

Good luck to everyone else still trying to connect,

Yeah, I'd be sorta surprised to see a mule deer around Houston. Unless at a taxidermist's...

Mulies are west of the Pecos River, and on up in the Panhandle.

:), Art
Skunked ? well here in SullivanCo NY because of poor game management it's a disaster !! For example a club of 20 members hunting the first five days of the season got ONE buck !! I had lost my hunting land anyway so I went accross the border to Pike Co PA .The conditions are not good there either though not as bad as NY. No venison for me !!:( :( :( :(
Yeah, I'd be sorta surprised to see a mule deer around Houston. Unless at a taxidermist's...

Mulies are west of the Pecos River, and on up in the Panhandle.

, Art
Yup. I was thinking the same thing.

(H&H, he hunts where there's more mulies than white tails, but there are both at his TX hunting locale-- I've seen 'em [in May and without permission, darn it! ;) ])

So, Art-- you gonna send digipics of those mulies from down there to show SpringMom? (Preferably with yours or Byron's tag on it...)
Matt, we found a place down in Long Draw--not far from where you shot the pigelina--with a scrape and a fair amount of tracks. With the front coming in on (I guess) Sunday, tomorrow evening oughta be "good settin'".

Quail everywhere. Somebody oughta shoot'em; they've been pooping on my front porch, again. Javalulus coming up to the house, fer cryin' out loud!

:), Art
Quail everywhere. Somebody oughta shoot'em; they've been pooping on my front porch, again. Javalulus coming up to the house, fer cryin' out loud!
Well, I don't shoot at porch pets, but I don't suppose they'd be safe from being scared at by my shots if they got 200 yards from the house. Now all I've gotta do is get me 200 yards from your house! :)

But the bitty j-swine are safe from me now, I reckon. I've about had my fill of the knife-turning, smelly tamale-makin' critters. :rolleyes:
I have passed up about 50 deer this week on my property. Saw the big boy just once. Last year I saw him everyday. Problem is he is about 150 yards off my property. Probably take a doe tomorrow for meat in the fridge. Sorry part is my Dad used own all the property near me but I didn't buy enough.
I am in a 2 year drought. I haven't shot a deer since I bought my new rifle. I am beginning to think that the gun is jinxed. But I am sure that it is just me!!!:o
Got Skunked

I've been skunked on muzzle loader season on Plains Mule Deer the last two years couldn't stalk into range without being busted. Or all I've seen were bucks, can't seem to draw that tag and I have 4 Pref points goining on 5. Got a doe though because one of the neighbors had a land owner tag for rifle season and I have better range with the rifle I used over the old Hawken. Got a Cow elk last season and if I ever run out of meat I'll just go to the ranch and butcher me a steer.
This is getting pretty bad. I saw five deer on Saturday and 3 on Sunday. The only one big enough to shoot was exactly between where I was sitting and a neighbor's house. All the rest were what you call Playmate deer, i.e. when they are dressed out the meat will fit into a Playmate ice chest with plenty of room for ice.

I'm convinced. The deer in the Sam Houston National Forest have all beamed up to the mothership and gone to an alternative universe! :mad:

I have spent the last week or so following some good advice given here: reading, studying, looking at topo maps with the hubster, watching the weather channel like it was the only thing on TV, and taking a quick Ph.D. in scent control and stinky-stuff usage. I was so good, I had a bird buzz my ear as he flew by, he was so utterly unaware I might be a threat. I went back to my trail where I shot the buck, set up this morning after it had gotten livable out, was utterly quiet, sat there for seven hours. I got to watch birds, listen to an armadillo on the other side of a big scrub brush from me, listened to at least one young buck scratch his antlers on a tree not too far away, and saw........

NOTHING! NADA. ZIP. ZILCH. Unless you count the birds. At least I saw a couple of species I don't know. But deer? HA!

Tomorrow it rains, so I will be at my art table finishing a couple of icons for clients so I can maybe have a bit of money to actually spend on Christmas. Friday is a possibility, but it is going to be cold enough that there's no point in going up until mid-day. We're talking in the low 20's in the mornng, and yes, Capt. Charlie, for here that is WAYYYYY colder than usual. I think we are going up on Saturday, maybe with a co-worker of the hubster and maybe even Youngest Son. If between the four of us we can't come up with one deer, I'm going to go back to crochet for the rest of the winter :eek: :D :D

Springmom, who wouldn't really do that, I'm too hooked on hunting :D
I have passed up about 50 deer this week on my property.

:eek: Where is this?

Springmom, do you know anyone who will let you hunt their property, known to be well-managed? Because just 10 miles down the road in the same county can often mean the difference between virtually no deer and many, many, many deer. But I feel your pain; been there; done that.
yes and no

I think there are a couple of guys at church that hunt every year, but so far we haven't been invited to join them. The hubster and I are decided that when we can afford it, we're going to get some land up north of here that will eventually be for retirement/family vacations/HUNTING (not in that order!) Being restricted to the public hunting lands, even as much land as SHNF is (well over 100,000 acres in a crazy-quilt arrangement covering parts of 3 counties) is tough. Not that I'm telling anybody here what they don't already know.

Hubster always registers for the Texas draw hunts too. He's gotten to bowhunt in Kerr County WMA twice (missed two years to illness altogether) but getting those is an exercise in patience on a multi-year scale.

The good news is, 100,000+ acres means that there's a WHOLE lot of national forest that we haven't even driven PAST yet, let alone scouted. I'm thinking of driving up to some of the little patches of NF land between I-45 and 59 maybe Friday (when it'll be too cold for ME to be out, I think) and maybe scout a bit if I find some likely looking land. Alternatively, there are some farther-out WMAs, like Robertson County, that might lack the intense hunting pressure of the only WMA near Houston that even allows deer hunting :eek:

Springmom: "NEVER GIVE UP, NEVER SURRENDER" (from "Galaxy Quest", where all the deer went....) :p