

New member
OK, fess up, who else here has been skunked so far this year?

I've been deer hunting 2 weeks now and haven't gotten one. Closest I came to one was when I was out working in the yard Saturday and one ran by. Looked like its tail was on fire it was moving so fast!

But I hope to change that tomorrow. It's supposed to be about 36 degrees up in the Sam Houston National Meatmarket (oh, I mean, Forest) tomorrow morning.

Here, deer deer deer deer deer.....

My Dad

He got drawn for "Antlerless Elk" In an area where we'd had 100% success... until this season.
We saw these fine specimens the day before the season opened. Never saw them again. BUMMER!


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Yup. No moose. No brown bear. No caribou yet. Didn't even get to make use of Tier II caribou and cow moose permits.

If my survival was dependent on my hunting luck this year, I'd be a vegetarian.:o

Gotta nice fox pelt last week though, so I'd at least be a warm vegetarian.:D
not me thankfullytook a nice 11 pointer opening day and a smaller one 3rd day.think i was a lucky one though.from whats been reported so far deer harvest in my area of wv is way down this there.

Yesterday was the first day for us. I walked out of the woods at about 4:30 and it was stil 65 degrees, not the best hunting day. I did see about 30 deer though. 9 button bucks, a half rack, a six point, one "legal" buck (4 points on a side) and the rest doe. I could have easily had several doe but my tag is for a different area. And the six point came along with the shooter and about 8-10 does so by the time I determined he was legal he was gone. But the buck to doe ratio seemed pretty good... Oh well, two more weeks to hunt, I didn't want to kill anything on the first day anyway.;)
I've been skunked as far a shooter bucks. I saw a few pre-season, and I had a 4-point come in on day 2, but he was too young. Rack was not out beyond the ears yet. I did take two does' for the freezer, but all reports say the numbers and the harvest are down. Weather has been terrible tho'. Gusty wind, rain, snow. The deer don't seem to be moving.

Good luck to all
I have been skunked since my first deer when I was 14. Of course I took a 4 year hiatus and only started in time for late season elk. My dad was succesful in getting a blacktail and a roosevelt elk so our freezer is full even with my lack of luck. I could post pictures of both, but the elk antlers are crooked and nubby (spike). The deer is nice though.
Nothing for me yet either :mad:

Had a shot at a nice doe last week, but shot was deflected off a small tree branch. Did recover the slug from the side of the hill, though...
Been in denial since I first saw this thread. But, I'll come clean. I'm not only "shunked", but this is two years in a row. Saw a bunch in regular season but was in a 3pt or better area and all the bucks I saw were either spikes or forked horns. Last year I didn't even see that much.
Next year.
Been a good season for me so far

My best season ever - I got 5 deer so far this season: a Five Pointer, a Four Pointer, A Spike, and two Does (but I lost my first doe, the first deer I ever got with a bow).

And still have a month to go in the NY season!
one word, scrap5000


Still skunkin' here. I think my injured hip is going to need a few days off so I'll let the menfolk go this weekend and stay home. I'm going to ask the orthopedist for another shot of cortisone in the hip, and can't wait to see his face when he wants to know what I've been doing that it is still so sore.... :rolleyes:

Ah well, he gets paid well for putting up with patients who won't stay home and behave themselves, I guess.

Springmom the gimpy :(

I just peered into my magical mystery crystal ball (I bought it in Sedona;) )

I see a gimpy sore hipped women with a dead critter.

I can't tell what type but I think it's mule deer...

In any case it's brown it's dead and it's good to eat.

You'll definatley find one this weekend.

:) :)