Single issue voters...I became one four years about you?

I would vote for a puppy-killing, football hating, incestuous Martian if I thought he would preserve and protect the Constitution from all enemies, both foreign and domestic.

So would you vote for an avowed rascist or neonazi becasue he offerd to protect your guns?:cool:

WildeatingalovelycurryAlaska TM
It depends on if he kills puppies and hates football:eek:

Edited to add: We've already got a racist sympathizer and a socialist running, so you might as well invite whatever neo you have in mind to run and round out the "choices".:rolleyes:
I certainly don't vote for a candidate just for what he/she says. I look at their records. If they have a good conservative record, then I consider voting for them. If their record is not conservative, I don't vote for them, regardless of what party they are in.

The most important issues to me are

* Does the candidate support the constitution?
* Specifically, the 2nd amendment
* Specifically, the 4th amendment
* Is the candidate for smaller government

.... and lastly, is the candidate full of ****.... can he/she be trusted? That is the most difficult one because often we don't find out until after the election. This happened with Bush IMO where he said one thing during the election and then governed differently.
I agree, considering either race or sex an issue is stupid

I don't speak about race because it doesn't cross my mind very often as to the importance of a person's skin color.... but, I am disturbed to learn that 90% of black voters are voting for Obama. This would indicate that they are voting for him because he is black. If I said that I was voting for a candidate because they were "white", I would be labled a racist. So, this statistic bothers me.

The last thing I want is government bureaucrats trying to interfere with the world's greatest economic engine.

Sadly, that describes China, not the US economy.

News Flash: Government bureaucrats interfere with the economic engine everyday, and the engine continues to outperform itself each year.

Until the next market correction, of course. What is a market correction? Something that corrects what the meddlers have broken.
This would indicate that they are voting for him because he is black.
Or that his message and the things he believes in match up with the perceptions of the majority of the black community. And there's nothing wrong with that.

I wonder, what percentage of McCain voters are white....hmm.

Oh and are you sure it's 90%?
Or that his message and the things he believes in match up with the perceptions of the majority of the black community.

If 90% of whites vote for Hillary, would you say.... her message and the things she believes in match up with the perceptions of the majority of the white community?

I doubt it seriously. Let's be honest here and stop pretending that the obvious is not obvious.
If 90% of whites vote for Hillary, would you say.... her message and the things she believes in match up with the perceptions of the majority of the white community?
:confused: Yes. Of course. Read what you asked.
I doubt it seriously. Let's be honest here and stop pretending that the obvious is not obvious.
Ah so because you see a racial issue it must be "obvious". Maybe what's obvious isn't actually true. But nono, it's far too much trouble to think of more complex issues and realize that the black experience in America is different than the white experience.
redworm, you can be an apologist all you want. It want change the fact that 90% of any race voting for a person of their race seems racist. When has any candidate gotten 90% of the vote from a demographic before? Oh yeah, I think Saddam Hussein got over 90% of the vote back in 2002.

The "black experience"??? I had no idea that having a particular skin color was an "experience". I guess that's because I don't see things based on race until someone throws it in my face.
Sadly it is China, thanx (no thanx) to so called Americans who set them up. supply and demand, china's economy w/ india's driving fuel costs. gotta run
redworm, you can be an apologist all you want.
thanks, I was looking forward to your permission
It want change the fact that 90% of any race voting for a person of their race seems racist.
To you. To some others. But not to everyone. Not everyone automatically sees it as a racial issue. Why don't you actually talk to some black voters who support Obama and find out why they're voting for him before acting as if a two-second conclusion has merit.
When has any candidate gotten 90% of the vote from a demographic before? Oh yeah, I think Saddam Hussein got over 90% of the vote back in 2002.
Was this a serious comparison?

Is your statistic accurate? Exactly how do you draw your conclusion? Just because they're black and he's black? Is that all you have to go on or do you think that's more than enough?

The "black experience"??? I had no idea that having a particular skin color was an "experience". I guess that's because I don't see things based on race until someone throws it in my face.
No, it's because you've never been discriminated against because of your skin color. It's because your ancestors didn't experience over two hundreds years of slavery on this continent, because your parents and grandparents and great grandparents didn't experience legalized segregation in this country. It's because you've never actually had to face racism stemming from an entire establishment, not just individuals and groups. You don't have to deal with such issues that have entrenched racism into the culture for generations.

Being a visible minority in this country is a different experience than for the white male.
It want change the fact that 90% of any race voting for a person of their race seems racist.
To you. To some others. But not to everyone. Not everyone automatically sees it as a racial issue.

Like who... the ones who vote for another based on race? :confused:

I began this by saying the fact that 90% of blacks are voting for Obama. That disturbs me. It should disturb anyone. If it doesn't disturb you redworm, then fine... go with that. Just be fair when you hear something coming from white america that sounds racist to you.... stop, think about iti and then learn to understand that it may not seem racial to everyone. :rolleyes:

No, it's because you've never been discriminated against because of your skin color.

As a matter of fact, I have been discriminated against because I am white many times in my life. I have even been beaten while the assailants called me a white mf, a honkey and a cracker. Racism is not something that comes only from whites, sir.
I began this by saying the fact that 90% of blacks are voting for Obama.
some verification would be nice :p

It should disturb anyone.
Not necessarily. There's no need for it to disturb those that don't make an assumption based purely on one piece of information.
Just be fair when you hear something coming from white america that sounds racist to you.... stop, think about iti and then learn to understand that it may not seem racial to everyone.
Oh I do. Which is why when most of McCain's voters are white I don't immediately think "oh, they're voting for him because he's white!"

As a matter of fact, I have been discriminated against because I am white many times in my life. I have even been beaten while the assailants called me a white mf, a honkey and a cracker. Racism is not something that comes only from whites, sir.
Excuse me, I forgot to add the clarification to that sentence that I did to the others. You haven't been discriminated against because of your skin color by an entire culture, legal system and economic structure.
I began this by saying the fact that 90% of blacks are voting for Obama.
some verification would be nice

Here ya go....

According to exit polls, a third of North Carolina voters were black — and with the support of more than nine in 10 black voters, Barack Obama was able to overcome Hillary Rodham Clinton’s white support and win the Tar Heel State.

Excuse me, I forgot to add the clarification to that sentence that I did to the others. You haven't been discriminated against because of your skin color by an entire culture, legal system and economic structure.

I see. So having my jaw broken by three young black men who attacked me outside of my place of employment simply because I was white does not mean I have been discriminated against? Okay. So, basically, you will clarify and clarify until you make your point clear that whites and blacks are different. I understand you perfectly now. Thanks... and I feel sorry for you.

Look redworm, you see things as you want to see them. Good luck with that. As for me, I try to judge people by the content of their character, and not the color of their skin. Someone else suggested that.... do you know who that was?
In one state.
I see. So having my jaw broken by three young black men who attacked me outside of my place of employment simply because I was white does not mean I have been discriminated against?

You haven't been discriminated against by an entire nation, by an entire culture, by an entrenched class structure.

With much of the country still under the control of baby boomers who grew up with segregation, who knew it as appropriate and who had parents that had even stronger racial divides it's no surprise that many blacks feel the entire system is discriminating against them, that history has set a status quo so deep into the culture that the white privilege is ignored by most of the people that enjoy it.
So, basically, you will clarify and clarify until you make your point clear that whites and blacks are different.
The people are the same but experiences of black americans and white americans are often vastly different.
Thanks... and I feel sorry for you.
Feeling's mutual. :D
As for me, I try to judge people by the content of their character, and not the color of their skin. Someone else suggested that.... do you know who that was?
Really? So claiming that all those blacks are voting for Obama because he's black is judging based on the content of their character?

Don't throw out quotes like it's going to absolve you of anything. Lame tactic, dude. Lame.
You haven't been discriminated against by an entire nation, by an entire culture, by an entrenched class structure.

Haven't I? Haven't many of us had this happen to us because of our skin color?

If we as individuals choose to differentiate ourselves because of our skin color, then our society will always have an element of discrimination built into it that will affect everyone of all races. You cannot legislate fairness in a society. It must come through self realization first and foremost. In other words, I cannot change you, but I can change me.

Don't throw out quotes like it's going to absolve you of anything. Lame tactic, dude. Lame

I'm sorry if the words of a great man seem lame to you. They do not seem lame to me, and my quoting him is not lame in the least.
Haven't I? Haven't many of us had this happen to us because of our skin color?
No, you haven't. By individuals, yes, but not by the entire culture, not by history and not by government-sponsored segregation.
If we as individuals choose to differentiate ourselves because of our skin color, then our society will always have an element of discrimination built into it that will affect everyone of all races.
We don't choose to differentiate ourselves in such a manner, it's human nature. Pretending that racism doesn't exist doesn't make it go away and it certainly doesn't help those who are most often the victims of it. Hint: it's not the majority.
You cannot legislate fairness in a society.
The Civil Rights Act did just that. It wasn't perfect but it slapped many racists across the face and made much of the population realize how wrong it had been for generations.
It must come through self realization first and foremost. In other words, I cannot change you, but I can change me.
The dialectic must come from both ends. Self-realization alone doesn't fly if parents are allowed to teach their children to be bigots.
I'm sorry if the words of a great man seem lame to you. They do not seem lame to me, and my quoting him is not lame in the least.

Obviously I was talking about your use of them to justify your opinion when they're in direct contrast to the very thing that started this argument; namely, your believe that black people are voting for Obama because he's black.

You're judging based on skin color, not character. To use that quote is hypocritical at best.
The Civil Rights Act did just that. It wasn't perfect but it slapped many races across the face

I understand your motivation now. Further dialogue with you about this issue is unnecessary.

that was supposed to be "slapped many racists"

Naturally it only negatively affected one race - y'know, the one that had been the privileged class for so long - so that comment wouldn't make any sense as "many races".

I don't really care whether you find it necessary or not, your claim that black people are voting for Obama because he's black is still unfounded and still a judgment based on skin color, not character.