sig 365 to purchase


New member
gonna cave in this week i think , and order me a 365 . have waited for sig to sort out the reoccurring problems . the talk of excessive firing pin drag seems to be the most frequently complained about downer along with some broken trigger springs .
gee whiz ! one would think they could eliminate these things by now !
gonna give one a try .... have held off till now but my hankeren for the gun has me in a corner .;)
anyone else acquired the 365 as of recently , say the last 3 months & how has the gun preformed ?? !
Buy, shoot, and enjoy. It’s a great pistol, and Sig will take care of you if there is an issue.

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Mine has been flawless so far with handloads and factory ammo; the 12 round mag just fills my hand perfectly; even the Mrs likes the feel of it so far over "her" G26.......
Both of mine (march & June) are perfect and get carried daily. The March gun has over 4500 rounds fired.
The Primer swipe is a BS argument and in mo way affects the guns performance. All my all semi's have the same mark so Sig does not stand out alone in this area.
I've had my P365 since late September and though I still have a little under 1k rounds through it, mostly reloads, it has yet to experience a bobble.

I've never been so pleased with a micro auto for carry as I am with the P365.
good to know shooters like the 365

as soon as i get in touch with my ffl guy i am ordering one .

the military arms channel , on you tube , shows primer drag on several guns compared with the 365 . it DOES look as tho the 365 shell cases have a more pronounced mark compared with other sub compact pistols . if this effects excessive wear on other parts that are contacted , i am not sure ,

also this military arms tester had bought 2 365's thru gun stores & both of them broke . it appears to be an honest evaluation . but it does bring up some major concerns . of course he is not the only one coming forth with 365 problems.

foolish me is going to try one...... adventurous as it may be. the main reason to go ahead & purchase one was stated here ..... i too believe sig is a reputable company & would stand behind their products .
should have the gun in a few days & i will report back .
also this military arms tester had bought 2 365's thru gun stores & both of them broke

If I'm not mistaken, the first generation of strikers on the P365 did have issues, but Sig redesigned the striker to mitigate the problem.

Since the "upgrade", there have been a good number of people who have respectable round counts through their P365s with nary an issue.
Two 365s at our house. One is late Sept. and the other 1st of Oct. Over 1500 rounds through my Oct. build, and it's been flawless. One item that stands out, is it's amazing accuracy for a short barreled semi. Hits the target at 25 yrds. like my 45 S&W Shield, which always did better than my 9mm Shield. My wife, is still getting use to her 365. She's use to that Glock grip angle, which I never could stand.
it will soon be ordered ..

got a little behind with other things but am going to try to have it ordered by end of next week .

does anyone use the sig ammo in their 365 ? i know sig makes some v crown & practice ammo also that they label for the 365 . it is a lil pricey & wonder if anyone uses it with their 365 ?
Besides my 124 gr reloads, I have run a wide variety of 115 and 124, from cheap $8/50 to the $1/ea stuff; all have been flawless and as accurate as my old eyes will allow.
I just bought my October p365 last week. I wanted something similar to my Kahr K9 but lighter and more capacity.

Salesman suggested a Walther but it was just as heavy as the K9 so I took a 'leap of faith' and got the Sig. I am thoroughly impressed so far, about 400 rounds in. Zero jams, hits where I aim at 10 yards, more than enough for me. I did get the optional 12 round mag and frankly I'd like to see it included with the gun instead of the 'pinky' mag they include. I shoot it just fine with the flush fit despite my little finger riding underneath.

Trigger feels decent, nothing to brag about. Reset is super short though which is nice. I like the included night sights.

The factory stippling is aggressive, great for holding on to but feels like sandpaper when carrying IWB. I'm not thrilled with the mag release as it curves forward in a conforming way, so a bit difficult to release. Not sure why they did that.

As for ammo, I have put my 124gr LRN powdercoated through it along with some hotter defensive ammo, doesn't miss a beat. I'm impressed.

Overall, very glad I got it. Hard to beat a 12+1 gun the size of a Shield.
I have been hesitant to jump on the Sig P365 bandwagon due to the issues the gun had when it was rolled out. Also, I was perfectly happy with my Ruger LC9S Pro with flat baseplate and a maguts spring kit, for a super compact 8+1 pistol. That being said, the Ruger had to go back to the factory because the front sight almost fell out of its dovetail during an extended range session back in November, so I was without my normal cold weather edc.

Killing some time while my wife shopped at a local mall, I aimlessly wandered my local Cabela. I had a coupon plus a bunch of Cabela bucks so I ended up talking myself into a new P365 two days ago. Cabelas price matched Gander Mountain so when the dust settled I was the proud owner of the P365 for $409 otd. Once I get it to the range I will post a short write up.
took my new gun to the range last friday.
mixed fmc of 2 different brands, american gunner hp, & +p+ stuff . fired 8 mags thru the new gun . chewed up everything with no problem ! will take to the indoor range this next few days . my impression is very good of the gun so far . did have a problem stuffing the mags completely full , even even with a mag loader . that only a minor complaint . the gun is very shootable , trigger is decent & recoil is controllable .
i like the gun ! more used to my glock 43 but this new sig is right there ... a keeper !
Try it out at the range first and make sure it fits you. I brought one recently and love it with the 12 rnd extended magazines because I have big hands and it recoils a lot for a 9mm. Comes with Great Sights and an awesome trigger stock so no upgrades needed. It’s very accurate if I do my job out to 30-40 yards and would highly recommend if it fits your hands.
Bought one right after Christmas, born on date December 17.
Ran approx 4-5 hundred rounds through it, some steel case stuff too.

No issues so far, like the size, I think it’s very controllable but I’m use to small handguns with recoil. Like the trigger too.

Night sights are great, everyone That shot it really liked it. I did add talon rubber grips, the factory grip is nice but rough inside the waistband.

Now I need a 12 round mag!!
Just got mine yesterday.
