Single issue voters...I became one four years about you?

I do demand a government that keeps greedy buisness people in check.

This sounds kind of Marxist to me! Is capitalism a crime?

I demand a protection for the Earth and all of the creatures that cannot battle us when we harm them.

Do you eat turkey on Thanksgiving? Do you eat beef? How about wear a leather jacket, belt, or shoes?

I demand a government that keeps its religion and self imposed morals out of my private life.
Do we allow children to be abused and impregnated by adults? Or allow "honor killings" for those families that feel shamed by their children?
This sounds kind of Marxist to me! Is capitalism a crime?

No! Greed that hinders the liberty and equality of men is though. I do not get into semantics with people such as you.

It is a crime against your fellow man to exploit them for your own greedy gain. It needs to be punishable.

Honest capatilism encourages profit through reasonable competition that benefits the worker. Exploitation is wrong. End of story. Destruction of another man for profit should punishable by death.

Don't like my opinion...Welcome to the U.S.A.

If this were the exploited Peoples Republic of China you have me killed for trying to undermine your money scheme, but it isn't, so too bad.

Do you eat turkey on Thanksgiving? Do you eat beef? How about wear a leather jacket, belt, or shoes?


I also know that man has wrecklessly exploited the planet (living and non-living resources) for instant gratification.

Have youeven given any thought to your children's children's children. I doubt.

The old saying goes as follows..."We do not leave the planet to our children...we borrow it from them." Maybe you should live that way. Quit thinking of yourself all the time.

Some of the most greedy people I have had displeasure to encounter have zero concern for the future generations. Are you one of them? I suspect so.

Do we allow children to be abused and impregnated by adults? Or allow "honor killings" for those families that feel shamed by their children?

We all know the difference between right and wrong. Now define those concepts by culture. You can't. If gets kind of fuzzy. (with the exception of abuse...that is pretty obvious...though there are lots of lib tards who think spanking a child is abuse)

Had you bothered to comprehend what I wrote in my OP...

Liberty is the ability to live your life as you see fit as long as you harm no but yourself.

You do not graduate. Please return to Reading and English Skills 101.
I don't really care whether you find it necessary or not, your claim that black people are voting for Obama because he's black is still unfounded and still a judgment based on skin color, not character.

Well Red, I feel bad since I am siding against a fellow progressive but in point of fact, the overwhelming support that Barack Obama gets from black voters is in fact racially based.

WildthatsunquestionedAlaska ™
Wow, cold_dead_hands...

You have me executing you for undermining my perceived agenda in your reply. You accuse me of thinking of only myself and not thinking about my children's future. And you insult me by calling me illiterate.

That's quite a post considering you know nothing about me.
And you insult me by calling me illiterate

The word illiterate means an inability to read or write...or...according to Webster it also means uneducated.

I said none these things about you. I said you failed to comprehend what you read. Apparently you need to work on your vocabulary as well.

I am sorry for sounding mean and crass, but I am in a bad mood today and my tolerence for my fellow man is low today.

Beyond that I cannot make any more attempts to clarify myself for you. You didn't get it and I doubt that you will in the future.

You have me executing you for undermining my perceived agenda

That is just scary. You are implying that my opinion of how things should be means that I am due to be killed by you.

Are you threatening my life?
Dude, step back from the computer and get a grip! Did you forget your medicine today? Threaten your life? I did no such thing. You wrote:

If this were the exploited Peoples Republic of China you have me killed for trying to undermine your money scheme, but it isn't, so too bad.

What the hell is that supposed to mean? That is what I was pointing out.

You are the one arguing semantics, not me. Maybe you should go to the green room and chill out for a while.
i`ve heard it said in the past by whites and blacks alike. don`t vote for so and so cause thats a vote for the rich white society. is that a racist statement??? in some instances IMHO, no, it was the truth. are some blacks going to vote for Obama cause he`s black, yes( only a fool would think not), is that a racist statement, no, its the truth. that being said, i would suggest to all, out of the so called candidates we are faced with, buy your guns and ammo now while you still can.
Same s*&t, different toilet...

Neither the Repubs nor Dems have given me hope for the last twelve years.

They both sicken me, one is the party of religious nutcases, and the other is the party of moochers. Both have nothing better to do than argue over social and economic issues that should really be non-issues. What kind of government do I want? One that fears its people, one that promotes good economic policy and grants equal rights for ALL people, one that stays out of people's personal lives, one that allows people to truly accelerate building wealth if that's what they go for. So the reason I'm stuck in the middle and forced to choose the lesser of two idiots is because I want all the social freedoms the democrats promote, but I like the fiscal conservatism of the ORIGINAL republicans not what these neo-con inbreds promote. I refuse to acknowledge any rights curbed for free people. Too bad the Constitution is essentially a 200 year old piece of toilet paper to most people these days. :(:(:(

They both sicken me, one is the party of religious nutcases, and the other is the party of moochers.

I suppose I'd rather be lumped in with the republican religious nut cases than the democrat moochers and let's not forget the it's my right to do anything I want libertarians;)
At least with libertarians, it's also suffer the consequences for exercising your right to do anything you want.

just to get the facts straight:no one NOW remembers the Irish or the Italians,
or Germans or Indians.
I remember "dog and sailors keep off" signs,in Norfolk virginia.that made me happy, not. the Irish became cops and the Italians polititions and the jews money lenders,because that was all they could find for the north the blacks were not hated,course there were not many but the ones that excaped to the north made out.only after Kennedy imported them from the south did problems arise.and who commit the most crime.they just arrested 2 blacks for driving up and shooting a woman in the back killing her.:rolleyes:
I'm not a single issue voter, but gun rights are the most important issue to me. Other civil liberties come close in importance. I also don't like the way US foreign policy is completely dictated by Israeli loyalists, but that's another thread.

Because of the above, I refuse to vote for a Democrat or a Republican ever again. For example, obviously the Democrats aren't pro-gun, but neither are the Republicans. If they were, then they'd abolish the BATF for starters.

I'm not going to vote for McCain just to keep Obama out of office. The reason is that if Democrats take power and ban guns, and if American gun owners don't resist, then America deserves to be disarmed just as Britain was. Cowards don't deserve weapons; they deserve enslavement. It's only proper that people who have been disarmed of their will to resist tyranny to be likewise disarmed of their physical ability to resist tyranny, meaning their guns.

My view of (most) American gun owners has really soured in recent years. There is too much respect for the "laws" that serve no purpose other than to keep Americans in a state of subjection (here I'm primarily referring to gun control laws, of course). People love life more than they love their own dignity as free men. Thus, I think disarmament is inevitable. "Conservative" gun owners will continue to cower like whipped curs before the BATF while reassuring themselves that America is "free" because "the military fights for our freedom." I'm sure they'll still be saying the same thing as the National Guard is kicking down their doors to take their weapons, just like after Katrina.

I once heard the perfect analogy for (most) American gun owners. When a horse is untamed, it takes several strong men to control it with ropes and harnesses. But once it's been broken, even a little girl can lead it around by a single piece of string. This is what it's come to. Americans are tremendously well-armed, and many possess formidable skill with their rifles. But what good is that when those same Americans are ever eager to obey every single command of their masters? Pathetic!