Sick of Ca Bashing!

After reading the post by Ivan8883, I could help but notice a little Texas bashing. My guess is that it stems from a little California bashing I did on another thread. Ivan, my man, you are right we do have some very sleazy politics and politicians. For that I am ashamed. (My head is hung down) The crap that I am seeing Austin makes me what to puke, cameras every mile on 183, listening devices in east Austin, road blocks to check to see that motorist are warring their seatbelts. I ask myself why here? Ivan you made it very clear to me. If the people of Texas will put up with this garbage, You can sell it almost anywhere. Texans have a fierce loyalty to their state. In Texas you are Texan first and foremost. After that you can be anything that you want, American, hyphenated-American, a total dipstick, it does not matter. You are still a Texan first. And that my friends is why they must start here. Little do they know. They may be testing the NWO here in Texas. It will not start here! But, it could end here. So, if the time comes, and I pray that it does not, that we must go toe-too-toe with big brother, I glad to be in Texas and proud to be a Texan.


You betcha! We had a meet as well and it was all I could do to keep from hurling. The State thinks all us farmers and ranchers are half-wits. I sit atop of a huge aquifer and the State wants to "preserve" it. For what? The water is worthless until its pumped out.
Our meeting turned into something like yours :)
So now they gotta crank up the propaganda machine and convince the cities us rural folk are somehow screwing them. There will be no meter on my well.

State Ag is trying to push thru crop acreage permits...I'd have to pay by the acre for any crop I produce, yearly. Yeah...I'll pay alright (racking my 870 ;))

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Took a driving vacation last October with the wife and a close friend. No set time schedule...we're all early retired. None of us had seen the Pacific Coast, all being life residents of Indiana,so we took only the scenic super highways or big cities. We were all awe-struck by the beauty of Mt.Rushmore, Crazy Horse,Glacier Park, Mt.St.Helens,Yellow Stone & the Rocky & Cascade mountain ranges. We waded in the Pacific at Long Island Washington.
Well, somebody suggested a visit to the Redwood Forrests. Hmmmm, isn't that in California? Discovering it was, we turned East, never to enter the Peoples Republik Of Kalifornia.
Never knew there were so many other people with the same feelings about this twisted, lost in their own world state.

Ralph in In.
Had you driven south into the northwest part of Ca you would probably have felt at home. It's as common to see rifles in pickups there as in any other part of the country I have traveled through. (and I have traveled through most all the lower 49). In fact, if you go just about any where in Ca out of the SF bay area or LA basin (San Diego too?) you will find conservative, gun loving people. Unfortunately we are out numbered by all the liberals that have MOVED HERE FROM SOMEPLACE ELSE :)
I must say you did yourself a diservice by not seeing the redwoods its one of the most awsome places Ive ever seen. But other than that steer clear of CA. Its not the place its the people!

"We should definitely get you out this month." - Bushmaster Customer Service 06/04/99

I still have not recieved my order!
Well, not to change the subject (although it does appear our 'California catharsis' has run its course), but this 'well' conversation is a bit interesting - even from a firearms perspective.

That rancher's comments in Texas are classic. Yes, thank God for older folks that have the freedom and wisdom of maturity.

Now, I'm not an expert on wells, but in Arizona you have to get a permit and register any well you own or dig. I suspect that is the same situation in Texas and California, right?

And, so now our governmental 'friends' know about all of the wells, correct? Now that they know about all of the wells, their locations, gallonage, owners, etc., now they've got a little more power. They can crunch numbers to determine how much they'll 'earn' with various taxes. They have landowners they can threaten with liens - those wells are tough to move, ya know. If they didn't know about all of those wells, they'd have a much, much tougher time of this, wouldn't they?

But, of course, this has nothing to do with firearms, does it? ;)

Regards from AZ.

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited July 06, 1999).]
Didn't ya hear me rack the 870? ;)

Yeah, ya need a permit to drill a well, and my understanding is that it is illegal (without permit) to kill a well...capping it is fine, but not destroying it. Interesting considering that no State, county or other funds other than your wallet paid to drill it.
Like that would stop me anyway. ;) I had to replace my pump and liquid end last month....I saw no State funds helping me pay...Capishe?

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Here is an example of California for you (the land of %5 lawyers).
In the club I work at, we have certain shows scheduled from time to time that attract "punker" type kids. These kids come in and smoke weed, drop acid, but more often "X" and GHB or some of the others with tweek. Well, as the club security, we catch them and kick them out, often taking the drugs away if they are seen. We do not touch them, we do not search them, we just take drugs if we see them being used and escort the people out, usually with no physical contact. These kids called the cops in us! The club is being sued and the authorities have told us that we are "harassing" the patrons by taking their drugs and kicking them out. These people are doing drugs in our business! They are crimnals! Do they get in trouble? No. They fearlessly call the cops, tell them that they were doing drugs but that we were not nice about it, and the law is forced to side with them. A few people just about lost their jobs over this. From now on, if we see people doing drugs in our club, we are to notify the authorities and ignore them. Those are the kinds of laws we have in Califonia, the kind that not only do not punish criminals, but protect them. Thanks for letting me vent.
Catch 22. If an ambitious DA or Fed wants to, they could invoke RICO and seize the club for "promoting" criminal activity".

If I owned the club I'd have you security boys continue and if sued or harrassed by the cops, make such a public stink!
But yep, thats Cali for ya.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"